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单词 exclusivity

exclusivitynoun[U](ONLY FOR SOME)

therightto have or do something that islimitedto only onepersonororganization
Newspapersbuyingastorywillpaymore for exclusivity.报纸购买报道时会为独家报道支付更多费用。
Sponsorssellingtheirwaresat theOlympicGamesdemandedexclusivity.在奥运会上出售商品的赞助商要求独家经营权。
thequalityof beingavailableonly to asmallnumberofpeoplewho arerichenough orconsideredgood enough
The exclusivity of thehotelis whatattractssomepeople.酒店的尊享服务吸引了某些人。
Theseschoolsthriveon animageof exclusivity.这些学校靠着精英化的理念而得到迅速发展。
Oncedefinedby exclusiveness,luxuryis nowavailableto all.曾经定义为尊享消费,现在所有人都可以享受奢侈品了。
More examples
  • Patentprotectiongives usexclusiverightstomarkettheproduct, and without thisperiodof exclusivity, we couldn't make backourinvestmentandinnovationwould bestifled.
  • Themediacompanyattemptedtoexerciseexclusivity on somevideos.
  • Thecontractspecifiesthe exclusiveness of theright.
  • For her, theappealof theresortisitsexclusivity.
  • Theprogrammewas madecoolbyitsexclusivity - only 56studentswereinvited, and only the first 20 tosignup wereaccepted.
  • Helaunchedafierceattackon the exclusiveness oftopuniversities.

exclusivitynoun[U](NOT INCLUDING)

mutual exclusivity
thequalityin two things of both not beingpossibleat the sametime
Themutualexclusivity ofwirelessdevicesand the Internetquicklycame to an end.无线设备和互联网的互斥性很快就结束了。
More examples
  • Heimpliesthere is somemutualexclusivity between shareowners'interestsandlong-termstrategies.
  • Hehintsat amutualexclusivity between escapistentertainmentandseriousissueswhich Ithinkiswrong.
  • Inlanguage,mutualexclusivity refers to anunwillingnesstoaccepttwolabelsfor the sameobject.


Exclusivityis limited to the 20 years from the date a patent application is filed.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We extend the notions of linearity,exclusivityand exhaustivity from patterns to multipatterns in the straightforward way.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Perceptual similarity then, can be conceived as a factor moderating the operation of a mutualexclusivitybias.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The mutualexclusivitybias would not have competition, and the pseudo-homonym would function much like a nonsense word.
From theCambridge English Corpus
For nonsense words, there is no challenge to the mutualexclusivitybias ; the unfamiliar label is linked appropriately with the contextually relevant referent.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Theexclusivitydefinition specifies that a par t is either exclusive or shared.
From theCambridge English Corpus
On the disambiguation test, the mutualexclusivitybias was significantly more evident in five- and six-year-old monolingual children than in their same-age bilingual peers.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Each par t must be of one of the possible par t types and obey theexclusivityand has par t inheritance definitions.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The conjunction of precedence, consistency, andexclusivitygives rise to the strong and stubborn conviction that will can cause action.
From theCambridge English Corpus
At the societal level, pediatric neuroimaging raises several questions surrounding its potentialexclusivity, expense, and the medicalization of social phenomena.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This does not resolve the apparent discrepancy between children's polynomy and mutualexclusivity.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Exclusivityis given in return for the patentee making the invention public and meeting all the statutory requirements for patentability.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If they are offered a second or third term for the same referent, mutualexclusivitypredicts that children will reject the subsequent offering.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Self-centrism is fundamentalistic in varying degrees; itsexclusivityallows it to enforce its special agenda.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The principle of mutualexclusivityin word learning : to honor or not to honor.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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