(数字)1He had twoslicesand I only had one.他有两片,而我只有一片。
She'll be oneyearoldtomorrow.明天她就一周岁了。
- Troublebrokeout in thematchwhen one of theplayerscalled amemberof the otherteamacheat.
- They've got twoadoptedchildrenand one oftheirown.
- He is one of thetopchefsinBritain.
- When oneenginestopped, we had toturnround andflyhome.
- Would yourunyourideaby me one moretime?
- Fourparcelscame thismorning, but only one was forMark.
- Paint oneside,leaveit todry, and thenpaintthe other.
- He can'ttellonewinefrom another, so don't give him any of theexpensivestuff.
Numbers: cardinal, including nought & zero
- A, a
- B, b
- bi
- cipher
- deca-
- fifteen
- forty
- googol
- milliard
- multi-trillion
- nineteen
- ninety
- seventy
- six
- sixty
- ten
- thirty
- twelve
- unit
- zero
one of
amemberof agroupofpeopleor things:
(一群人或事物)中的一个,之一One oftheirdaughtershas just had ababy.他们的一个女儿刚生了孩子。
EMI is one of the world'slargestrecordcompanies.EMI公司是世界最大的唱片公司之一。
Finding acureforcanceris one of thebiggestchallengesfacingmedicalresearchers.寻找治疗癌症的方法是医学研究者面临的最大挑战之一。
Ourorganizationis just one ofmanycharitiesthat areprovidingfaminereliefin theregion.我们的组织只是给这个地区提供饥荒救济的众多慈善组织中的一个。
Groups of people
- alliance
- an
- anti-gang
- assemblage
- babyboomer
- bunch
- flashmob
- flock
- focus group
- foursome
- fraternity
- mafia
- sandwich generation
- silent majority
- sisterhood
- special interest group
- splinter group
- squad
- suspect
- syndicate
onenumber,determiner(FUTURE TIME)
used to refer to atimein thefuturethat is notyetdecided:
(用于指将来某个未确定的时间)某一Why don't wemeetforlunchonedaynextweek?我们何不在下周的某一天一起吃顿午饭?
I'd like to goskiingoneChristmas.我想在某个圣诞节去滑雪。
- You're going to get intoserioustroubleone of thesedays.
- Let's go to thecinemaonenightnextweek.
- One of thesedayswe're going tomoveto France.
- Come andvisitoneweekend.
- Onedaywe'll beabletoaffordacarlike that.
Describing when something happened or will happen
- at
- at short noticeidiom
- be
- by
- coincident
- for
- hundred
- immediately
- in
- line
- movable feast
- notice
- on
- somewhere along the lineidiom
- space
- time
- timestamp
- within
- zero hour
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
In the future & soon
onenumber,determiner(PARTICULAR OCCASION)
used to refer to aparticularoccasionwhileavoidingstatingtheexactmoment:
He wasattackedas he waswalkinghomefromworklate oneafternoon.一天傍晚,他在下班回家的路上遭到了袭击。
Onemomenthe says helovesme, the nextmomenthe'saskingfor adivorce.他一会儿说爱我,一会儿又要离婚。
She neverseemstoknowwhat she's doing from oneminuteto the next.她似乎从不清楚每时每刻自己在干什么。
- At onepointSeegerfellafoulof the USgovernmentfor his antiwaractions.
- Hemanagedto eke out alivingonesummerbysellingdrinkson abeach.
- TheymetinParisoneenchantedafternoonin earlyautumn.
- Isuspectedhe wasn'ttellingme thetruth, and onedayIcaughthim out when Ifoundsomelettershe'd written.
- Wemetonedaylastyearwhen we gottalkingin abar.
Points in time
- anytime
- as
- as and whenidiom
- downstream
- during
- hour
- if
- if and whenidiom
- juncture
- last
- later
- midstream
- midway
- moment
- posterior
- the last minuteidiom
- time
- time slot
- under the wireidiom
asinglething; not two or more:
单独一个;一个Eat them oneat atime(=separately).一次吃一个。
Ithinkwe shouldpaintthebedroomallone(= in asingle)colour.我觉得我们应该把卧室刷成一种颜色。
UKDo youthinkfive of us willmanagetosqueezeintotheonecar?你觉得我们5个人能够挤进一辆车里吗?
(all) in one
combinedin asinglepersonorobject:
集于一体,合为一体;兼具With thismodelyou get aradio, CDplayer, andMP3dockall in one.这种型号的产品将收音机、CD播放机和MP3播放器接口集于一体。
- With oneblowof the knight'saxe, heclovetherockintwain.
- Only onecompetitormade aclearjumpof thehighestfence.
- Don'tletone littlequarrelcome between you.
- I took onelookat her andcrackedup.
- Thecanteenis the one thing I'llmissaboutwork.
Numbers: single, double & multiple
- alone
- bilateral
- bilaterally
- bipartite
- bipolar
- deka-
- double-action
- dual
- dualism
- himself
- lone
- multiple
- plural
- purely
- solitary
- trilateral
- trilaterally
- tripartite
- unilaterally
- unit
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Groups and collections of things
used when saying there is no otherpersonor thing:
唯一的一个He'stheonepersonyou can rely on in anemergency.在紧急情况下他是你唯一可以依靠的人。
This may beyouroneand only(= onlyever)opportunitytomeether.这可能是你见到她的唯一机会。
Myfinalgueston tonight's showneedsnointroduction. Pleasewelcometheoneand onlyMichael Jordan!我们今晚节目的最后一位嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的迈克尔‧乔丹!
having no others like this one
- onlyShe's the only one who can do it.
- oneHe's the one person you can rely on in a situation like this.
- singleYou haven't listened to a single thing I've said!
- lonePolice were looking for a lone gunman.
- soleHe was the sole survivor of the plane crash.
- The one thing that'scertainis thatpriceswill go up.
- He was the onepersontocompletethetestwith nomistakes.
- She's the onepersonI cantrustaround here.
- It is the one thing Iregretabout mytimeat thecompany.
- The one thing he's notpreparedtocompromiseis his family'ssafety.
Numbers: single, double & multiple
- alone
- bilateral
- bilaterally
- bipartite
- bipolar
- deka-
- double-action
- dual
- dualism
- himself
- lone
- multiple
- plural
- purely
- solitary
- trilateral
- trilaterally
- tripartite
- unilaterally
- unit
onenumber,determiner(UNKNOWN PERSON)
used before thenameof someone who is notknown:
(用于不认识的人的名字前)某一个Hersolicitoris oneJohnWintersgill.她的律师是个名叫约翰‧温特斯吉尔的人。
Names and titles
- A.N. Other
- age
- aka
- alias
- appellation
- forename
- form of address
- given name
- good name
- identity
- patronymic
- pen name
- pet name
- place name
- pseudonym
- trade name
- trademark
- under the name ofidiom
- unidentified
- unnamed
used toemphasizeanadjective:
(用于强调形容词)一个Hismotheris one(= a very)generouswoman.他母亲非常慷慨。
That's one(= a very)bigicecreamconeyou have there.你那个冰激凌真是好大呀。
It was onehellof a(= a verygreat)shocktofindout I'dlostmyjob.发现自己已经丢了工作,这实在令我感到震惊。
Linguistics: very & extreme
- abjectly
- abundantly
- beyond
- biblical
- blankly
- completely
- desperately
- extreme
- highly
- rank
- raving
- serious
- smack
- spectacularly
- such
- terrible
- terribly
- unutterably
- veritably
- wonderfully
the one percent
uk/wʌn/us/wʌn/onepronoun(ONE THING/PERSON)
used to refer to aparticularthing orpersonwithin agrouporrangeof things orpeoplethat arepossibleoravailable:
(一群人或一批东西中的)一个I have a fewbooksonChinesefood. You canborrowone if youwant.我买了几本关于中国菜的书,如果你喜欢可以借一本。
Which one would you like?你想要哪一个?
Please make acopyfor everybody in theofficeand a fewextraones for thevisitors.请你给办公室里每人印一份,再多印几份给来访者。
"Whichcakewould you like?" "The one in thefront."“你想要哪个蛋糕?”“前面的那个。”
Frenchcroissantsare so muchbetterthan the ones we get here.法国羊角面包比我们这里的好吃得多。
There werelotsofpeoplewatching, and not one of themofferedtohelp.站着旁观的有许多人,却没有一个人主动帮忙。
I'vereceivednorepliesto myjobapplications- not asingleone(= none).我的求职申请没有任何回复——一个都没有。
Chris is the one(= theperson)withcurlybrownhair.克里斯就是那个长着褐色卷发的人。
not be one to dosomethingUKinformal
to never do something:
从来不做I'm not one tocriticizeotherpeople, as youknow.你知道,我这人从来不批评人。
be one forsomethinginformal
to like something very much:
热衷于,喜爱I've never been one forstayingout late.我从不喜欢在外呆到很晚。
He's agreatone for theladies.他非常喜欢和女士来往。
- That's oneclassyvehicleyou've got there.
- You can alwaystellarealbowtiefrom one thatclipson.
- She's written fivebooks, and every one acracker.
- Mrs. Wilson is one ofourregularcustomers.
- I really must get a newjacket- this one'sstartingto go at theelbows.
Particular and individual
- be the very thingidiom
- biomarker
- calling card
- capita
- certain
- especially
- individual
- individualistically
- individuality
- individualized
- individually
- interindividual
- matter
- personally
- pet
- private
- respectively
- separately
- severally
- specific
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Always & never
used totalkabout onepersonor thingcomparedwith othersimilarorrelatedpeopleor things:
(表示与另一类似或相关的人或物相对照的)一个Theylooksosimilarit's oftendifficulttodistinguishone from the other.它们看上去这么相似,常常很难区分开来。
You may have one or the other, but not both.这个和那个你可以选一个,但不能都要。
Crime andfreedomareinseparable. You can't have one without the other.犯罪和自由如影随形,不可能只取其一。
- During thenight, he hadrolledfrom onesideof thebedto the other.
- The twocultureswere soutterlydisparatethat shefoundit hard toadaptfrom one to the other.
- If I have tolistento something I don'tunderstand, it just goes in oneearand out the other.
- The twosistersare sosimilarthat it'salmostimpossibletotellone from the other.
- Thisfilmbeginswhere the other oneleavesoff.
Comparing and contrasting
- analogy
- antithesis
- apple
- as againstidiom
- balance
- balancesomethingagainstsomething
- comparative
- competitive
- competitively
- contradistinction
- contrast
- contrastive
- measure
- nonrelative
- perspective
- relative
- relatively
- relativist
- stack
- stack up
onepronoun(ANY PERSON)
anyperson, but not aparticularperson:
任何人;一个人One has anobligationto one'sfriends.一个人对他的朋友是负有责任的。
One ought to make theefforttovote.任何人都应该尽量去投票。
- One'sprimaryresponsibilityis to thelegalsystem.
- One must notassumefrom this that thedefendantisguilty.
- Iwonderedwhether there might, after all, be sometruthin theoldchestnutthat one'sschooldaysare thehappiestof one'slife.
- Yoga is said torestoreone'sinnerequilibrium.
- Spendingtimewith one'sfamilyis never anunalloyedpleasure.
Linguistics: personal pronouns
- 'em
- he
- her
- I, i
- it
- number one
- personally
- S, s
- s/he
- she
- thee
- them
- themself
- thou
- us
- y'all
- you
- you-all
- yours trulyidiom
- yous
thepersonspeakingor writing:
(讲话者或笔者用于自称)我,本人Ofcourse, one(= I)would bedelightedtodinewith the Queen.当然,我很乐意与女王一起进餐。
Linguistics: personal pronouns
- 'em
- he
- her
- I, i
- it
- number one
- personally
- S, s
- s/he
- she
- thee
- them
- themself
- thou
- us
- y'all
- you
- you-all
- yours trulyidiom
- yous
We commonly use one and its plural ones as a substitute for a countable noun:…Oneandone’s
As a personal pronoun (both subject and object), one can be used to refer to ‘people in general’. We often use one in making generalisations, especially in more formal styles. However, if one is used too much, it can make the speaker sound too formal. One takes a third person singular verb:…Pronouns:one,you,we,they
One, you, we and they are generic personal pronouns. We can use one, you, we and they to refer to ‘people in general’.…One,youandwe
We can use one, you or we when we are making generalisations and not referring to any one person in particular. When used like this, one, you and we can include the speaker or writer:…They
We can use they to talk about a wide group of people, such as an authority or an institution. In such cases, they does not refer to specific people:…Idioms
be a one
be at one
be one of a kind
be one up onsomeone
down in one
for one
get one up onsomeone
go off on one
got it in one!
a hundred/thousand/million and one
in ones and twos
one after another
one and all
one and done
one by one
one day
one or two
one way or another
the one about