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offerverb(AGREE TO GIVE)A2[IorT]toasksomeone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something: 主动给予;主动提出;提议 [+ two objects]Ifeelbadthat I didn't offer them anyfood/offer anyfoodtothem.没有给他们提供任何食物,我觉得很过意不去。 She was offered ajobinParis.她在巴黎得到了一份工作。 Can I offer you(= would you like)adrink?你要一杯饮料吗? "Would yousellme thatpainting?" "What are you offering(= what will youpay)forit?"“你能把那幅画卖给我吗?”“你出价多少?” [+ to infinitive]Myfatherofferedtotake us to theairport.我父亲提出送我们去机场。 [+ speech]"I'll do thecooking," he offered.“我来做饭,”他主动提议。 [T](alsooffer up)to say aprayeror make asacrifice(= anactofkillingor giving up something)to agod: (向神)祈祷,祭献 DearLord, we offer upourprayers...亲爱的主,我们向您祈祷… - Don't offer him acigarette, he'stryingto give up.
- Heflashedasmileand offered tobuyme adrink.
- It wasn't me who offered to go, it was Charlotte.
- "Would yousellme thatpainting?" "What are you offering for it?"
- You can't offer such alowsalaryto someone who is sohighlyskilled- it'sinsulting.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGiving, providing and supplying - accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- dish
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- passing
- reassignment
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- spare
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Religious ceremonies & prayers offerverb(PROVIDE)B1[T]toprovideorsupplysomething: 提供;供给 It's anorganizationthat offersfreelegaladvicetopeopleonlowincomes.这是一个向低收入人群提供免费法律咨询的组织。 It says in theguidethat thisareaoffers some of thebestwalksinEngland.旅行指南上说这一乡村地区有几条英格兰最好的徒步线路。 [+ two objects]We are now offering you thechancetobuythecompleteset ofpansathalfprice.我们现在为大家提供半价购买全套煎锅的机会。 Did he offer anyexplanationfor hisstrangebehaviour?他有没有对自己的怪异行为作出任何解释? It doesn'thave much tooffer as atown-itsshopsarefairlypoorand there's only onecinema.这个城镇没有什么可说的——商店很破旧,只有一家电影院。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto give something to someone - giveGive me that dirty plate.
- offerYour doctor should be able to offer advice.
- provideThis booklet provides useful information about local services.
- supplyThe lake supplies the whole town with water.
- donateFour hundred dollars has been donated to the school book fund.
See more results » - Whatchildcarefacilitiesdoesyourcompanyoffer?
- Thecaroffersvalueformoney,comfortanddependability.
- Theirflimsytentoffered littleprotectionagainst theseverestorm.
- Themajorbanksare offeringcashbackdealsof up to £5000 ontheirmortgages.
- Inmedievaltimesthesapphirewasbelievedto offerprotectiontoitswearer.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGiving, providing and supplying - accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- dish
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- passing
- reassignment
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- spare
See more results » GrammarOffers When we offer, we ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like us to do something for them. We usually say yes, please or no, thanks when we reply to offers.… A2theactofaskingif someone would like to have something or if they would like you to do something: 提议;主动帮忙 "If you like I canhelpout." "That's a verykindoffer."“如果你愿意,我可以帮忙。”“非常感谢你的提议。” I must say the offeroftwoweeksin Hawaii is verytempting.我得说到夏威夷度假两星期的提议对我很有诱惑力。 informalOnedayI'lltakeyouup on(=accept)that offer.将来我会接受你的提议的。 make an offerC2(alsoput in an offer) to sayofficiallythat you would like tobuysomething,especiallyahouse, at aparticularprice: (尤指为购买房产)出价,报价They wereasking€180,000 for theapartment, so I put in an offer of €170,000.这个公寓他们要价18万欧元,所以我出价17万。 I've made an offeronahousein Pine Banks.我已出价购买松林园的一所房子。 B1areductionin theusualpriceofsth, usually for ashortperiod: (尤指短时间内的)折扣 Don'tmissout onourlatestoffer.不要错过我们的最新折扣。 on offerB2 availableto beboughtor used: 可以买的;可以用的We wereamazedat therangeofproductson offer.有这么多产品可选,我们很惊讶。 on (special) offerB1UK Ifgoodsin ashopare on (special) offer, they are beingsoldat alowerpricethanusual. 削价出售的,特价销售的,特惠出售的under offerUK If ahouseis under offer, someone has alreadysuggestedaparticularpriceat which they would bewillingtobuyit. (房子)已有人出价的,在洽售中的- We willsendyou writtenconfirmationofouroffershortly.
- This offer isavailableexclusivelytoourestablishedcustomers.
- She wasluredinto thejobby the offer of a highsalary.
- Thecompanyhas beenpursuingHolton for sometime, but sofarhe hasrejectedalltheiroffers.
- Amajorityofstaffvotedtoacceptthe offer of an 8%payrise.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSuggestions & proposals - about
- bouncesomethingoffsomeone
- can't
- co-sponsor
- co-sponsorship
- drop
- if you take my meaningidiom
- imply
- make noisesidiom
- maybe
- move
- mover
- nomination
- on the tableidiom
- proposition
- putsomeonetosomethingidiom
- putsomethingin
- putsomethingup
- resubmission
- resubmit
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Mortgages & real estate Price decreases Available and accessible Costing little or no money GrammarOffers When we offer, we ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like us to do something for them. We usually say yes, please or no, thanks when we reply to offers.… (Definition ofofferfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)offer| American Dictionaryofferverb(AGREE TO GIVE)[I/T]toasksomeone if he or she would like to have something or would like you to do something: [T]She was offered a newjob. [T]Can I offer you(= Would you like)something todrink? [I]Myfatheroffered to take us to theairport. offerverb(PROVIDE)[T]toprovideorsupplysomething: Theorganizationoffersfreelegaladviceto low-incomepeople. He offeredexcusesbut norealexplanation. (Definition ofofferfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)toasksomeone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something: offer sb sthThey offered me akeyroleon theproject. offer sb a job/promotionShe was offered ajobin Singapore butturnedit down. offer sb a chance/opportunityThecableprovideroffers advertisers thechancetobuyadsthatrunonly inspecificneighborhoods. offer sth to sbTheairlinecompanyofferscheapflightstoairlinestaff. offer to do sthSomegraindealerswere offering tobuycashgrainfromfarmers, but only at adiscount. toprovideorsupplyaproductorservice: offer sb sthThepackagepromisesto offercustomersevencheaperfinancialservices. We havedecidedto offerfreetrialswithretailers. Thepackageoffers 11nightsin Kenya from $1569perperson. to say that you willpayaparticularamountofmoneyfor something: offer $20/£200/$2 million, etc. for sthAll threeprospectivebiddershaveindicatedthat they would offer about $1.1billionfor thecompany. offer sb sthHe offered melotsofmoneyfor mycar. FINANCEto makeshares, etc.availableforsale: They are offering 6.4 millionshareswith anestimatedpricerangeof $10-12. toprovideor haveparticularfeaturesoradvantages: Futuregenerationsofproductsmay offerimprovedpriceorperformancefeatures. Thegroupexpectsthe newdevicesto be offered asstandardequipmentonvehicles. asituationin which someoneasksif you would like to have something or if you would like them to do something: make (sb) an offerThecompanymade me ajoboffer and Iacceptedit. take up/agree to/accept an offerI took up his offer ofhelpwith mypresentation. reject/turndown/refusean offer receive/get/have an offer an offer to do sthHerefusedall offers tonegotiate. anoffer ofemployment/work/ajob anamountofmoneythat someone iswillingtopayfor something: make (sb) an offerAJapaneseinvestmentbankhas already made an offer for thecompany. an offer for sthThey areconsideringa $519m offer for thebusiness. an offer of sthSheturneddown an offer of $2,000 aweektoorganizetheconference. accept/consider/get an offer decline/turndown/refusean offer Theboardagreedthetermsof arecommendedcashofferof 42ppershare. They haveindicatedthat if they had agood offerfortheirassetsthey wouldsellthem. I'll give you $50, and that's myfinaloffer. PROPERTYanoccasionwhen someone says they would like tobuyapropertyat aparticularprice: We werereadytocompletethedealwhen thesellergot another,higheroffer. make/put in an offer on sthThey made an offer on ahousedowntown. Severalpeoplehaveviewedtheproperty, but no-one has put in an offer. FINANCEanoccasionwhen acompanymakes newsharesavailableforsale, or thenumberofsharesoffered : The $22.50-a-share offer to ADTshareholdersis 12% more than ADT'sclosingpriceyesterday. MARKETINGareductionin theusualpriceof something, usually just for ashortperiodoftime: abargain/introductoryoffer Thissuperboffer isavailablefor aminimumtwo-nightstayuntilApril2. on offer availableto bebought, used, etc.: Thefreesavers'guidegivesdetailsof all of the differenttypesofaccountson offer. on (special) offerespecially UK COMMERCEifgoodsin astoreare on offer, they are beingsoldat alowerpricethanusual: Everything in thestoreis on offer for thisweekonly. open to offers willingtoconsiderdifferentamountsofmoneyor other things thatpeopleare offering you: Theagentssay they areopento offers, but wouldexpectthesitetoachieveapricein theregionof $7 million. She isopento offers and has had severalapproachesfromfirmslookingforsalesmanagers. under offerUK PROPERTYif ahouseis under offer, someone has alreadystatedthat they would like tobuyit at aparticularprice: Theestateagenttold me thepropertywas already under offer, and that myviewinghad beencancelled. See alsocounter-offer exchange offer firm offer free offer general offer initial offer initial public offer mandatory general offer open offer self-tender settlement offer share exchange offer share offer special offer takeover bid tender offer trial offer unsolicited offer (Definition ofofferfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofofferoffer Particularly troubling to us is that no means is offered for determining at what time(s) a given parameter reflects either planning or control.From theCambridge English Corpus The oboe, on the other hand, offers very little for the eye, though some players attempt to compensate for this with grand gestures.From theCambridge English Corpus In this sense there are two distinct philosophical perspectives offered here.From theCambridge English Corpus Their participation, which is offered gratis, is based purely on their commitment to the development of science in the subregion.From theCambridge English Corpus The local press company mayofferpublications that cross-subsidize the provision of political information that supports the state.From theCambridge English Corpus They reported being interested in what was being offered without having any pre-existing intention to take up these offers.From theCambridge English Corpus Let meofferan example from some past research.From theCambridge English Corpus Ultrasonography offers excellent spatial resolution, portability, and lack of ionizing radiation and the need for transport.From theCambridge English Corpus This may mean booking a private room for them to complete a questionnaire, offering refreshments, or reducing other factors of burden such as parking.From theCambridge English Corpus Political economists and political scientists have offered a plethora of explanations for why competition in laxity remains rare in environmental and consumer policy.From theCambridge English Corpus She nonetheless stresses that models canoffersubstantive theoretical knowledge of the world.From theCambridge English Corpus We wish to clarify these and welcome the chance her commentary provided toofferaspects of the social situation surrounding the case we presented.From theCambridge English Corpus The story, as it has been told, offers them 'a usable past' that should help them to cope with future change.From theCambridge English Corpus They felt they had some personal control over their symptoms and that treatment couldoffersome control.From theCambridge English Corpus Her chapter offers a detailed and informative account of these case studies.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/offer## |