uk/ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/us/ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/exchangenoun(GIVING AND GETTING)
theactof giving something to someone and them giving you somethingelse:
交换;互换;交流an exchange ofideas/information思想/信息交流
They were givenfoodandshelterinexchangeforwork.他们为人工作以换取食宿。
Sheproposesan exchange ofcontractsat two o'clock.她提议两点钟办理房屋产权过户手续。
Severalpeoplewerekilledduring the exchange ofgunfire.交火中数人丧生。
- In exchange for thehostages, theterroristsdemandedsafe-conduct out of thecountry.
- Thevirusiscontractedthrough exchange ofbodilyfluids.
- I mightofferthem myoldcamerainpartexchange for a new one.
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- behalf
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
(短暂的)交谈,对话;争吵There was abriefexchange between the twoleaders.两位领导人进行了简短的交谈。
- We had afriendlyexchange ofviews.
Informal talking & conversation
- badinage
- banter
- bantering
- bants
- bloviate
- bull session
- buzz
- catch
- catch up withsomeone
- chinwag
- chit-chat
- discourse
- gas
- heart-to-heart
- intercourse
- pass
- ultra-casual
- understand
- vox pop
- word-of-mouth
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Arguments & disagreements
anarrangementin whichstudentsfrom onecountrygo tostaywithstudentsfrom anothercountry:
(不同国家学校间的)交换生项目Are you going on theFrenchexchange thisyear?你要参加今年的法国交换生项目吗?
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- behalf
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
exchangenoun(STOCK EXCHANGE)
[Cusually singular]
to give something to someone andreceivesomething from thatperson:
交换;互换;交流It'straditionalfor the twoteamsto exchangeshirtsafter thegame.比赛后两队队员交换球衣,这是传统。
Everymonththegroupmeetssoitsmemberscan exchangetheirviews/opinions(= have adiscussion).小组每个月都开一次会,这样成员之间就可以互相交流看法/观点。
We exchangedgreetingsbefore themeeting.会前我们相致致意。
We can exchangeaddresseswhen weseeeach other.我们见面的时候可以互相留下对方的地址。
Exchanginghouses(= going tolivein someone else'shousewhile theylivein yours)for a fewweeksis a good way of having aholiday.与他人易家而居几周不失为一个度假的好方法。
to take something back to ashopwhere it wasboughtand get somethingelseinstead:
(因为购买的商品不合适而去商店)换货If you don't like thegift, you can exchange it.你要是不喜欢这件礼物,可以去换。
I exchanged thosetrousersforalargersize.我换了条稍大的裤子。
- Do youwantto exchange thistoasterfor another (one) or do youwantyourmoneyback?
- We always exchangehugsandkisseswhen wemeet.
- Achequethat is notnegotiablecannot be exchanged forcashand must bepaidinto abankaccount.
- Theybrisklyexchangedgreetingsbeforestartingthesession.
- Hetalkedabout thehumiliationof exchanging hisclothesfor theprisonuniform.
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- behalf
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
exchange words