uk/ɒf/us/ɑːf/offadverb(AWAY FROM)
away from aplaceorposition,especiallythepresentplace,position, ortime:
(尤指离开当前所在地点或位置)离开,远离Hedroveoff at the mostincrediblespeed.他以令人难以置信的速度开车走了。
Keep thedogon theleador he'll justrunoff.牵好狗,不然它就会跑掉的。
Someoneranoff with(= took)mypen.有人拿走了我的钢笔。
She's offtoCanada nextweek.她下周去加拿大。
Isawher off(= saidgoodbye)at thestation.我去火车站为她送行。
Finals are sofaroff that I'm noteventhinkingabout themyet.决赛还远着呢,我甚至连想都没想过。
UKI'm off now -seeyoutomorrow.我要走了——明天见。
UKIf we can get off(=leave)earlytomorrowmorningwe'llavoidmost of thetraffic.如果我们明天早上早点出发就能避开交通高峰时段。
- When weheardshe'd got thejob, we all went off for acelebratorydrink.
- Thehorsesset off at acanter.
- Thedogtrottedoff toburyitsbone.
- I'mjettingoff to New Zealand nextweek.
- Thegangdroveoff, with thepoliceinhotpursuit.
Distant in space and time
- (in) the middle of nowhereidiom
- afar
- afield
- all/the four corners of the world/earthidiom
- anywhere
- as far as the eye can/could seeidiom
- eye
- far
- farthest
- further
- furthermost
- light years awayidiom
- lonely
- middle
- remotely
- remoteness
- ultra
- ultra-distant
- virtually
- wide
used withactionsin which something isremovedorremovesitself from another thing:
One of mybuttonshas come off.我的一粒纽扣掉了。
She had all herhaircutoff.她把头发全剪掉了。
- Two of hisfingerswerechoppedoff in theaccident.
- Ihopethesebloodstainswillcleanoff myshirt.
- Takeyourclothesoff and get in thebath.
- Helickedthechocolateoff hisfingers.
- Theparcelhad only beenlooselywrapped, and thepaperhad come off.
Taking things away from someone or somewhere
- appropriate
- bear away
- confiscate
- confiscation
- creamsomething/someoneoff
- debug
- drain
- expropriate
- expropriation
- extractive
- get off
- impound
- relieve
- rob
- rootsomething/someoneout
- routsomeoneout
- seize
- shear
- stripping
- sweep
offadverb(NOT OPERATING)
(especiallyofmachines,electricaldevices,lights, etc.) notoperatingbecause of not beingswitchedon:
(尤指机器、电器设备、灯等)切断,停止运转;断电Makesurethecomputersare all off before you gohome.回家之前一定要把电脑都关掉。
- At thetopof thehillIswitchedoff theengineand we justcoasteddown the otherside.
- Switch off theelectriccurrentbeforetouchingthatmachine.
- I canturnthetelevisionoff if youfindit adistraction.
- Pleaseturnmobilephonesoff in thelibrary.
- Thissortofheaterturnsoff at themains.
Machines - not functioning
- act
- break
- brokenness
- brownout
- burn out
- conk
- conk out
- cut
- cutsomethingout
- DDoS
- defective
- dysfunction
- fritz
- idle
- incapacitate
- shot
- shudder to a haltidiom
- shutdown
- stall
- temperamentally
offadverb(LESS MONEY)
(ofmoney) taken away from theoriginalprice:
(钱)(从…)扣掉,减去You can get somemoneyoff if youpaycash.如果你付现金的话,可以给你打折。
There's 40percentoff thisweekon allwintercoats.本周冬季外套一律打6折。
There was $40 or $50 off mostjacketsin thestore.这家商店大多数夹克都减价40或50美元。
- Thiscouponallowsyou toclaim10% off allDVDs.
- I'llknock£20 off if youpaybycash.
- Sheaskedfor somemoneyoff because thebookwasslightlydamaged.
- There's up to 50% off everything inourmassivesalewhichstartsnextweek.
- Thecardentitlesyou to 30% off allrailfares.
Price decreases
- bargain
- bear market
- bearish
- closeout
- concessional
- couponer
- couponing
- cratering
- deflate
- deflation
- depreciate
- devalue
- freeze
- knock off (something)
- marksomethingdown
- overdiscount
- post-devaluation
- projected value
- spiral
- tumble
offadverb(NOT AT WORK)
not atwork; athomeor onholiday:
没上班(的); 在家休息(的),在休假(的)I'm going totake/havesometimeoff toworkon myhouse.我打算休假一段时间,整修一下我的房子。
She was offsicklastweek.她上星期休病假了。
He's off at themoment- can I get him tocallyou back?他现在不在——要我叫他给你回电话吗?
- If you can get sometimeoffwork, we couldfinishthedecorating.
- I need to get itfinishedbeforeFridaybecause I'm off nextweek.
- Heaskedthebossif he could have sometimeoff.
- How muchtimedo you get off?
- She's been off sinceMondaywith acold.
Time off
- absenteeism
- administrative leave
- bank holiday
- Boxing Day
- career break
- comp time
- gardening leave
- hartal
- holiday
- hols
- legal holiday
- maternity leave
- non-work
- parental leave
- shore leave
- sick
- sick day
- sick leave
- sickie
- skive
in such a way as to beseparated:
分开,隔开Thepolicehaveshut/closedoff allstreetsleadingto thecity.警方封闭了所有通往这座城市的道路。
Theareain theparkwhere thekidsplayisfencedoff forsafetyreasons.为安全起见,公园里用围栏把孩子们玩的场所隔开。
- Thepitchhas beenropedoff tostoppeoplefromwalkingover it.
- They've cordoned off thewholeareabecause of asuspectedbomb.
- Thesceneof thecrimehas beenclosedoff by thepolice.
- Shemarkedoff theamountoffabricsheneeded.
- Anareaof thefactoryhas beensealedoff while theasbestosisremoved.
Separating and dividing
- apheresis
- atomize
- bifurcate
- bifurcation
- bisect
- clove
- cloven
- dissociate
- dissociateyourselffromsomething
- dissociation
- disunite
- disunity
- fracture
- hive
- polarize
- polarized
- polarizer
- prophase
- pull
- unravel
in such a way as to becompletelyabsent,especiallybecause of having been used orkilled:
(尤指因为被用完或被杀死而)消失,没有It says on thebottlethat itkillsoff allknowngerms.瓶子上说它可以杀灭所有已知的病菌。
It'll take sometimebefore shemanagestopayoff all herdebts.她要花一段时间才能偿清所有的债务。
The good thing aboutexerciseis that itburnsoffcalories.锻炼的好处在于能消耗卡路里。
Between us wemanagedtofinishoff severalbottlesofwine.我们俩喝光了好几瓶酒。
- He couldsparwell enough but he couldn'tseemtofinishoff hisopponents.
- Thedecoratingis as good asfinished- I just need tofinishoff thepainting.
- In anormalwinter, thefrostpenetratesdeeplyenough tokilloffinsecteggsin thesoil.
- Running is anexcellentway toburnoffexcesscalories.
- Things are back tonormalnow that we'vepaidoff allourdebts.
Unavailable and inaccessible
- busy
- busy signal
- discontinued
- engaged
- gone
- inaccessibility
- inaccessible
- irrecoverably
- lost
- out-of-pocket
- oversubscribed
- reserved
- season
- tie
- tiesomeoneup
- unaccounted for
- unavailability
- unavailable
- unreachable
offadverb(GET RID OF)
in such a way as to getridof something:
消除;去除,去掉We went out for a while towalkoff some ofourdinner.我们出去走了走,消化一下晚餐吃的东西。
He's gone tosleepoff aheadache.他头疼,去睡了。
There's nopointin gettingupsetabout what he said - you just have tolaughit off.犯不着为这些话感到难过——你只需一笑了之。
Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- leach
- scrape
- shedding
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- sling
used toformnounsreferring to asituationin which two or morepeopleorteamscompeteagainst each other toseewho is thewinner:
(用于组成名词)竞赛,比赛the BBCseries, theGreatBritishBakeOff英国广播公司的系列节目《大英烘培比赛》。
Audienceapplausedeterminesthewinnerof eachdance-off.观众的掌声决定每场舞蹈比赛的获胜者。
Linguistics: morphology & parts of words
- -athon
- -ative
- affix
- agglutinate
- agglutinative
- analytic
- combining form
- contraction
- ion
- ism
- libfix
- monomorphemic
- morphological
- morphology
- suffix
- there'd
- there's
- trigraph
- trisyllabic
- trisyllable
be/go off on one
off withsomething
uk/ɒf/us/ɑːf/offpreposition(AWAY FROM)
down or away from aplace,position, ortime,especiallythepresentplace,position, ortime:
(尤指离开当前所在地点或位置)离开,远离There was a "Keep off thegrass"sign.有个告示牌上写着“请勿践踏草坪”。
All theberrieshaddroppedoff thetree.所有的莓子都从树上掉了下来。
Hefelloff hisbike.他从自行车上摔了下来。
We're still alongway offourtargetof $30,000.我们离三万美元的目标还差得很远。
Ihopesheknowswhere to get off(=leave)thebus/train.我希望她知道在哪儿下公交车/火车。
Howfarofffinishingtheprojectare we?(= How much more is there to do?)我们距完成这个项目还差多远?
UKWe've beenworkingon theflatfor sixmonthsnow but we're stillalongwayofffinishing.到现在我们已经花了6个月的时间整修这套公寓房,但我们离完工还差得很远。
UKWe're notfaroff(= we arequitenear)London now.我们现在离伦敦不远了。
- I've gone offseafoodafter I wassickthe lasttimeI had it.
- She's muchbetternow, and she's off themedication.
- I'm going off Richard. He's soarrogantthesedays!
- It was enough to make anyone go offfastfood.
- I went offmeatafter Isawthatdocumentary.
Moving downwards
- base jumping
- cascade
- descend
- dive
- drop/fall/sink like a stoneidiom
- fall
- fall down
- flop
- freefall
- go down
- parachute
- pronate
- pronation
- put
- putsomething/someonedown
- rain(something)down
- setsomethingdown
- spiral
- stone
- touch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spending time & time passing
Distant in space and time
used withactionsin which something isremovedorremovesitself from another thing:
(与表示动作的词连用)去掉,除掉,移开I can't get thelidoff thisjar.我取不下这个罐子上的盖子。
Has anyone taken abookoff mydesk?是不是有人从我桌上拿走了一本书?
Could youcutme asmallpieceoff thatbigwhitecheese?你能从那一大块白色奶酪上给我切下一小片来吗?
Takeyourfeetoff thatseat,youngman!年轻人,把你的脚从座位上拿开!
I don't like takingmoneyoff you(=askingyou formoney)!我不喜欢从你那儿要钱!
Get off me!(= Stoptouchingme!)别碰我!
not standardI got theknifeoff of him before heranaway.他逃走前,我夺下了他的刀。
Removing and extracting
- ablate
- abstract
- bowdlerization
- bowdlerized
- clear the decksidiom
- drain
- extract
- gougesomethingout
- letsomeonedown
- over-extraction
- pick
- pluck
- scoop
- scratch
- slice
- takesomethingaway
- unboxing
- undrained
- wipesomethingoffsomething
- yank
offpreposition(NOT LIKING)
notlikingor taking something or someone:
对…不喜欢;对…不接受He's been off hisfoodeversince he had thestomachupset.自从他得了胃病后,就对食物失去了兴趣。
She's well enough to be off themedicinenow.她现在身体很好,不必吃药了。
She's been offdrugsfor ayearnow.至今她已戒毒一年了。
UKThedoctorsays he cancomeoff thetablets.医生说他可以不吃这些药片了。
UKI used tolovecoffeebut I'vegoneoff it(=stoppedlikingit)recently.我过去喜欢喝咖啡,可是最近不爱喝了。
Not liking
- abhor
- abide
- abominate
- anti-American
- anti-British
- civil
- cup
- cut
- deplore
- despise
- detest
- disdain
- disdainful
- mind
- non-fan
- not besomeone'scup of teaidiom
- not go much onsomethingidiom
- not have a civil word to say aboutsomeoneidiom
- not know whatsomeonesees insomeone/somethingidiom
- stand
offpreposition(NEAR TO)
near to:
靠近,离…不远Helivesjustoff themainroad.他住得离大路不远。
It's anislandoff theeastcoastof Spain.它是西班牙东海岸附近的一个岛屿。
Closeness in distance and time
- a hair's breadthidiom
- a stone's throwidiom
- about
- ace
- anywhere
- anywhere nearidiom
- approachable
- around
- float
- float around
- hand to handidiom
- hard by
- here
- proximity
- roof
- round the corneridiom
- shadow
- shout
- step
- super-convenient
C2[after verb]
(of anarrangedevent)stoppedor given up:
(安排好的活动)终止的,取消的The wedding's off - she'sdecidedshe's tooyoungtosettledown.婚礼取消了——她觉得自己还太年轻,不想这么早就安定下来。
informalIt's all off(= therelationshipis over)between Kim and Mike.金和迈克吹了。
to cancel something
- cancelSorry, I have to cancel our plans tonight.
- call offThe game has been called off because of the weather.
- offThe meeting's off because James is ill.
- scrapWe've scrapped our plans for a trip to France.
- suspendThe ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.
- postponeWe've postponed the wedding until next year.
- The game's off,dueto awaterloggedpitch.
- Lack ofinterestledto theeventbeing called off.
- Thesearchforsurvivorshas been called off.
- Tomorrow'sgamehas been called off because of thebadweather.
- Thesearchwas called off for thesailorswhodisappearedin thestorm.
Cancelling and interrupting
- adjourn
- adjourn tosomewhere
- arrest
- break
- callsomeone/somethingoff
- cancellable
- cut
- diversion
- halt
- in midstreamidiom
- kick
- kicksomethinginto touchidiom
- rain
- scratch
- scrub
- shut
- shut(something)off
- Zoom bomb
- Zoombomber
- Zoombombing
offadjective(PROVIDED FOR)
having aparticularamountornumber,especiallyofmoney:
(尤指钱)有一定数量的Andrew must be sowell-off(=rich)by now.安德鲁如今一定很富有了。
Ithinkthey'refairlybadly-off(=poor)now thatDavidhaslosthisjob.既然戴维丢了工作,我想他们现在经济上很窘迫。
UKI'mquitewellofffor(= have a lot of)sweaters.我有很多毛衣。
UKHow are you offformoney?(= do you have enough?)你有多少钱?
Rich and wealthy
- affluence
- bankability
- bankable
- bazillionaire
- be rolling in itidiom
- be stinking richidiom
- born with a silver spoon inyourmouthidiom
- clover
- comfortably
- creditworthy
- fat
- get-rich-quick
- moneyed
- not be short of a bob or twoidiom
- prosperity
- purchasing power
- self-supporting
- strike
- strike goldidiom
- wealthy
offadjective(BELOW USUAL LEVEL)
below theusualstandardorrate:
低于一般标准(的);不如平常(的)I'm having an offdaytoday - I just can'tseemto do anythingright!我今天状态不佳——好像什么事都做不好!
Quite good, or not very good
- acceptable
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- agreeable
- fair
- iffy
- impure
- indifferent
- indifferently
- kind
- pass
- patchiness
- patchy
- raggedly
- raggedness
- reasonable
- rough
- scratch
- spotty
B2[after verb]mainlyUK
(offoodanddrink) nolongerfreshor good toeatordrinkbecause of being tooold:
I'dbettereatthischeesebefore itgoesoff.我最好在这块奶酪变质之前吃了它。
- Do youthinkthismeatis off?
- Themilkhas gone off because youleftit out of thefridge.
- Thatbaconlookoff to me.
- Thefruitwill go offquicklyif it's notstoredat therighttemperature.
- Thatcheesecakemust have already been off when youboughtit.
Not pleasant to eat or drink
- (as) tough as old bootsidiom
- bitter
- bitterness
- bland
- chewy
- dishwater
- insipidly
- insipidness
- like dishwateridiom
- mouldy
- overripe
- pungent
- stale
- staleness
- stick tosomeone'sribsidiom
- stodginess
- stodgy
- unpalatable
- unripe
- watery
offadjective(NO LONGER SERVED)
[after verb]UK
(offoodin arestaurant) notavailableat thatparticulartime:
(餐馆的食物)售完了的,不供应的I'msorry,sir, thesalmonis off.先生,很抱歉,鲑鱼卖完了。
Food - general words
- aliment
- bed
- box scheme
- carb
- cep
- delicacy
- eats
- farm box
- fast food
- fayre
- food
- grub
- mouthful
- non-food
- nosh
- perishables
- portion
- produce box
- sustenance
- whole food
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Unavailable and inaccessible
[after verb]UKinformal
notthinkingorworryingabout other people'sfeelings;rude:
漠不关心的,冷漠的,无情的;粗鲁的He didn'tevencallher on herbirthday- Ithoughtthat wasabitoff.他甚至在她生日那天也没有给她打个电话——我觉得这有点不尽人情。
Rude and cheeky
- cheekily
- cheekiness
- churlish
- churlishly
- churlishness
- coarse
- coarsely
- discourteous
- fruity
- gall
- impudent
- incivility
- offensively
- offensiveness
- potty mouth
- potty-mouthed
- presume
- presumptuously
- unpleasant
- unrepeatable
UKinformaluk/ɒf/us/ɑːf/the off
走,离开Are wereadyforthe off, then?那么,我们准备好要走了吗?
from the off
from thebeginning, when someone firststartsto do something or aprocessfirststarts:
She and I got on wellrightfrom the off.
Ifoundthe newcareasytodrivefrom the off.
From the off he had meconvincedthat I had nochoicebut tohelphim.
Was heviolentfrom the off, or was this just amomentofmadness?
Arrivals and departures
- admission
- admittance
- advent
- approach
- arr.
- arrival
- bourne
- connection
- dep.
- departure
- descent
- destination
- entrance
- eta
- going
- inflow
- influx
- invasion
- misconnect
- misconnection
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Beginnings and starts
杀死,干掉They offed him anddumpedhisbodyin theswamp.他们杀死了他,然后把尸体抛弃在沼泽里。
Murder & attempted murder
- asphyxiation
- assassinate
- assassination
- attempt
- bloodstained
- butcher
- drive-by
- genocide
- gunsomeonedown
- holocaust
- homicide
- infanticide
- polish
- polishsomethingoff
- pop off
- putsomeoneto the swordidiom
- regicide
- slaughter
- smother
- snuff