thefactofreaching,stretching, orcontinuing; theactofaddingto something inorderto make itbiggerorlonger:
伸展;延伸Martin Luther King, Jr,campaignedfor the extensionofcivilrightsto(= for them toinclude)blackpeople.小马丁‧路德‧金发起了为黑人争取公民权利的运动。
The extension(=increasing)ofpolicepowersin theprovincehas beenheavilycriticized.在该省增加警力的做法遭到了严厉抨击。
Hisreportcontainedseriouscriticismsof thefinancedirector, and,byextension(=therefore), of theentireboardofmanagement.他的报告对财务总监进行了严厉批评,进而又涉及到了整个管理委员会。
Thearticleis an extensionof(=takesfurther)theideasProfessor Foxdevelopedin anearlierbook.这篇文章进一步发展了福克斯教授在先前出版的著作中阐述的观点。
I'veappliedfor an extensiontomyvisa(=askedfor it to lastlonger).我已经申请将签证延期。
They arehopingto get an extensionoftheirloan(= to be given alongerperiodoftimein which topayit back).他们希望能够将贷款期限延长。
- Theplannedextension to themotorwaynear London is going tocostover £4 million.
- Thebossisrefusingtoletus have any extension on thedeadlinefor thisjob.
- The newjobwouldinvolveasignificantextension toyourcurrentareaofresponsibility.
- Thecompanywasgrantedan extensionallowingit tocontinueusing theoldtrainsfor afurtherthreemonths.
- After three extensions to hisjobcontract, he was told they would not berenewingit again.
Becoming bigger
- accrete
- accrue
- anti-growth
- bell
- billow
- bump
- elongate
- engorged
- enlarge
- enlargement
- expansion
- oak
- pile
- puff up
- putsomethingon
- regenerate
- scalability
- scalable
- shoot
- stretch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Augmenting and supplementing
any of two or morephonesin the samehousethatsharethe samenumber, or any of anumberofphonesconnectedto aswitchboardin alargebuildingsuch as anoffice:
(共享一个号码的)电话分机;(号码不同的)电话分机We have an extension inourbedroom.我们在卧室安了一部分机。
When youcall,askfor extension 3276.打电话时,让总机转分机3276。
Communications - telephone equipment
- answering machine
- blower
- brick
- burner
- call box
- caller ID
- cell phone
- device
- dumbphone
- phablet
- platform
- powerbank
- sim
- SIM card
- smartphone
- speakerphone
- switchboard
- telephone
- telephone booth
- telephone exchange
the lastpartof thenameof acomputerfile, which comes after a (.) andshowswhattypeoffileit is
扩展名(电脑文件名的最后一部分,用于区分文件种类)Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- bulletin board
- capture
- configuration
- importation
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- scan
- transcode
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
[Cusually plural](alsohair extension)
alongpieceofhairthat isaddedto a person's ownhairinorderto make thehairlonger
- anti-dandruff
- as bald as a cootphrase
- baldness
- baldy
- bedhead
- curl
- five o'clock shadow
- frizzle
- frizzy
- fuzzy
- goatee
- lank
- mane
- muttonchops
- rug
- scurf
- slaphead
- walrus moustache
- waxed
- wig
a newpartaddedto ahouseor otherbuilding:
扩建部分We'rebuildingan extensionto/onourhouse.我们正在对房子进行扩建。
something that is added
- additionBlueberries make a delicious addition to your smoothies.
- additionUSThe addition doesn't match the old part of the house.
- extensionUKThey're building a new extension.
- add-onYou can install add-ons such as toolbars and ad blockers to this browser.
- accessoryYou can buy various accessories for your phone.
- attachmentThe tool comes with useful cutting attachments.

Parts of buildings in general
- addition
- annex
- annexe
- downstairs
- elevation
- façade
- foundation
- frontage
- Juliet balcony
- man cave
- multi-chambered
- organ loft
- superstructure
- wing
adjective[only before noun]
educationuk/ɪkˈsten.ʃən/us/ɪkˈsten.ʃən/intendedtosupportstudents'learningby making themtrydifferent or moredifficultthings in addition totheirbasicwork:
(学生作业)延展性的,难度更高的,范围更广的Thebookincludeslessonplansand extensionactivities.这本书包括课堂计划和延展性活动。
offeredby auniversitytopeoplewho are notstudyingfor adegreethere :
Learning & knowing
- absorptive capacity
- academy
- acquire
- acquisition
- assimilate
- autodidact
- familiar
- journey
- non-academic
- non-library
- onboard
- onboarding
- outlearn
- shadow
- sit
- uncultivated
- uncultured
- unlearnable
- unteachable
- upskill
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Classes & courses