red kite
uk/ˌred ˈkaɪt/us/ˌred ˈkaɪt/alargeEuropeanbirdofprey(= abirdthatkillsandeatssmallbirdsandanimals)withreddishbrownfeathersand atailthat isdividedinto twopartsat the end :
红鸢,赤鸢It has taken eightyyearsfor theredkitetorecoverfrom near-extinction.用了八十年的时间,红鸢才从濒临灭绝的状态中恢复过来。
Redkitesare now afamiliarsightalongsidestretchesof the M40motorway.红鸢现在已经成为M40高速公路上一道熟悉的风景线。

TonyBaggett/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Theredkiteis one of therarebirdspeciesprotectedinruralWales.
- Redkitescan bespottedsoaringover thereserve.
- Thedietof theredkiteseemsto consistlargelyofcarrionand somebirds.
Birds of prey
- bald eagle
- buzzard
- condor
- dog whistle
- eagle
- falcon
- golden eagle
- goshawk
- hawk
- kestrel
- kite
- mopoke
- osprey
- owl
- owlet
- peregrine falcon
- raptor
- sibilant
- sparrowhawk
- vulture