单词 | on the run |
释义 | on the runwhilehurryingto gosomewhere: 在赶路的途中Ieatbreakfaston therunif I'm late forwork.如果我上班要晚了,就在路上吃早饭。 Hurrying and doing things quickly
on the run| American Dictionaryon the runwhilebusydoing somethingelse: Heateon the run,downinganapplein hiscar. on the run Ifcriminalsare on the run, they aretryingtoavoidbeingcaught: The two men were on the run for threeweeksbefore beingcaughtbypolice. on the run Someone or something on the run is at adisadvantagein acompetitivesituation: Competition fromInternetretailershas somebigdepartmentstoreson the run. |
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