uk/ˌəʊˈdiː/us/ˌoʊˈdiː/present tenseOD's|present participleOD'ing|past tense and past participleOD'dslang
to take anoverdose(= adangerouslylargeamount)of adrug:
She OD'donheroinanddied.她过量服用海洛因而死。
to have too much of something, oftenfood:
吃(食物)太多No more for me,thanks. IthinkI OD'donchocolatecake.谢谢,我不要了。我想我巧克力蛋糕吃多了。
Drugs - general words
- abstinence
- abstinence-only
- bindle
- biosimilar
- chase
- medicament
- multidrug
- non-intoxicant
- non-intoxicating
- nondrug
- peddler
- push
- shoot
- snort
- spliff
- spliff up
- substance
- substance abuse
- whacked
- wiped out
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Too much and unnecessary
anoverdose(= adangerouslylargeamount)of adrug:
That is the firstsymptomof an OD.
He wasprosecutedfor hisrolein the musician'sfatalOD.
- The first OD Ieversawwas aturningpointofsorts.
- If you have an OD ofopiates, youstopbreathing.
- We have not had an ODdeathinourclinicpractice.
Drugs - general words
- abstinence
- abstinence-only
- bindle
- biosimilar
- chase
- medicament
- multidrug
- non-intoxicant
- non-intoxicating
- nondrug
- peddler
- push
- shoot
- snort
- spliff
- spliff up
- substance
- substance abuse
- whacked
- wiped out
[UorCusually singular]physicsspecialized
abbreviationforoptical density: thedegreeto which anobjectormaterialreducestheintensityoflightpassingthrough it:
Opticaldensity(OD)measurementofbacterialculturesis acommontechniqueused inmicrobiology.
- Those hybridomas giving anopticaldensity(OD)greaterthan 1.5 weresinglecellcloned.
- ODvalueswerereadafter 30minutes'incubationwithsubstratebuffer.
- Afterwashing, thesubstratebufferwasappliedand theopticaldensity(OD)readat 405 nm when thepositivereferencesampleshadreachedOD 1.0.
Physics: optics, microscopy & lasers
- anti-reflection
- anti-reflective
- chromatic aberration
- concentrator
- converging lens
- electron microscope
- eyepiece
- field glasses
- lens
- magnification
- magnifying glass
- opera glasses
- optics
- polarization
- polarize
- polarized
- polarizer
- reflecting telescope
- reflection
- transparency