uk/ˈek.sə.saɪz/us/ˈek.sɚ.saɪz/exercisenoun(HEALTHY ACTIVITY)
physicalactivitythat you do to makeyourbodystrongandhealthy:
体育活动;锻炼;运动Swimming is myfavouriteformofexercise.我最喜欢的锻炼方式是游泳。
You really shouldtakemore exercise.你真的应该多进行体育锻炼。
Idostomachexercises mostdays.大多数时候我做锻炼腹肌的运动。
- Regular exercisereducestheriskofcoronaryheartdisease.
- This exercise isdesignedtodeveloptheshoulderand backmuscles.
- Eathealthilyand take plenty of exercise.
- I haven't done much exercise allweek, so IthinkI'll go for ajogthismorning.
- A gooddietand plenty of exercise willhelpyou tokeepyourbodyhealthy.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- cross-trainer
- interval training
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- resistance training
- Spinning
- stability ball
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper
anactionoractionsintendedtoimprovesomething or make somethinghappen:
练习;训练;演习Ships from eight navies will be takingpartin an exercise in thePacifictoimprovetheirefficiencyincombat.来自8个国家的海军军舰将参加在太平洋举行的军事演习,以提高其作战效率。
It would be ausefulexercise for you to say thespeechaloudseveraltimes.大声朗读几遍演讲稿,将会有助于你发挥。
an exerciseinpublicrelations公共关系方面的演练
ashortpieceof writtenworkthat you do topractisesomething you arelearning:
习题;练习Thebookhas exercises at the end of everychapter.该书每一章的后面都有练习题。
- Thesementalexercises aredesignedtoencouragecreativethinking.
- Thecostof this exercise isprovingamajorhurdle.
- Today we're going toworkon an exercise thataimstoimproveyourinterpersonalskills.
- Oneofficialdismissedtheceasefireas amerepropagandaexercise.
- Environmentalistsattackedthe company's ad as a public-relations exercise.
Acting and acts
- (your)every moveidiom
- -ation
- act/dosomethingonyourown responsibilityidiom
- activity
- agency
- ant
- er
- execution
- exploit
- fait accompli
- feel
- move
- responsibility
- role play
- rot
- step
- step up
- stuff
- talk
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Exams, tests & exercises
the use of something:
行使;运用;使用The exerciseofrestraintmay well bedifficult.保持克制可能是件很难的事。
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- recycle
- spare
- swallow
- tap
- trade onsomething
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
aceremonythatincludesspeechesand usuallytraditionalmusicoractivities:
uk/ˈek.sə.saɪz/us/ˈek.sɚ.saɪz/exerciseverb(DO HEALTHY ACTIVITY)
to dophysicalactivitiesto makeyourbodystrongandhealthy:
锻炼;运动She exercises mosteveningsusually byrunning.她几乎每天晚上都去锻炼,通常是跑步。
A work-out in thegymwill exercise all themajormusclegroups.健身房里做的健身运动能使所有主要肌群都得到锻炼。
If you exercise ananimal, you make itwalkorrunso that itstaysstrongandhealthy:
遛(动物)Now he'sretiredhespendsmostafternoonsexercising hisdogs.他已经退休了,下午的时间大都花在了遛狗上。
- Eathealthilyand exerciseregularly.
- Aerobics is one of the moststimulatingwaysof exercising.
- He would never exercise - he wasterriblylazy.
- If I have to exercise, I'dpreferwalkingorcyclingtoorganizedsport.
- Itryandkeepin goodshapeby exercising everyday.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- cross-trainer
- interval training
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- resistance training
- Spinning
- stability ball
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Walking and walkers
to use something:
行使;运用;使用I exercised mydemocraticrightby notvotingin theelection.在选举中,我通过拒不投票的方式来行使我的民主权利。
Always exercisecautionwhenhandlingradioactivesubstances.处理放射性物质时要时刻小心谨慎。
We'vedecidedto exercise theoption(= use thepartof alegalagreement)tobuythehousewe nowlease.我们已经决定行使合同赋予的买卖选择权,买下我们现在租住的房子。
- We need to exercise somecontrolon thissituationbefore wefindourselves inserioustrouble.
- Thesecurityforcesexercisedgreatrestraintby notrespondingtohostileattacksandthreats.
- TheUnitedNationshas exerciseditsauthoritytorestorepeacein thearea.
- Politicians thesedaysseemlessinterestedin exercisingrealinfluenceonworldevents.
- Thispieceofequipmentdoesn't exercise theshoulderand backmusclesmuch.
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- recycle
- spare
- swallow
- tap
- trade onsomething
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock