uk/ˈwʌn.stɒp/us/ˈwʌn.stɑːp/used todescribeactivitiesthat allhappenin asingleplace, or to refer toplaceswhere thishappens:
More than 700competitiveservicespecialistsofferyou one-stopshopping.
The Quays is a one-stopdestinationforculture,entertainment, people-watching andlazingoverlunch.
See also
one-stop shop
- Weofferourcustomersone-stopbankingservicesandinvestmentadvice.
- Yahooaimedto be a one-stopInternetportal,offeringeverything frome-mailandinstantmessagingtofinancialinformation.
- If youwanttopickup avarietyof things in ahurry, it's hard tobeatthe one-stopconvenienceofdepartmentstores.
Pauses & interludes
- abeyance
- adjournment
- break
- break-journey
- caesura
- coffee break
- comfort stop
- hiatus
- interlude
- intermission
- interval
- lapse
- lull
- non-continuous
- pause
- plateau
- postponement
- respite
- smoko
- suspension