used to showpossession,belonging, ororigin:
(用于表示归属或来历)…的,属于afriendof mine我的一位朋友
thepresidentof theUnitedStates美国总统
employeesof thecompany这家公司的雇员
thecolourof hishair他头发的颜色
ahabitof mine我的一个习惯
thatrevoltingdogof hers她那条可恶的狗
theloveof a good woman一个善良女人的爱
thecompleteplaysof(= written by)Lorca洛尔卡戏剧全集
- Thoseseatsarereservedforseniormembersof theclub.
- He waselectedMember of Parliament for Rushcliffe.
- What's thenameof thatplant?
- Sean doesn't like thesmellofgarlic.
- Troopsshotdeadtheleaderof therebelsin anattacklastnight.
Belongings and possessions
- accoutrements
- asset
- belongings
- capital assets
- chattel
- effect
- estate
- lost property
- lost property office
- lost-and-found
- materially
- name
- personal property
- possession
- property
- resource
- stuff
- swag
- thing
- toxic asset
used after words orphrasesexpressingamount,number, or aparticularunit:
hundreds ofpeople数百人
most of them他们中的大多数
none of them他们中没有人
both of us我们俩
a third of allpeople所有人中的1/3
- Do all of usagreeon thematter?
- Hebroketheworldrecordby a tenth of a second.
- Some of theplayersare notperformingas well as they could.
- Iboughther abunchofflowersfor herbirthday.
- Shefailedtheexambecause she got two of thequestionswrong.
General words for size and amount
- -sized
- amount
- bulk
- content
- element
- extent
- footprint
- good things come in small packagesidiom
- level
- load
- lot
- measure
- much
- order
- percent
- quota
- ration
- small-scale
- so muchidiom
- strength
- I'll have acupofcoffeeplease.
- He gave twobagsofoldclothesto thecharityshop.
- Shesmokestwopacketsofcigarettesaday.
- Hedroppedajarofpeanutbutteronto thefloor.
- Thefamilylookedthrough analbumofoldphotographs.
Including and containing
- absorptive capacity
- all in
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- carry
- cast
- draw
- encompass
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- packsomethingin
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
used inexpressionsshowingposition:
(表示方位)thetopof hishead他的头顶
the back ofyourdress你衣服的背部
on thecornerof thestreet在街角
thefrontof thequeue队伍的前部
I've never beennorthof Philadelphia.我从未去过费城以北的地方。
- Hehittheballover thetopof thetrees.
- They haverecentlypaintedthefrontof thehouseyellow.
- Hebuiltashedat thebottomof thegarden.
- Theaccidentlefthim with ascaron thesideof hisface.
- Use theindexin the back of thebook.
Places and locations
- anatopism
- behind
- Cambrian
- capital
- coign of vantage
- core
- direction
- drop-in
- far from the madding crowdidiom
- hill
- Mecca
- multi-location
- multi-site
- natal
- nestle
- station
- subsite
- technology park
- venue
- World Heritage Site
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Direction of motion
…特有的,具有…特点的She has thefaceof anangel.她有一张天使般的面孔。
That guy's got thepersonalityof adeadfish!那个男人实在是无聊透顶、麻木不仁。
- He's got thementalageof a three-year-old.
- That was astrokeofgenius.
- She has all theattributesof agreatplayer.
- He has thepatienceof asaint.
- Sheplaysthepianowith theskillof aprofessional.
Typifying, illustrating and exemplifying
- analogy
- archetypal
- archetypically
- besomeoneall overidiom
- betoken
- genre
- instantiate
- mirror
- Mr
- Mrs
- on-brand
- sum
- summation
- symbolic
- symbolize
- symptomatic
- tantamount
- territory
- token
- translate
used to refer to aparticulardatein amonth:
(表示某月的某一天)the eleventh ofMarch3月11日
the first of themonth这个月的1号
- My birthday's on the fifth ofJuly.
- Today is the first ofApril.
- Employees getpaidon the lastdayof eachmonth.
- Thebookispublishedon the tenth ofSeptember.
Days & times of day
- afternoon
- afternoons
- am
- arvo
- at the crack of dawnidiom
- happy hour
- high noon
- hour
- in broad daylightidiom
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- night
- nocturnal
- nocturnally
- noon
- noontime
- o'clock
- the witching hour
- wee small hours
- workday
- working day
ofpreposition(MADE OF)
made or consisting of; having:
a woman ofgreatcharm极富魅力的女子
asubjectof very littleinterest了无趣味的话题
- Thebarmanmade acocktailofvodkaandfruitjuices.
- Heworeacoatof manycolours.
- Thecarwas awreckoftwistedmetalafter thecollision.
- Afeelingofgreatsadnesscame over him.
- Thecaptaininspiredasenseofpridein histeam.
Comprising and consisting of
- be
- compose
- composition
- compositional
- comprise
- consist insomething
- consist ofsomething
- constituent
- constitute
- constitution
- constitutive
- form
- from
- make
- makesomethingup
- multi-component
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Having and owning - general words
used toconnectparticularadjectivesandverbswithnouns:
sickof hisexcuses厌烦了他的借口
- I'mboredof thisgame.
- Paul isscaredofheights.
- He's verysureof himself.
- He waswaryofdogssince he wasbittenas achild.
- I'mtiredofyourcomplaining.
Linguistics: connecting words joining words or phrases with similar or related meanings
- and/orphrase
- anyhoo
- anyways
- concatenate
- conjunctive
- connective
- consequently
- ergo
- hereby
- I meanidiom
- mean
- now
- slash
- so
- sure enoughidiom
- the thing isidiom
- there
- thing
- what
- with thatidiom
used after anadjectivewhenjudgingsomeone'sbehaviour:
(用于形容词后表示对某人行为的评判)It wasmeanof youtomentionherweight.你提到她的体重真是有点太刻薄了。
Thank you so much for mypresent. Howthoughtfulof you.谢谢你给我的礼物。你想得真周到。
- It wascarelessof him toleavethedooropen.
- It wassweetof her totidyupafterwards.
- It wasrecklessof her not to takeprecautions.
- It was veryheroicof him todiveinto thecoldwater.
- Theyagreedthat it wasnaughtyof him not to haveaskedpermission.
Judgments and analyses
- analysis
- anatomy
- appraisal
- appraisee
- assessment
- construction
- counter-interpretation
- impact statement
- interpretation
- job evaluation
- judgment
- misanalysis
- notice
- rap
- rating
- re-evaluation
- re-review
- restudy
- self-appraisal
- verdict
ofpreposition(RELATING TO)
关于;与…有关的Speaking of Elizabeth, here she is.说伊丽莎白,伊丽莎白就到。
One of theadvantagesoftravellingbytrainis beingabletoread.乘火车旅行的好处之一就是能看书。
Let usconsidertheeventsof the last fivemonths.让我们考虑一下过去5个月中发生的事情。
Of herchildhoodweknowvery little.我们对她的童年知之甚少。
formalAnd what of(=tellme about)youngAdrian? How is he?小阿德里安的情况如何?他好吗?
- Goodluckin theexam. I'll bethinkingof you.
- Heboughtamapof theareaso that he wouldn't getlost.
- Going to thegymis not myideaoffun.
- Ithinkyou've got thewrongimpressionofTony.
- Andrew didn'tthinkmuch of thefilm, but Ilikedit.
Regarding and concerning
- about
- apropos
- around
- as toidiom
- be/have something to do withsomethingidiom
- connection
- cover
- department
- hereof
- in respect ofsomethingidiom
- in the brain/looks departmentidiom
- range
- re
- respect
- say
- something
- thereof
- towards
- vis-à-vis
- wise
ofpreposition(THAT IS/ARE)
that is/are:
ariseof twopercentininflation通货膨胀率上升2%
At theageof six she couldreadanewspaper.6岁时她已能读报。
- It was one of theadvantagesof beingtall.
- Thestudentsdidn'tunderstandtheaimof theexercise.
- He wastaughttheimportanceofwearingahelmetwhencycling.
- What is themeaningof thatsymbol?
- Hediscoveredthepleasureofgardeningafter heretired.
Existing and being
- account forsomething
- alive
- be
- be a thingidiom
- been
- estate
- existential
- extant
- found
- have legsidiom
- hood
- lie in
- living
- run
- spring up
- they're
- thing
- viability
- we're
- who're
ofpreposition(DONE TO)
done to:
对…所做的themassacreof hundreds ofinnocentpeople对数以百计无辜百姓的屠杀
theoppressionof anation对一个民族的压迫
thedestructionof therainforest对雨林的破坏
- Acrowdhadgatheredthewatchthedemolitionof thebuilding.
- Theagreementmarkedthecreationof a newstate.
- Thenewspapersreportedthesackingof themanager.
- Thephotosshow theabuseofprisoners.
- Wewatchedthechangingof theguardat Buckingham Palace.
Acting and acts
- (your)every moveidiom
- -ation
- act
- act/dosomethingonyourown responsibilityidiom
- activity
- agency
- ant
- er
- execution
- exploit
- fait accompli
- move
- responsibility
- role play
- rot
- step
- step up
- stuff
- talk
ofpreposition(FELT BY)
…感受的;…经历的thesufferingof millions数百万人的苦难
theanguishof themurderedchild'sparents被杀孩子的父母的痛苦
- To thedelightof thesupporters, theteamequalizedin the lastminute.
- Thejoyof the newparentswasobviousto everyone.
- The company'sresultsconfirmedtheconfidenceof theboard.
- Thesingerfelloffstage, much to theamusementof thecrowd.
- Theteacherhadearnedtherespectof theclass.
Experiencing and suffering
- (straight) from the horse's mouthidiom
- afflict
- affliction
- almost/nearly die ofsomethingidiom
- be a martyr tosomethingidiom
- be a victim ofyourown successidiom
- bear
- count
- get the short end of the stickidiom
- get/haveyourfingers burnedidiom
- go through
- grip
- hands-on
- horse
- practical
- run up againstsomething
- seat-of-the-pants
- see lifeidiom
- stricken
- taste
through; having as thecause:
I didn't have to go there - I did it of my ownfreewill.我本不必去那里——我这么做完全出于自愿。
Iwanttoknowhow ithappenedbecause itcertainlydidn'thappenof itself.我想知道它是怎么发生的,因为它肯定不是自己就发生了。
- Helaterdiedof hiswounds.
- She went of her ownaccord. No oneaskedher to go.
- I'mtiredofteaching. I'm going tolookfor a newjob.
- You did that out ofspite.
- Heactedout ofrespectfor hisparents.
Linguistics: connecting words which introduce a cause or reason
- as
- at
- because
- case
- courtesy
- cuz
- dint
- except
- except thatidiom
- from
- herein
- inasmuch as
- insofar as
- light
- order
- owing to
- since
- that
- virtue
- with
used whencomparingrelatedthings:
(用于比较)Ilikedthegreenonebestof all .我最喜欢绿色的那个。
Worst of all was thefood!最差劲的是食物!
He's thebestlookingof the threebrothers.他是三兄弟中长得最帅的一个。
Ithinkthat of all hisbooksit's myfavourite.我觉得在他所有的书中我最喜欢这一本。
- Of all theplaceswevisited, New Zealand was the mostamazing.
- Crete is thelargestof theGreekislands.
- The Eiffel Tower is the mostfamousof all Paris'slandmarks.
- In myopinion, it's thebestof all thenovelshe's written.
- Thebluewhaleis thelargestof all theanimals.
Comparing and contrasting
- analogy
- antithesis
- apple
- as againstidiom
- balance
- balancesomethingagainstsomething
- comparative
- competitive
- competitively
- contradistinction
- contrast
- contrastive
- measure
- nonrelative
- perspective
- relative
- relatively
- relativist
- stack
- stack up
used in saying what thetimeis:
(用于表示时间)It's ten (minutes) of five(= tenminutesbefore five o'clock).5点差10分。
- It's twenty five of four.
- We got there at five of nine.
Days & times of day
- afternoon
- afternoons
- am
- arvo
- at the crack of dawnidiom
- happy hour
- high noon
- hour
- in broad daylightidiom
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- night
- nocturnal
- nocturnally
- noon
- noontime
- o'clock
- the witching hour
- wee small hours
- workday
- working day
ofpreposition(SEPARATE FROM)
used inexpressionsshowingdistancefrom something inplaceortime:
(表示空间或时间上的距离)离,距Welivewithin amileof theschool.我们住在距学校不到1英里的地方。
She came within twosecondsofbeatingtheworldrecord.她离打破世界纪录差了不到两秒。
- Thefirmis within aweekof goingbankrupt.
- Does shelivewithinwalkingdistanceof herparents?
- Thegamewas muchenlivenedwhen bothteamsscoredwithin fiveminutesof each other.
- Thecitywas withinrangeof theenemymissiles.
- I came within aninchoflosingmylifeon therocksbelow.
Distant in space and time
- (in) the middle of nowhereidiom
- afar
- afield
- all/the four corners of the world/earthidiom
- anywhere
- as far as the eye can/could seeidiom
- eye
- far
- farthest
- further
- furthermost
- light years awayidiom
- lonely
- middle
- remotely
- remoteness
- ultra
- ultra-distant
- virtually
- wide
used inexpressionsshowingloss:
(用于表示损失)They wererobbedof alltheirsavings.他们的全部积蓄都被抢走了。
IfeelI've beendeprivedofyourcompany.我感觉我和你在一起的机会全被剥夺了。
- Theyrobbedthecompanyof £2 million.
- Alast-minuteinjuryrobbedme of myplaceon theteam.
- She wasdesolatedat thelossof hersister.
- Inhospital, shefeltstrippedof all herdignity.
- He wasstrippedof hisknighthoodafter he wasconvictedofstealingfrom thecompany.
Taking things away from someone or somewhere
- appropriate
- bear away
- confiscate
- confiscation
- creamsomething/someoneoff
- debug
- drain
- expropriate
- expropriation
- extractive
- get off
- impound
- relieve
- rob
- rootsomething/someoneout
- routsomeoneout
- seize
- shear
- stripping
- sweep
在…期间I like torelaxwith apipeof anevening.我喜欢在晚上抽一斗烟放松放松。
Simultaneous and consecutive
- accompany
- all the whileidiom
- along
- along the wayidiom
- alternate
- even
- go along
- in rotationidiom
- in tandemidiom
- in the processidiom
- live stream
- process
- soon
- step
- successive
- successively
- sync
- through
- turn
- while
Of is a preposition.…Possessive’s
We use apostrophe s (’s), also called possessive ’s, as a determiner to show that something belongs to someone or something:…Possessives withof
We can talk about possession using the pattern: noun phrase + of + possessive pronoun:…’sorofor either?
There are some general rules about when to use ’s and when to use of but there are many cases where both are possible:…Possession: typical errors
We don’t use ’s with plural nouns:…Idiom
of all people/things/places