uk/ˌek.spɪˈreɪ.ʃən/us/ˌek.spəˈreɪ.ʃən/expirationnoun[U or C](END)
thesituationin which something thatlastsfor afixedlengthoftimecomes to an end orstopsbeing in use:
the expiration of alease/visa
What is the expirationdateofyourcreditcard?(= What is the lastdateon which it can be used?)
- He wasfiredbefore the expiration of hiscontract.
- Ourautomatedauto-renewalsystemwillnotifyyou whenyourdomainnameisnearingexpiration.
- Heclaimedthat hisexpectationofprivacyshould havecontinuedbeyond the expiration of therentalperiod.
- Thepharmaceuticalcompanyfacesawaveofpatentexpirations onitsbestsellingdrugs.
Ends and endings
- a screeching haltidiom
- accomplishment
- break
- breaksomethingup
- cessation
- completion
- conclusion
- culmination
- death
- end
- ending
- expiry
- fag
- finalization
- finish
- finitude
- showstopper
- swansong
- the fag end ofsomethingidiom
- the tail end
expirationnoun[U or C](BREATHING)
Duringnormalbreathing, expiration ispassiveand nomusclesarecontracted.
Breathintakeand expiration weremostlyactiveonly in theupperhalfof herchest.
- Asthma ischaracterizedbyrecurringepisodesofdifficultbreathingandwheezingon expiration andinspiration.
- The stridor is usuallyheardwhen theinfantbreathesin (inspiration), but can also beheardwhen theinfantbreaths out (expiration).
- Heextinguishedthecandleby asharpexpiration ofbreathonitsflame.
- Thepatientperformsone or twoforcedexpirations (huffs) from mid tolowlungvolume.
Animal physiology: breathing & stopping breathing
- aerobic
- aerobic respiration
- anaerobic respiration
- asphyxia
- asphyxiation
- breathable
- breathlessly
- draw breathphrase
- exhale
- heave
- puff
- puffed (out)
- shallow
- sigh
- sleep apnoea
- smother
- snuffle
- strangulate
- suffocation
- throttle