tokillsomeone as alegalpunishment:
(依法)处决,处死He was executed formurder.他因犯谋杀罪被处死。
- She wascondemnedtodeathand executed twoweekslater.
- Aconvictedmurdererwas executed inNorthCarolinayesterday.
- Guy Fawkes was executed fortreasonafter he tookpartin aplottoblowup the British Parliamentbuilding.
- Anyonecaughttryingtoescapefrom theprisoncampwould be executed on thespot.
- Afiringsquadwasorderedto take theprisonersto anearbyclearingand execute them.
Death penalties
- behead
- boots on the groundidiom
- burn
- capital punishment
- chair
- condemn
- condemnsomeoneto (do)something
- crucify
- death sentence
- death warrant
- decapitate
- decapitation
- firing squad
- gibbet
- guillotine
- hang
- hanging
- hangman
- stake
- the electric chair
to do orperformsomething,especiallyin aplannedway:
(尤指有计划地)实施,履行,表演to execute adeal/plan进行交易/实施计划
Thewholeplaywas executed withgreatprecision.这出戏从头到尾表演得丝丝入扣,有板有眼。
execute a willlawspecialized
If you execute someone'swill, youdealwith that person'smoney,property, etc.,accordingto theinstructionsin it:
执行遗嘱Yourfamilylawyercanadviseyouregardingwho might bebestto executeyourwill.
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
- A game
- accomplish
- achieve
- acquit
- actualize
- bear
- go (like/down) a bombidiom
- go from strength to strengthidiom
- go into orbitidiom
- go placesidiom
- go the whole hogidiom
- grade
- kill
- rise
- sewsomethingup
- slam dunk
- smash itidiom
- somewhere
- stand out
- streak ahead