to make someoneupsetorangry:
冒犯,得罪,惹恼[+ that]Ithinkshe was offendedthatshe hadn't beeninvitedto theparty.没有邀请她参加聚会,我觉得她有点生气。
Helookedoffended when you called himmiddle-aged.你称他为中年人时,他看上去有些不快。
If thesightof a fewdirtydishesoffends you, then Ithinkyou're introuble!如果看到几个脏碟子就让你不舒服,那么我想你有问题了!
- I really didn'tmeanto offend her - I just said itunthinkingly.
- I'msorryif I offended you - I didn'tmeananyharm.
- I've neverknowinglyoffended him.
- I didn'tdaresay anything forfearof offending him.
- Richardsucceededin offending just about everybody in theroom!
Making people sad, shocked and upset
- aback
- amiss
- appal
- be laughing on the other side ofyourfaceidiom
- bite
- gnaw
- haunt
- heartbreaker
- heartbreakingly
- hit/touch a (raw) nerveidiom
- mess
- nerve
- screw(something)up
- sensitivity
- shakesomeoneout ofsomething
- shakesomeoneup
- shake/rocksomethingtoitsfoundationsidiom
- shattering
- tear
- toxic
offendverb(COMMIT CRIME)
犯罪,违法Obviously if apoliceofficeroffends it's afairlyseriousmatter.显然,警察如果犯罪那可是件相当严重的事情。
Obeying & breaking the law
- abide
- abide bysomething
- adhere
- adhere tosomething
- aid
- bad actor
- commission
- contempt
- in line withsomethingidiom
- infringe
- infringement
- non-compliance
- non-compliant
- noncomplying
- nondelinquent
- observance
- on the right/wrong side of the lawidiom
- pervert
- self-incrimination
- stick
Phrasal verb
offend againstsomething