释义 |
fallverb(HAVE AN ACCIDENT)A2[I]tosuddenlygo down onto thegroundor towards thegroundwithoutintendingto or byaccident: (突然)跌倒,摔落 The path's verysteep, so becarefulyou don't fall.小路很陡,当心别摔倒。 He fellbadlyandbrokehisleg.他重重跌倒,摔断了腿。 Athletes have tolearnhow to fall withouthurtingthemselves.运动员必须学会跌倒时不伤到自己。 Thehorsefell at the firstfence.那匹马在跳跃第一道障碍物时就摔倒了。 I felldownthestairsandinjuredmy back.我跌下楼梯,后背受了伤。 Theobjectappearedto have fallenfromagreatheight.这件物体似乎是从很高的地方落下来的。 The water'sdeephere, so don't fallin!这里的水很深,别掉进去了! Sheslippedand fellontheice.她滑了一下,摔倒在冰上。 He fellintotheriverand had to berescued.他掉进了河里,需要救援。 I felloffmybikeandscrapedmyknee.我从自行车上掉下来,摔坏了膝盖。 He wasleaningout of thewindowandalmostfellout.他从窗户探身出去,差一点摔下去了。 She fellunderabusand waskilledinstantly.她跌到公共汽车下面,当场被轧死了。 She fell fivemetrestothebottomof theravine.她跌进了5米深的沟底。 He felltohisdeathclimbingthe Matterhorn.他在攀登马特峰时摔死了。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto go down onto the ground suddenly - fallShe slipped and fell.
- dropSeveral apples dropped from the tree.
- collapseSeveral buildings collapsed in the earthquake.
- crumpleHe fainted and crumpled into a heap on the floor.
- tumbleA huge rock tumbled down the mountain.
- plungeFour of the mountaineers plunged to their deaths when their ropes broke.
See more results » fall flat onyourfaceinformal to fall andlandwithyourfacedown: 脸朝下跌倒,趴倒在地Poor Kathy fellflaton herfacein themud.可怜的凯茜脸朝下跌进了泥里。 See more- Keep away from theedgeof thecliff- you might fall.
- Hold onto therailso that you don't fall.
- They weremockinghim because hekeptfalling off hisbike.
- Sheknockedherheadagainst thewallas she fell.
- Weheardasplashand thensawthat Toni had fallen in theriver.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFalling and dropping - ass
- collapse/fall in a heapidiom
- cropper
- crumple
- drop
- drop like fliesidiom
- drop off
- faceplant
- fall away
- fly
- let goidiom
- mic drop
- nosedive
- overbalance
- parachutist
- plunge
- pratfall
- shower
- thump
- wayside
See more results » fallverb(BECOME LOWER)B1[I]tobecomelowerinsize,amount, orstrength: (规模、数量或力量)减少,降低 Demand for newcarshas fallendueto therecession.由于经济衰退,对新车的需求减少了。 Thestandardof hisworkhas fallen during theyear.这一年中他的工作水平下降了。 Salaries in thepublicsectorareexpectedto fall by 15percentthisyear.今年国有企业的工资预计下降15%。 Thetemperaturecould fallbelowzeroovernight.气温可能一夜间突降到零度以下。 Averagetemperaturesfellbytendegrees.平均气温下降了10度。 Thepoundhas fallentoitslowest-everlevelagainst thedollar.英镑对美元的汇率下跌到历史最低水平。 When theteacherwalkedin, the children'svoicesfellto awhisper(= theybecameveryquiet).老师一走进来,孩子们便压低了声音小声讲话。 Sharepricesfellsharplythisweek.本周股价骤跌。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto become smaller or less - decreaseThe tests show that the tumour has decreased in size since we started treatment.
- lessenA healthy diet lessens your risk for cardiovascular disease.
- lowerThey've just lowered the age at which you can join.
- reduceThey've just reduced the price.
- bring downThey are bringing down their prices.
- dropStock prices dropped today after the company's announcement.
See more results » - Thetemperaturehas fallen below zerorecently.
- Inflation has fallen below 2%, and that'sofficial.
- Thefloodwatersfell,depositingmudover thewholearea.
- Manyeconomistsexpectunemploymentto fall over the nextcoupleofmonths.
- Ifyourbankaccountbalancefalls below theminimum, you'll benickedfor a $5servicecharge.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBecoming and making smaller or less - abridgment
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuating
- attenuation
- boil
- damp
- falling
- falling-off
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- go through the flooridiom
- rollback
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- rundown
- sag
- salami slicing
- shave
- telescope
- tumble
See more results » fallverb(COME DOWN)A2[I]to come down onto thegroundor from a highpositionto alowerposition: 落下;降落 Thesnowhad been fallingsteadilyallday.雪持续下了一整天。 It wasOctoberand theleaveshadstartedto fall.十月了,树叶开始掉落。 She fellintobed,completelyexhausted.她筋疲力尽,倒在床上。 Abombfellonthechurchanddestroyedit.一颗炸弹落在教堂上,把教堂炸毁了。 AhugemeteorfelltoEarthin themiddleof thedesert.一颗巨大的流星陨落到地球上,落在沙漠中央。 Hebeggedformercyas theblowsfellonhim(= as he was beinghit).他挨打时求饶了。 fall toyourknees(alsofall down onyourknees) to go down onyourkneesto showrespectorgratitude: Thepeopleall fell totheirkneesandbegantopray.人们都跪了下来,开始祈祷。 See more[I]When thecurtainfalls in thetheatre, it comes down because theplayorperformancehasended: 落幕;(戏剧或演出)结束 Theaudiencewas stilllaughingas thecurtainfell.演出结束时观众们仍在大笑。 - Although thecurtainhas now fallen on theRepublicanera, many ofitsvaluesstillremain.
- Thefactthataircraftdon't fall out of theskyalwaysseemsto me todefythelawofgravity.
- Thesatellitewillfragmentandburnup as it falls through the earth'satmosphere.
- Herluxurianthairfell around hershoulders.
- Rain had been fallingsteadilyalldayand thegroundhadbecomeamarsh.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMoving downwards - base jumping
- cascade
- descend
- dive
- drop/fall/sink like a stoneidiom
- fall down
- flop
- freefall
- go down
- parachute
- pronate
- pronation
- put
- putsomething/someonedown
- rain(something)down
- set
- setsomethingdown
- spiral
- stone
- touch
See more results » fallverb(BELONG TO)[Iusually+ adv/prep]tobelongto aparticulargroup,subject, orarea: 属于(某一群体、学科或领域) Thematerialfallsintothreecategories.这种材料分为3类。 Matters ofdisciplinefalloutsidemyareaofresponsibility.纪律方面的事不是我负责的。 - Theybelievethat all theoutstandingissuesshould fall within theambitof thetalks.
- Whatgenredoes thebookfall into -comedyortragedy?
- Thiscasefallsoutsidethepurviewof thisparticularcourt.
- Thematterfallsoutsidehisareaofjurisdiction.
- Thisresearchpaperfallsoutsidemy ownareaofexpertise.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDuty, obligation and responsibility - accountable
- answer forsomething
- answerable
- baby
- brother
- commitment
- fail
- fiefdom
- gotta
- had better/best dosomethingidiom
- hat
- havesomethingonyourhandsidiom
- pass the buckidiom
- payyourduesidiom
- pigeon
- portfolio
- purview
- remit
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- stick
See more results » fallverb(BECOME)B1[I+ adv/prep,L]tochangeto aparticularconditionfrom a different one: 变成(某状态) He always fallsasleepafterdrinkingredwine.他喝完红酒总是会睡着。 Shesuddenlyfellill.她突然病倒了。 Thebookfellopen(=openedbychance)at apictureof Venice.碰巧翻开书上关于威尼斯的那一页。 Thepresidenthas fallenstrangelysilenton theissueofguncontrol.在控枪问题上,总统奇怪地变得十分沉默。 UKYourrentfallsdue(= must bepaid)on the first of themonth.你的房租每月1号须缴付。 Silencefellonthegroupof men(= theybecamesilent)as theyreceivedthenews.听到这个消息,他们沉默了。 She fellundertheinfluenceof(=beganto beinfluencedby)anolderstudent.她开始受到一名高年级学生的影响。 - Theyletthepalacefall intoruin.
- Thebuildingshadstartedto fall intodecay.
- He fellunconsciousshortlyafter theaccident.
- Sophia fellillwhile onholiday.
- After we'dexplainedabout thechangeofplan, thechildrenfellstrangelyquietfor aminuteor two.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesChanging - about-face
- about-turn
- alterable
- altered
- alternate
- disturb
- drip
- modulate
- modulation
- move on
- move the goalpostsidiom
- move with the timesidiom
- pivot
- rewrite
- sanitization
- shakesomeoneout ofsomething
- shakesomeoneup
- stead
- steepness
- sway
See more results » fallverb(BE DEFEATED)C2[I]to bebeatenordefeated: 被打败;被击垮 Thepresidentfellfrompowerduring themilitarycoup.在军事政变中总统被推翻。 UKThegovernmentfinallyfell afterlosingthesupportof thecentreparties.失去中间党派支持之后,这届政府最终垮台了。 C2[I]If aplacefalls in awaror anelection, anenemyarmyor a differentpoliticalpartygetscontrolof it: 沦陷,失守;落败 Rome felltothe Vandals in AD 455.罗马在公元455年被汪达尔人攻陷。 UKTheconstituencyfelltoLabourat the lastelection, after tenyearsofConservativerule.在保守党主导10年之后,这个选区在上届选举中落入了工党手中。 [I]literaryIfsoldiersfall whilefighting, they arekilled: 阵亡,战死 Manybravemen fell in thefighttosavethecity.为保卫这座城市,许多勇士战死了。 During thewar, hesawmany of hiscomradesfallinbattle.战争中他目睹了许多战友的阵亡。 [I]UKIncricket, when awicketfalls, theturnof theplayerwho ishittingtheballends: (板球)击球手被杀出局 Tenwicketsfell in 22overs.在22次连续投球中,10名击球手被淘汰出局。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLosing and being defeated - admit
- battering
- chase
- chase shadowsidiom
- concede
- defeat
- downfall
- fallen
- give
- give in
- go
- go down
- knuckle
- non-winning
- say
- say uncleidiom
- tail
- take a batteringidiom
- whipsaw
- you win!idiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: fallverb(HAPPEN)C2[I]to come at aparticulartimeorhappenin aparticularplace: 落,降临;发生 Easterfalls late thisyear.今年的复活节来得迟。 Mybirthdaywill fallonaFridaythisyear.今年我的生日在星期五。 Night/Darknesshad fallen by thetimewe got back to thecamp.我们返回营地时夜幕已经降临。 In the word "table", theaccentfallsonthe firstsyllable.table这个词的重音落在第一个音节上。 The Treasury has still notdecidedwhere thecutswill fall.财政部尚未决定削减哪些开支。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOccurring and happening - afoot
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at workidiom
- become
- eventuate
- fall into placeidiom
- follow on
- go hand in hand withsomethingidiom
- go off
- go on
- pass
- result
- resynchronize
- roll
- roll around
- shake out
- succeed
- supervene
- turn
See more results » fallverb(HANG DOWN)C2[Iusually+ adv/prep]tohangdownloosely: 下垂,低垂 The boy'shairfellaroundhisshouldersingoldencurls.男孩的金色卷发垂在肩上。 Theveilfellalmosttoherwaist.面纱几乎垂到她的腰际。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHanging and suspending - be dripping withsomethingidiom
- cascade
- dangle
- dangly
- drape
- drip
- droop
- droopy
- flow
- hang
- hung
- pendant
- pendent
- pendulous
- sag
- saggy
- string
- stringsomeoneup
- suspend
See more results » fallverb(UNHAPPY)yourface falls Ifyourfacefalls, yousuddenlylookunhappyordisappointed: Hisfacefell when hesawthedistancehe still had to go. See moreGrammarFellorfelt? Fell is the past simple of the verb fall:… Fallorfall down? We can use fall as a noun or a verb. It means ‘suddenly go down onto the ground or towards the ground unintentionally or accidentally’. It can also mean ‘come down from a higher position’. As a verb, it is irregular. Its past form is fell and its -ed form is fallen. Fall does not need an object:… Idiomsfall between two stools fall by the wayside fall flat fall foul ofsomething fall foul ofsomeone fall in line fall in love fall intosomeone'sarms fall into place fall into the wrong hands fall into the/someone's trap fall prey/victim tosomething/someone fall short nearly/almost fall offyourchair fall on deaf ears fall on hard times Phrasal verbsfall about fall apart fall away fall back fall back onsomething fall behind fall down fall down onsomething fall forsomeone fall forsomething fall fromsomething fall in fall in withsomeone fall in withsomething fall intosomething fall off fall on/uponsomeone fall on/uponsomething fall onsomeone fall out fall over fall oversomething/someone fall through fall tosomeone fall to fallnoun(LOWER AMOUNT)B1[Cusually singular]thefactof thesize,amount, orstrengthof something gettinglower: (规模、数量或力量的)减少,降低 a fallinthepriceofpetrol/theunemploymentrate汽油价格的下跌/失业率的降低 We couldheartheriseandfall ofvoicesin the otherroom.我们能听见另一间屋里忽高忽低的讲话声。 There was a fallinsupportfor thepartyat the lastelection.上届选举时,该党的支持率下跌了。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesthe fact of getting smaller or becoming less - decreaseThere has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors.
- fallA fall in the price of petrol is unlikely.
- fall-offThere's been a sharp fall-off in demand for the product since the company's scandal broke.
- falling-offThere has been a slight falling-off in public sector employment growth.
- riseThere has been a sharp rise in home sales this month.
See more results » - The last tenyearshaveseenadramaticfall in thenumberofadoptions.
- The Cityactedswiftlyto thenewsof a fall in thevalueofsterling.
- Yesterday thecompanyannounceditsfirsteverfall inprofits.
- The fall ininterestratesisexcellentnewsfor borrowers.
- There was a larger-than-expected fall inunemploymentlastmonth.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBecoming and making smaller or less - abridgment
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuating
- attenuation
- boil
- damp
- falling
- falling-off
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- go through the flooridiom
- rollback
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- rundown
- sag
- salami slicing
- shave
- telescope
- tumble
See more results » fallnoun(SEASON)[CorU]US(UKautumn)theseasonaftersummerand beforewinter, whenfruitsandcropsbecomereadytoeatand theleavesfall off thetrees: 秋季,秋天 I'mstartingcollegein thefall.我秋天开始上大学。 Nextfall we'll be back in New York.我们明年秋天回纽约。 a fallday/morning一个秋日/秋天的清晨 fallcolours/foliage秋日的色彩/秋叶 - In the fall, everyone is outrakingup thedeadleaves.
- Thegardenis ablazeofcolourin the fall.
- Theyplanto getmarriedin the fall.
- Check outournewcatalogfor all thelatestfall andwinterfashions.
- We wereplanningatriptoEuropenext fall.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe seasons - autumn
- autumnal
- clock
- dead
- estival
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- in the depth(s) of winteridiom
- monsoon
- season
- seasonal
- seasonality
- seasonally
- spring
- spring fever
- springtime
- summer
- vernal
- winter
- wintertime
See more results » fallnoun(ACCIDENT)B2[Cusually singular]theactof falling down to theground, usually withoutintendingto or byaccident: 跌倒;跌落;倒下 Hehad/tookanastyfall andhurthis back.他重重跌了一跤,伤了脊背。 the fall of the BerlinWall(= when the BerlinWallwasdestroyed)柏林墙的倒塌 - Thesoftgrasscushionedhis fall.
- I was in nomoodforheroicsafter my fall andskiedveryslowlydown themountainside.
- Thehorsebrokeitsfrontlegin the fall.
- Hespentthe last tenyearsof hislifein awheelchairafter a fall whichlefthimparalysedfrom thewaistdown.
- After her fall shecomplainedthat she couldn'tbendherlegproperly.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFalling and dropping - ass
- collapse/fall in a heapidiom
- cropper
- crumple
- drop
- drop like fliesidiom
- drop off
- faceplant
- fall away
- fly
- let goidiom
- mic drop
- nosedive
- overbalance
- parachutist
- plunge
- pratfall
- shower
- thump
- wayside
See more results » fallnoun(MOVEMENT DOWNWARDS)[Cusually singular]anamountof something thatmovesdown onto thegroundor from ahigherpositionto alowerposition: 降落 falls[plural] often used inplacenamestomeana verywidewaterfall, often made of manyseparatewaterfalls: 瀑布 See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMoving downwards - base jumping
- cascade
- descend
- dive
- drop/fall/sink like a stoneidiom
- fall down
- flop
- freefall
- go down
- parachute
- pronate
- pronation
- put
- putsomething/someonedown
- rain(something)down
- set
- setsomethingdown
- spiral
- stone
- touch
See more results » fallnoun(DEFEAT)C1[Cusually singular]thefactof beingdefeatedorlosingyourpower: 沦陷;灭亡;垮台,失势 the fall of Rome罗马的陷落 Thearmytookcontrolof thecityafter the president's fallfrompower.总统垮台后,军队控制了这座城市。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLosing and being defeated - admit
- battering
- chase
- chase shadowsidiom
- concede
- defeat
- downfall
- fallen
- give
- give in
- go
- go down
- knuckle
- non-winning
- say
- say uncleidiom
- tail
- take a batteringidiom
- whipsaw
- you win!idiom
See more results » Idiomstake a/the fall forsomeone fall from grace (Definition offallfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)fallverb(HAVE AN ACCIDENT)A2[I]tosuddenlygo down onto thegroundor towards thegroundwithoutintendingto or byaccident (突然)跌倒,摔落The path's verysteep, so becarefulyou don't fall.小路很陡,当心别摔倒。 He fellbadlyandbrokehisleg.他重重跌倒,摔断了腿。 Athletes have tolearnhow to fall withouthurtingthemselves.运动员必须学会跌倒时不伤到自己。 Thehorsefell at the firstfence.那匹马在跳跃第一道障碍物时就摔倒了。 I felldownthestairsandinjuredmy back.我跌下楼梯,后背受了伤。 Theobjectappearedto have fallenfromagreatheight.这件物体似乎是从很高的地方落下来的。 The water'sdeephere, so don't fallin!这里的水很深,别掉进去了! Sheslippedand fellontheice.她滑了一下,摔倒在冰上。 He fellintotheriverand had to berescued.他掉进了河里,需要救援。 I felloffmybikeandscrapedmyknee.我从自行车上掉下来,摔坏了膝盖。 He wasleaningout of thewindowandalmostfellout.他从窗户探身出去,差一点摔下去了。 She fellunderabusand waskilledinstantly.她跌到公共汽车下面,当场被轧死了。 She fell fivemetrestothebottomof theravine.她跌进了5米深的沟底。 He felltohisdeathclimbingthe Matterhorn.他在攀登马特峰时摔死了。 fall flat onyourfaceinformal to fall andlandwithyourfacedown 脸朝下跌倒,趴倒在地Poor Kathy fellflaton herfacein themud.可怜的凯茜脸朝下跌进了泥里。 - Keep away from theedgeof thecliff- you might fall.
- Hold onto therailso that you don't fall.
- They weremockinghim because hekeptfalling off hisbike.
- Sheknockedherheadagainst thewallas she fell.
- Weheardasplashand thensawthat Toni had fallen in theriver.
fallverb(BECOME LOWER)B1[I]tobecomelowerinsize,amount, orstrength (规模、数量或力量)减少,降低Demand for newcarshas fallendueto therecession.由于经济衰退,对新车的需求减少了。 Thestandardof hisworkhas fallen during theyear.这一年中他的工作水平下降了。 Salaries in thepublicsectorareexpectedto fall by 15percentthisyear.今年国有企业的工资预计下降15%。 Thetemperaturecould fallbelowzeroovernight.气温可能一夜间突降到零度以下。 Averagetemperaturesfellbytendegrees.平均气温下降了10度。 Thepoundhas fallentoitslowest-everlevelagainst thedollar.英镑对美元的汇率下跌到历史最低水平。 When theteacherwalkedin, the children'svoicesfellto awhisper(= theybecameveryquiet).老师一走进来,孩子们便压低了声音小声讲话。 Sharepricesfellsharplythisweek.本周股价骤跌。 - Thetemperaturehas fallen below zerorecently.
- Inflation has fallen below 2%, and that'sofficial.
- Thefloodwatersfell,depositingmudover thewholearea.
- Manyeconomistsexpectunemploymentto fall over the nextcoupleofmonths.
- Ifyourbankaccountbalancefalls below theminimum, you'll benickedfor a $5servicecharge.
fallverb(COME DOWN)A2[I]to come down onto thegroundor from a highpositionto alowerposition 落下;降落Thesnowhad been fallingsteadilyallday.雪持续下了一整天。 It wasOctoberand theleaveshadstartedto fall.十月了,树叶开始掉落。 She fellintobed,completelyexhausted.她筋疲力尽,倒在床上。 Abombfellonthechurchanddestroyedit.一颗炸弹落在教堂上,把教堂炸毁了。 AhugemeteorfelltoEarthin themiddleof thedesert.一颗巨大的流星陨落到地球上,落在沙漠中央。 Hebeggedformercyas theblowsfellonhim(= as he was beinghit).他挨打时求饶了。 fall toyourknees(alsofall down onyourknees) to go down onyourkneesto showrespect 下跪(表示尊敬)Thepeopleall fell totheirkneesandbegantopray.人们都跪了下来,开始祈祷。 [I]When thecurtainfalls in thetheatre, it comes down because theplayorperformancehasended. 落幕;(戏剧或演出)结束Theaudiencewas stilllaughingas thecurtainfell.演出结束时观众们仍在大笑。 - Although thecurtainhas now fallen on theRepublicanera, many ofitsvaluesstillremain.
- Thefactthataircraftdon't fall out of theskyalwaysseemsto me todefythelawofgravity.
- Thesatellitewillfragmentandburnup as it falls through the earth'satmosphere.
- Herluxurianthairfell around hershoulders.
- Rain had been fallingsteadilyalldayand thegroundhadbecomeamarsh.
fallverb(BELONG TO)[Iusually+ adv/prep]tobelongto aparticulargroup,subject, orarea 属于(某一群体、学科或领域)Thematerialfallsintothreecategories.这种材料分为3类。 Matters ofdisciplinefalloutsidemyareaofresponsibility.纪律方面的事不是我负责的。 - Theybelievethat all theoutstandingissuesshould fall within theambitof thetalks.
- Whatgenredoes thebookfall into -comedyortragedy?
- Thiscasefallsoutsidethepurviewof thisparticularcourt.
- Thematterfallsoutsidehisareaofjurisdiction.
- Thisresearchpaperfallsoutsidemy ownareaofexpertise.
fallverb(BECOME)B1[I+ adv/prep,L]tochangeto aparticularconditionfrom a different one 变成(某状态)He always fallsasleepafterdrinkingredwine.他喝完红酒总是会睡着。 Shesuddenlyfellill.她突然病倒了。 Thebookfellopen(=openedbychance)at apictureof Venice.碰巧翻开书上关于威尼斯的那一页。 Thepresidenthas fallenstrangelysilenton theissueofguncontrol.在控枪问题上,总统奇怪地变得十分沉默。 UKYourrentfallsdue(= must bepaid)on the first of themonth.你的房租每月1号须缴付。 Silencefellonthegroupof men(= theybecamesilent)as theyreceivedthenews.听到这个消息,他们沉默了。 She fellundertheinfluenceof(=beganto beinfluencedby)anolderstudent.她开始受到一名高年级学生的影响。 - Theyletthepalacefall intoruin.
- Thebuildingshadstartedto fall intodecay.
- He fellunconsciousshortlyafter theaccident.
- Sophia fellillwhile onholiday.
- After we'dexplainedabout thechangeofplan, thechildrenfellstrangelyquietfor aminuteor two.
fallverb(BE DEFEATED)C2[I]to bebeatenordefeated 被打败;被击垮Thepresidentfellfrompowerduring themilitarycoup.在军事政变中总统被推翻。 UKThegovernmentfinallyfell afterlosingthesupportof thecentreparties.失去中间党派支持之后,这届政府最终垮台了。 C2[I]If aplacefalls in awaror anelection, anenemyarmyor a differentpoliticalpartygetscontrolof it. 沦陷,失守;落败Rome felltothe Vandals in AD 455.罗马在公元455年被汪达尔人攻陷。 UKTheconstituencyfelltoLabourat the lastelection, after tenyearsofConservativerule.在保守党主导10年之后,这个选区在上届选举中落入了工党手中。 [I]literaryIfsoldiersfall whilefighting, they arekilled. 阵亡,战死Manybravemen fell in thefighttosavethecity.为保卫这座城市,许多勇士战死了。 During thewar, hesawmany of hiscomradesfallinbattle.战争中他目睹了许多战友的阵亡。 [I]UKIncricket, when awicketfalls, theturnof theplayerwho ishittingtheballends. (板球)击球手被杀出局Tenwicketsfell in 22overs.在22次连续投球中,10名击球手被淘汰出局。 fallverb(HAPPEN)C2[I]to come at aparticulartimeorhappenin aparticularplace 落,降临;发生Easterfalls late thisyear.今年的复活节来得迟。 Mybirthdaywill fallonaFridaythisyear.今年我的生日在星期五。 Night/Darknesshad fallen by thetimewe got back to thecamp.我们返回营地时夜幕已经降临。 In the word "table", theaccentfallsonthe firstsyllable.table这个词的重音落在第一个音节上。 The Treasury has still notdecidedwhere thecutswill fall.财政部尚未决定削减哪些开支。 fallverb(HANG DOWN)C2[Iusually+ adv/prep]tohangdownloosely 下垂,低垂The boy'shairfellaroundhisshouldersingoldencurls.男孩的金色卷发垂在肩上。 Theveilfellalmosttoherwaist.面纱几乎垂到她的腰际。 fallverb(UNHAPPY)yourface/spirits fall Ifyourfacefalls, yousuddenlylookunhappyordisappointed, and ifyourspiritsfall, yousuddenlyfeelunhappyordisappointed. 脸色变阴沉/情绪变低落Hisspiritsfell when hesawthedistancehe still had to go.一看到还要走的路程距离,他立刻情绪低落起来。 As shereadherexamresults, herfacefell.看到考试成绩,她的脸阴沉下来。 GrammarFellorfelt? Fell is the past simple of the verb fall:… Fallorfall down? We can use fall as a noun or a verb. It means ‘suddenly go down onto the ground or towards the ground unintentionally or accidentally’. It can also mean ‘come down from a higher position’. As a verb, it is irregular. Its past form is fell and its -ed form is fallen. Fall does not need an object:… Idiomsfall between two stools fall by the wayside fall flat fall foul ofsth fall foul ofsb fall in line fall in love fall intosb'sarms fall into place fall into the wrong hands fall into the/sb's trap fall prey/victim tosth/sb fall short nearly/almost fall offyourchair fall on deaf ears fall on hard times Phrasal verbsfall about fall apart fall away fall back fall back onsth fall behind fall down fall down onsth fall forsb fall forsth fall fromsth fall in fall in withsb fall in withsth fall intosth fall off fall on/uponsb fall on/uponsth fall onsb fall out fall over fall oversth/sb fall through fall tosb fall to fallnoun(LOWER AMOUNT)B1[Cusually singular]thefactof thesize,amount, orstrengthof something gettinglower (规模、数量或力量的)减少,降低a fallinthepriceofpetrol/theunemploymentrate汽油价格的下跌/失业率的降低 We couldheartheriseandfall ofvoicesin the otherroom.我们能听见另一间屋里忽高忽低的讲话声。 There was a fallinsupportfor thepartyat the lastelection.上届选举时,该党的支持率下跌了。 - The last tenyearshaveseenadramaticfall in thenumberofadoptions.
- The Cityactedswiftly to thenewsof a fall in thevalueofsterling.
- Yesterday thecompanyannounceditsfirsteverfall inprofits.
- The fall ininterestratesisexcellentnewsfor borrowers.
- There was a larger-than-expected fall inunemploymentlastmonth.
fallnoun(SEASON)[CorU]US(UKautumn)theseasonaftersummerand beforewinter, whenfruitsandcropsbecomereadytoeatand theleavesfall off thetrees 秋季,秋天I'mstartingcollegein thefall.我秋天开始上大学。 Nextfall we'll be back in New York.我们明年秋天回纽约。 a fallday/morning一个秋日/秋天的清晨 fallcolours/foliage秋日的色彩/秋叶 - In the fall, everyone is outrakingup thedeadleaves.
- Thegardenis ablazeofcolourin the fall.
- Theyplanto getmarriedin the fall.
- Check outournewcatalogfor all thelatestfall andwinterfashions.
- We wereplanningatriptoEuropenext fall.
fallnoun(ACCIDENT)B2[Cusually singular]theactof falling down to theground, usually withoutintendingto or byaccident 跌倒;跌落;倒下Hehad/tookanastyfall andhurthis back.他重重跌了一跤,伤了脊背。 the fall of the Berlin Wall(= when the Berlin Wall wasdestroyed)柏林墙的倒塌 - Thesoftgrasscushionedhis fall.
- I was in nomoodforheroicsafter my fall andskiedveryslowlydown themountainside.
- Thehorsebrokeitsfrontlegin the fall.
- Hespentthe last tenyearsof hislifein awheelchairafter a fall whichlefthimparalysedfrom thewaistdown.
- After her fall shecomplainedthat she couldn'tbendherlegproperly.
fallnoun(MOVEMENT DOWNWARDS)[Cusually singular]anamountof something thatmovesdown onto thegroundor from ahigherpositionto alowerposition falls[plural] often used inplacenamestomeana verywidewaterfall, often made of manyseparatewaterfalls fallnoun(DEFEAT)C1[Cusually singular]thefactof beingdefeatedorlosingyourpower 沦陷;灭亡;垮台,失势the fall of Rome罗马的陷落 Thearmytookcontrolof thecityafter the president's fallfrompower.总统垮台后,军队控制了这座城市。 Idiomstake a/the fall forsb fall from grace fall| American Dictionaryfallverb(ACCIDENT)[I](ofpeopleandanimals) tomoveunintentionallyorunexpectedlyonto or toward thegroundfrom ahigherplace: He fell andhurthisarm. Don’t fall over,honey! I fell down thestairs. She fell off thetopof theladder. Kathytrippedand fell (flat) on herface(= fellfacingtheground). fallverb(MOVE DOWN)[I]tomovedown toward ordropto alowerposition: Theyexpectthreeinchesofsnowto falltonight. Tearsrolleddown hercheeksand fell into herlap. Plaster was falling off thewalls. fallverb(BECOME LESS)[I]tobecomeless orlowerinsize,amount, orstrength: Stockpricesfellsharplyin lateMarchand earlyApril. Herbloodsugarlevelsfell belownormal. fallverb(CHANGE STATE)[L]used to show achangefrom onestateto another: He fellasleepreadingthenewspaper. fallverb(BE DEFEATED)[I]Ifsoldiersfall, theydie: Thestatuehonorssoldierswho fell inbattle. fallverb(HAPPEN)[I]tohappenat aparticulartime: Mybirthdayfalls on aFridaythisyear. By thetimewe gothome,nighthad fallen(=begun). fallverb(BELONG TO)[Ialways+ adv/prep]tobelongto aparticulargroup, or to bepartof aparticularsubject: Archaeology falls under thegeneralsubjectofnaturalhistory. fallverb(HANG DOWN)[Ialways+ adv/prep](ofhairorcloth) tohangdownloosely: Herlong,darkhairfell to herwaist. Idiomsfall by the wayside fall flat fall into line (withsomeone/something) fall into place fall into the trap ofdoing something fall into the wrong hands fall short fall victim tosomething Phrasal verbsfall apart fall apart fall back onsomething fall behind(something) fall forsomeone fall forsomething fall intosomething fall off fall out fall out fallnoun(SEASON)[C/U](alsoautumn)theseasonof theyearbetweensummerandwinter,lastingfromSeptembertoDecembernorthof theequatorand fromMarchtoJunesouthof theequator, whenfruitsandcropsfinishgrowingand theleavesfall off thetrees: [U]Fall is myfavoritetimeofyear. [U]Shewantsto take avacationbefore fallclassesstart. fallnoun(ACCIDENT)[Cusually sing]theactofmovingonto or toward thegroundor to alowerposition, oftenunintentionallyoraccidentally: Sheinjuredherself in a fall. fallnoun(DEFEAT)[Cusually sing]adefeatorlossofpower: the fall of theRomanEmpire fallnoun(DROP)[Cusually sing]tobecomelowerinsize,amount, orstrength: (Definition offallfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)tobecomelowerinvalue,amount, orlevel: Housepricesbeganto fallrapidly. Demand for newcarshas fallen by over 40%. Stockpricesfellsharplyyesterday. Publicsectorsalariesareexpectedto fallevenfurtheras therecessioncontinuestobite. Inflation hasfallen toitslowestlevelin 30years. tograduallyget to be in aworseconditionorstate: Thefactoryhadfallen intodisuseinrecentyears. fall due if apaymentfallsdueat aparticulartime, it must bepaidat thattime: Therentfallsdueon the firstdayof themonth. Phrasal verbsfall back fall back on sth fall behind fall off fall over fall through [C,usually singular]areductionin theamountorlevelof something: a fall in sthThere areseriousconcernsabout the fall in thevalueof thedollar. TheFTSE100slumped116pointson the back of a 160-point fallovernighton the Dow Jones. Afurtherfall of2% inpropertypricescouldseriouslyhampereconomicrecovery. Thecorporationreportedasharpfallinquarterlyprofits. [S]asituationin which someone or something that has beensuccessfulfails: Thedocumentarychartstheriseand fall ofAmerica's thirdlargestcarcompany. fall from grace asituationin which someone who waspopular,successful, etc.suddenlybecomesunsuccessful,unpopular, etc. (Definition offallfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesoffallfall Firstly, one might hold that philosophical ideas should stand orfallon their content, rather than upon the reputation of the philosopher concerned.From theCambridge English Corpus In sum, disyllables have the same phonetic and developmental relation to monosyllables that falls have to rises.From theCambridge English Corpus Longterm exclosure plots currently capturing and protecting seeds falling into the crab-zone will help address this uncertainty.From theCambridge English Corpus A slow falling time of compressed pulse was observed due to the reduced intensity at the wings of the spatial profile.From theCambridge English Corpus We expect these committees will not exhibit a strong tendency tofallin the majority party's target area on its side of the chamber median.From theCambridge English Corpus If that is too high, then competitiveness will be reduced and, unless wagesfall, unemployment will increase.From theCambridge English Corpus As industrial production has fallen so have associated negative externalities, leading to reductions in air, water, soil, and noise pollution.From theCambridge English Corpus If timber price were tofallby a third, then benefits are still comparable to half the proceeds of logging being invested.From theCambridge English Corpus Where the book falls down is its lack of theoretical foundation and analytical reflection.From theCambridge English Corpus This research falls under two main themes (i) assessing the societal value of orphan drugs and (ii) funding the development and use of orphan drugs.From theCambridge English Corpus At this point, things started tofallinto place.From theCambridge English Corpus The scope of his present teaching work tends tofallinto the border area between language and linguistics, frequently ending up in thefieldof 'stylistics'.From theCambridge English Corpus Unlike thefallconference, each committee discussed the same four topics.From theCambridge English Corpus This falls right into our strategy of using two-level types.From theCambridge English Corpus The basic organizing principle for my tabulation is that, depending on type, variantsfallwithin a rather broad range according to probability or significance.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/fall## |