red panda
uk/ˌred ˈpæn.də/us/ˌred ˈpæn.də/ananimalwith reddish-brownfurand alongbushytailthatlivesmainlyintrees,especiallyinChinaand Nepal:
小猫熊,小熊猫,红熊猫There are fewer than 2,500redpandasin theworld.世界上只有不到2500只小熊猫。
Redpandasresemblearaccoonmore insizethantheircloserelation, the bear-likegiantpanda.与其近亲、类似熊的大熊猫相比,小熊猫的体型更像浣熊。

Antagain/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Adultredpandasare 2feetlongandweighsix to 12pounds.
- Themajorthreatto theredpandapopulationislossofhabitatbecause ofdeforestation.
- Thepictureshowsaredpandachewingonbambooleavesat the Sacramento Zoo.
Wild mammals
- aardvark
- anteater
- armadillo
- Bactrian
- bandicoot
- grizzly bear
- hedgehog
- hippopotamus
- javelina
- joey
- peccary
- pine marten
- platypus
- polar bear
- polecat
- tapir
- Tasmanian devil
- Tasmanian wolf
- thylacine
- tusker