offer sheet
sportsspecializeduk/ˈɒf.ə ˌʃiːt/us/ˈɑː.fɚ ˌʃiːt/(in USsports) acontractthat isofferedby asportsteamto arestrictedfreeagent(= aplayerwho can onlyacceptacontractwith anotherteamincertainsituations)from a differentteam:
(美国球队给受限制的自由球员的)合同Twoweekslaterhesigneda six-year, $68 millionoffersheetwith Utah.两周后,他与犹他签订了一份为期6年、价值6800万美元的合同。
- Teams arefreetosignrestrictedfreeagentstooffersheets, buttheircurrentteamshave therightof firstrefusal, with oneweektomatchthosedeals.
- The WarriorsmatchedHouston'soffersheettofreeagentMarc Jackson.
- NewEnglandhasdecidednot tomatchthe Jets' six-year, $36 millionoffersheetto therunningback.
- He, like many otherrestrictedfreeagents, didn'treceiveanoffersheetfrom anotherteam,allowingthe Hawks to give him a "take orleaveit"offer.
Official documents
- accounts
- affidavit
- aleatory
- annal
- apostille
- certify
- driving licence
- filing
- free pass
- get-out clause
- Green Paper
- Hansard
- proceedings
- pt
- recertification
- recertify
- recharter
- renewable
- warrant