uk/ɪɡˈzɑːm.pəl/us/ɪɡˈzæm.pəl/examplenoun[C](TYPICAL CASE)
something that istypicalof thegroupof things that it is amemberof:
典型;范例;实例Could you give me an exampleoftheimprovementsyou havementioned?你能不能举个例子说明一下你刚才提到的那些进展情况?
Thispaintingis amarvellousexampleofherwork.这幅画是她非常出色的代表作。
See also
a way ofhelpingsomeone tounderstandsomething byshowingthem how it is used:
例子;例证Study the examples first of all, thenattempttheexerciseson the nextpage.首先仔细研究一下例题,然后试着做下一页的习题。
for example
used when giving an example of thetypeof thing youmean:
例如;举例来说Offices caneasilybecomemoreenvironmentallyfriendlyby, for example, usingrecycledpaper.
- Thischurchis aperfectexample ofmedievalarchitecture.
- 'She', 'it', and 'who' are all examples ofpronouns.
- An early example ofprivatizationwas theenclosureofpubliclandforprivateuse bywealthylandlords.
- He's aclassicexample of akidwho'scleverbutlazy.
- Sweden is oftenheldup as an example of asuccessfulsocialdemocracy.
Samples and examples
- advertisement
- aliquot
- archetype
- benchmark
- benchmarking
- classic
- core
- cross-section
- flavour
- for instanceidiom
- forerunner
- illustration
- instance
- quintessence
- role model
- sample
- showpiece
- sort
- swatch
- taste
apersonor a way ofbehavingthat isconsideredsuitableto becopied:
楷模;榜样;典范He's a very good exampletotherestof theclass.他是班上其他同学的好榜样。
He'sdecidedtofollowthe example of hisfatherandstudylaw.他决定效法其父,学习法律。
- MotherTeresa'sgoodnessis an example to us all.
- She was aninspiringexample to herfollowers.
- Seniorpupilsareexpectedto set an example to theyoungerchildren.
- Mary always gets on with herhomeworkaftertea- why don't youfollowher example?
- Whatkindof an example are theplayerssetting totheirfans, with thiskindofviolentandoffensivebehaviour?
Behaving, interacting and behaviour
- as ye sow, so shall ye reapidiom
- atavism
- attachment disorder
- attitude
- behave
- carry
- conduct
- dyadic
- humanization
- humanize
- interaction
- ism
- make niceidiom
- operant
- phase
- presence
- provincialism
- sow
- treat
- treatment
apunishmentthat isintendedtowarnothersagainst doing the thing that is beingpunished, or apersonwhoreceivessuch apunishment:
警诫,警告;受罚者Thejudgemade anexampleofhim and gave him themaximumpossiblesentence.为了以儆效尤,法官在法律许可的范围内对他作出了最重的量刑。
Punishing & punishments
- ankle bracelet
- ankle tag
- attach
- attachment
- bar
- be brought/called to accountidiom
- bring
- discipline
- flaysomeonealiveidiom
- get what's coming toyouidiom
- grounded
- hair shirt
- hang
- spare
- spare the rod and spoil the childidiom
- spot fine
- stringsomeoneup
- swing
- swing for itidiom
- tagging
set an example