释义 |
flatadjective(LEVEL)B1levelandsmooth, with nocurved, high, orhollowparts: 水平的;平坦的 Anicerinkneedsto becompletelyflat.溜冰场地必须十分平坦。 Roll out thepastryon a flatsurface.在平的面板上把油酥面团擀薄。 Much of thecountrysidein thatregionis very flat.那一地区的许多乡村都地势平坦。 - Theroadaheadwas flat andsmooth.
- There aredrainagechannelsall over this flatagriculturalland.
- Sheborrowedagardenrollertorollthegrassflat.
- Abroadsweepof flatcountrysidestretchedto thehorizonin alldirections.
- There was nowindand theseawas very flat.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStraight, even and level - be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flatness
- glassy
- level
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
See more results » flatadjective(NOT HIGH)B1levelbut having little or noheight: 扁平的 flatshoes(=oneswithout araisedheel)平底鞋 Flatbreadis made withoutyeast, andthereforedoes notrise: (面包)未发酵的Pitta andnanare twotypesof flatbread.皮塔饼和印度薄饼是两种未发酵的面包。 flat cap/hatUK ahatthat is notroundedontopand has littleheight: 低顶帽He waswearinga flatcapand ablackjacket. See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStraight, even and level - be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flatness
- glassy
- level
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: flatadjective(NOT ACTIVE)notinteresting, or withoutemotionorexcitement: 不积极的;不感兴趣的;缺乏热情的After theexcitementof theparty,lifeseemssomewhatflat now.聚会的兴奋劲儿过去之后,生活现在似乎相当乏味。 Ithoughtherperformancea little flat.我觉得她的表演有点平淡。 Ithinkthecoloursin thispaintingarekindof flat(= notvariedorbright).我认为这幅油画的色彩有些平淡。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTedious and uninspiring - anonymous
- banal
- basic
- be (as) dull as ditchwateridiom
- bland
- lifelessness
- marginal
- marmoreal
- meh
- menial
- slow
- soul-destroying
- soulless
- spinach
- staid
- stale
- stuffy
- tame
- well worn
- worthy
See more results » flatadjective(BATTERY)UK(USdead)with noelectricalpowerleftin it: 没有电的 Ileftmycarlightson and now thebatteryis flat.我的车灯没关,现在电池没电了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMachines - not functioning - act
- break
- brokenness
- brownout
- burn out
- conk
- conk out
- cut
- cutsomethingout
- DDoS
- dead
- defective
- dysfunction
- fritz
- idle
- incapacitate
- shudder to a haltidiom
- shutdown
- stall
- temperamentally
See more results » flatadjective(DRINK)C2If adrinkis flat, it hasstoppedbeingfizzy(= withbubbles): (饮料)走了气的 If you don't put thetopback on thatbottleofbeer, it willgoflat.你要是不把那瓶啤酒的瓶盖盖上,它会走气的。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDrinks - general words - beverage
- blender
- caffeinated
- carbonated
- chaser
- craft
- fizziness
- fizzy
- hospitality
- hospitality tray
- ice cube
- milky
- on the rocksidiom
- protein shake
- refreshment
- shake
- sparkling
- straw
- sundowner
- weak
See more results » flatadjective(COMPLETE)[before noun]completeorcertain, and notlikelytochange: 彻底的;肯定的;断然的 Hisrequestfortimeoffworkwasmetwith a flatrefusal.他的休假要求遭到了断然拒绝。 Theofficialhasissueda flatdenialof theaccusationsagainst her.那位官员矢口否认对她的那些指控。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCertainty - (as) clear as dayidiom
- (as) sure as eggs is eggsidiom
- and that's flat!idiom
- assured
- assuredly
- decidedly
- deffo
- definite
- definitely
- definitive
- mistake
- nailsomethingon
- nailed on
- natch
- not miss a beatidiom
- squarely
- unreservedly
- watertight
- would
- you can bet your lifeidiom
See more results » flatadjective(WITHOUT AIR)B2If something such as atyreorballis flat, it does notcontainenoughair: (轮胎或球)瘪了的,撒了气的 I got a flattyre(= theairwent out of it)afterdrivingover anail.我的车胎扎了钉子后瘪了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEmpty - bare
- barrenness
- blank
- clear
- cleared
- dead
- deserted
- desolate
- emptiness
- empty
- forlorn
- hollow
- lifeless
- low-traffic
- nothingness
- unfurnished
- uninhabited
- unobstructed
- unoccupied
- vacant
See more results » flatadjective(FIXED)[before noun](especiallyof anamountofmoney)fixedand notlikelytochange: (尤指钱数)固定的,不变的 Wechargea flatfee/rateof $25perhour.我们每小时统一收费25美元。 - For amonthlyflatfee,paidby theconsumeroremployer,HMOsprovideaspecifiedlistofmedicalservicesboth in andoutsidethehospital.
- He'srepayingtheloanat a flatrateof 10%.
- Clients arechargeda flatrateof £15monthly.
- Borrowers canchooseavariableor flatinterestrateon theloan.
- He's beingpaidat a flatrateof £10perhour.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesKeeping and staying the same - anti-progressive
- calcification
- calcify
- consistency
- consistent
- continuum
- insensitivity
- invariant
- inveteracy
- leave well aloneidiom
- left
- peg
- stability
- stabilization
- stabilize
- stably
- stay
- wallow
- wallow insomething
- wouldn't have it any other wayidiom
See more results » flatadjective(PROFITS)Ifprofits,sales, etc. are flat, they are notgrowingorincreasing: (利润、销售等)无增长的Demand forourmachineryabroadisincreasing, whilegrowthis flat athome.在海外对我们生产的机器需求在不断增长,在国内却十分平缓。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesKeeping and staying the same - anti-progressive
- calcification
- calcify
- consistency
- consistent
- continuum
- insensitivity
- invariant
- inveteracy
- leave well aloneidiom
- left
- peg
- stability
- stabilization
- stabilize
- stably
- stay
- wallow
- wallow insomething
- wouldn't have it any other wayidiom
See more results » Idiomsand that's flat! be (as) flat as a pancake flatnoun(HOME)A1[C]UK(USapartment)a set ofroomsforlivingin that arepartof alargerbuildingand are usually all on onefloor: 公寓,单元房 afurnished/unfurnishedflat配家具/未配家具的公寓 ablockof flats一栋公寓楼 They have ahousein thecountryand a flat in Manchester.他们在乡下有一套房子,在曼切斯特有一套公寓。 - Our new flat is veryconvenientfor thekids'school.
- I wouldn'tdarehave apartyin my flat incasetheneighbourscomplained.
- She'slookingfor afurnishedflat.
- Theirgardenisoverlookedby ablockof flats.
- How are you getting on inyournew flat?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHouses & homes - A-frame
- almshouse
- apartment
- apartment building
- door
- dorm
- dormitory
- dosshouse
- duplex
- multifamily
- Nissen hut
- non-housing
- old people's home
- palace
- tipi
- tollhouse
- tower block
- town house
- townhouse
See more results » flatnoun(LEVEL GROUND)[Coften plural]anareaoflow,levelground, often nearwater: (常指水边的)平地;低洼地 Thesaltflats are used formotorracing.盐滩被用作摩托车比赛场地。 Themudflatsattractlargenumbersofbirds.潮泥滩吸引了大批鸟类。 the flat ofyourhand thepalmandfingerswhen they areheldstraightandlevel: 手掌Hehitme with the flat of hishand.他打了我一巴掌。 See morebe on the flat UKto be on alevelsurface, not on aslopeorhill: 在平地上 Most of thepathis on the flat.这条小径大部分都在平地上。 See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCoasts & beaches - barrier reef
- beachcomb
- beachcomber
- beachcombing
- beachfront
- coastal
- esplanade
- frontage
- groin
- maritime
- mudflat
- prom
- riviera
- seafront
- strand
- the Amalfi Coast
- the seashore
- the seaside
- tide pool
- tombolo
See more results » flatnoun(TYRE)[Cusually singular]mainlyUSinformalatyrethat does not have any or enoughairin it : 瘪胎 We were late because we had tostopandfixa flat.我们迟到了,因为中途不得不停下来修理漏气的轮胎。  ErikaMitchell/iStock/GettyImagesPlus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe exterior of vehicles - a fifth/third wheelidiom
- bull bar
- cab
- coachwork
- crumple zone
- finny
- fog light
- full beam
- hazard light
- headlight
- high beams
- hubcap
- mudflap
- sidelight
- sunroof
- tire
- tow bar
- tread
- turn signal
- wing
See more results » flatnoun(SHOES)flats[plural] women'sshoeswithout highheels: (女式)平跟鞋,平底鞋Ifeelmorecomfortablein flats.我穿平底鞋感觉更舒适。 See moreflatnoun(MUSIC)[C](asymbolfor) anotethat is asemitonelowerthan astatednote 降半音;降音符号 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNotes of the musical scale - A, a
- B, b
- bass
- C, c
- D, d
- doh
- half step
- high doh
- la
- lah
- major
- mi
- middle C
- re
- register
- scale
- semitone
- soh
- sol
- sol-fa
See more results » flatadjective,adverb(MUSIC)(inmusic)lowerthan aparticularnoteor thecorrectnote: (音乐)低于标准音高的,偏低的Thetopstringonyourviolinis flat.你的小提琴 E 弦音偏低。 Shesangflatthroughoutthesong(= all thenotesshesangwere toolow).她把整首歌的音调都唱低了。 Comparenaturaladjective(MUSIC) sharpadjectiveadverb SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNotes of the musical scale - A, a
- B, b
- bass
- C, c
- D, d
- doh
- half step
- high doh
- la
- lah
- major
- mi
- middle C
- re
- register
- scale
- semitone
- soh
- sol
- sol-fa
See more results » flatadverb(LEVEL)B2in alevelposition, often against anothersurface: (常指贴着另一表面)水平地,平直地 Lay theclothflatacrossthetable.把布平铺在桌子上。 - Helayflat on thegroundhopingno one wouldseehim.
- Sheunfoldedalargeclothandlaidit flat on theground.
- Empty the biscuit-crumbmixtureinto adishandpressit out flat.
- Myhathas beensquashedflat. Did someonesiton it?
- Poor Kathyfellflat on herfacein themud.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStraight, even and level - be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flatness
- glassy
- level
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
See more results » flatadverb(NOT HIGH)into a flatshapewithoutheight: 扁平地Thesepatiochairswillfoldflat forstorage.这些花园坐椅可以折叠起来存放。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStraight, even and level - be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flatness
- glassy
- level
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
See more results » flatadverb(COMPLETELY)UKinformal(USflat out)completelyor to thegreatestdegreepossible: 彻底;断然 She told him flat that she would not go to the show.她直截了当地告诉他她是不会去看表演的。 Could youlendme somemoney, I'm flatbroke(= I have nomoney).你能借我些钱吗?我一个子儿也没有了。 three minutes, half an hour, etc. flatinformal exactlythreeminutes,halfanhour, etc.: 刚好3分钟/半小时(等等)Wemanagedto get to thestationin fiveminutesflat.我们设法正好用了5分钟时间赶到了车站。 See moreflat outinformal asfastor as hard aspossible: 全速;全力以赴Mycaronly does about 60mph,evenwhen it's going flat out.我的车即使全速行驶,也只能跑到每小时60英里左右。 See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesComplete and whole - (all) in one pieceidiom
- A, a
- absolute
- all or nothingidiom
- all-in-one
- all-inclusive
- fell
- fibre
- from stem to sternidiom
- full-blown
- full-fledged
- full-length
- fully
- plain
- thoroughly
- through and throughidiom
- to the lastidiom
- totality
- toto
- unabridged
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Blunt and direct in speech & behaviour (Definition offlatfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)flatadjective(LEVEL)B1levelandsmooth, with nocurved, high, orhollowparts 水平的;平坦的Anicerinkneedsto becompletelyflat.溜冰场地必须十分平坦。 Roll out thepastryon a flatsurface.在平的面板上把油酥面团擀薄。 Much of thecountrysidein thatregionis very flat.那一地区的许多乡村都地势平坦。 - Theroadaheadwas flat andsmooth.
- There aredrainagechannelsall over this flatagriculturalland.
- Sheborrowedagardenrollertorollthegrassflat.
- Abroadsweepof flatcountrysidestretchedto thehorizonin alldirections.
- There was nowindand theseawas very flat.
flatadjective(NOT HIGH)B1levelbut having little or noheight 扁平的flatshoes(=oneswithout araisedheel)平底鞋 Flatbreadis made withoutyeast, andthereforedoes notrise. (面包)未发酵的Pitta andnanare twotypesof flatbread.皮塔饼和印度薄饼是两种未发酵的面包。 flat cap/hatUK ahatthat is notroundedontopand has littleheight 低顶帽 flatadjective(NOT ACTIVE)notinteresting, or withoutemotionorexcitement 不积极的;不感兴趣的;缺乏热情的After theexcitementof theparty,lifeseemssomewhatflat now.聚会的兴奋劲儿过去之后,生活现在似乎相当乏味。 Ithoughtherperformancea little flat.我觉得她的表演有点平淡。 Ithinkthecoloursin thispaintingarekindof flat(= notvariedorbright).我认为这幅油画的色彩有些平淡。 flatadjective(BATTERY)UK(USdead)with noelectricalpowerleftin it 没有电的Ileftmycarlightson and now thebatteryis flat.我的车灯没关,现在电池没电了。 flatadjective(DRINK)C2If adrinkis flat, it hasstoppedbeingfizzy(= withbubbles). (饮料)走了气的If you don't put thetopback on thatbottleofbeer, it willgoflat.你要是不把那瓶啤酒的瓶盖盖上,它会走气的。 flatadjective(COMPLETE)[before noun]completeorcertain, and notlikelytochange 彻底的;肯定的;断然的Hisrequestfortimeoffworkwasmetwith a flatrefusal.他的休假要求遭到了断然拒绝。 Theofficialhasissueda flatdenialof theaccusationsagainst her.那位官员矢口否认对她的那些指控。 flatadjective(WITHOUT AIR)B2If something such as atyreorballis flat, it does notcontainenoughair. (轮胎或球)瘪了的,撒了气的I got a flattyre(= theairwent out of it)afterdrivingover anail.我的车胎扎了钉子后瘪了。 flatadjective(FIXED)[before noun](especiallyof anamountofmoney)fixedand notlikelytochange (尤指钱数)固定的,不变的Wechargea flatfee/rateof $25perhour.我们每小时统一收费25美元。 - For amonthlyflatfee,paidby theconsumeroremployer,HMOsprovideaspecifiedlistofmedicalservicesboth in andoutsidethehospital.
- He'srepayingtheloanat a flatrateof 10%.
- Clients arechargeda flatrateof £15monthly.
- Borrowers canchooseavariableor flatinterestrateon theloan.
- He's beingpaidat a flatrateof £10perhour.
flatadjective(PROFITS)Ifprofits,sales, etc. are flat, they are notgrowingorincreasing. (利润、销售等)无增长的Demand forourmachineryabroadisincreasing, whilegrowthis flat athome.在海外对我们生产的机器需求在不断增长,在国内却十分平缓。 Idiomsand that's flat! be (as) flat as a pancake flatnoun(HOME)A1[C]UK(USapartment)a set ofroomsforlivingin that arepartof alargerbuildingand are usually all on onefloor 公寓,单元房afurnished/unfurnishedflat配家具/未配家具的公寓 ablockof flats一栋公寓楼 They have ahousein thecountryand a flat in Manchester.他们在乡下有一套房子,在曼切斯特有一套公寓。 - Our new flat is veryconvenientfor thekids'school.
- I wouldn'tdarehave apartyin my flat incasetheneighbourscomplained.
- She'slookingfor afurnishedflat.
- Theirgardenisoverlookedby ablockof flats.
- How are you getting on inyournew flat?
flatnoun(LEVEL GROUND)[Coften plural]anareaoflow,levelground, often nearwater (常指水边的)平地;低洼地Thesaltflats are used formotorracing.盐滩被用作摩托车比赛场地。 Themudflatsattractlargenumbersofbirds.潮泥滩吸引了大批鸟类。 the flat ofyourhand thepalmandfingerswhen they areheldstraightandlevel 手掌Hehitme with the flat of hishand.他打了我一巴掌。 be on the flat UKto be on alevelsurface, not on aslopeorhill 在平地上Most of thepathis on the flat.这条小径大部分都在平地上。 flatnoun(TYRE)[Cusually singular]mainlyUSinformalatyrethat does not have any or enoughairin it 瘪胎We were late because we had tostopandfixa flat.我们迟到了,因为中途不得不停下来修理漏气的轮胎。 flatnoun(SHOES)flats[plural] women'sshoeswithout highheels (女式)平跟鞋,平底鞋Ifeelmorecomfortablein flats.我穿平底鞋感觉更舒适。 flatnoun(MUSIC)[C](asymbolfor) anotethat is asemitonelowerthan astatednote 降半音;降音符号 flatadjective,adverb(MUSIC)(inmusic)lowerthan aparticularnoteor thecorrectnote (音乐)低于标准音高的,偏低的Thetopstringonyourviolinis flat.你的小提琴 E 弦音偏低。 Shesangflatthroughoutthesong(= all thenotesshesangwere toolow).她把整首歌的音调都唱低了。 Comparenaturaladjective(MUSIC) sharpadjectiveadverb flatadverb(LEVEL)B2in alevelposition, often against anothersurface (常指贴着另一表面)水平地,平直地Lay theclothflatacrossthetable.把布平铺在桌子上。 - Helayflat on thegroundhopingno one wouldseehim.
- Sheunfoldedalargeclothandlaidit flat on theground.
- Empty the biscuit-crumbmixtureinto adishandpressit out flat.
- Myhathas beensquashedflat. Did someonesiton it?
- Poor Kathyfellflat on herfacein themud.
flatadverb(NOT HIGH)into a flatshapewithoutheight 扁平地Thesepatiochairswillfoldflat forstorage.这些花园坐椅可以折叠起来存放。 flatadverb(COMPLETELY)UKinformal(USflat out)completelyor to thegreatestdegreepossible 彻底;断然She told him flat that she would not go to the show.她直截了当地告诉他她是不会去看表演的。 Could youlendme somemoney, I'm flatbroke(= I have nomoney).你能借我些钱吗?我一个子儿也没有了。 three minutes, half an hour, etc. flatinformal exactlythreeminutes,halfanhour, etc. 刚好3分钟/半小时(等等)Wemanagedto get to thestationin fiveminutesflat.我们设法正好用了5分钟时间赶到了车站。 flat outinformal asfastor as hard aspossible 全速;全力以赴Mycaronly does about 60mph,evenwhen it's going flat out.我的车即使全速行驶,也只能跑到每小时60英里左右。 We've beenworkingflat out to get this done.为了完成这项工作,我们一直在全力以赴。 flat| American Dictionaryflatadjective(LEVEL)[-er/-est only]-tt-levelandsmooth; having little or noheightand notraisedor round: Adeskprovidesa flatsurfacetoworkon. Camperslookfor flatgroundto put uptheirtents. [-er/-est only]-tt-Adrinkthat is flat hasstoppedbubbling: If you don’t put thetopback on thesodabottle, it will go flat. [-er/-est only]-tt-If atireis flat, theairhas gone out of it so that it does not give thesupportit should: One of mytiresis flat and I’ll have tochangeit. flatadjective(COMPLETE)[not gradable]completeandcertain: Hisrequestfortimeoff fromworkwasmetwith a flatrefusal. flatadjective(NOT CHANGING)[not gradable](esp. of anamountofmoney) notchangingorvarying: Wechargea flatrateof $25perhour. Sales are flat(=lowand notchanging)during thistimeofyear. flatadjective,adverb[-er/-est only](MUSIC)musiclowerinpitchthan aparticularor thecorrectnote flatnoun[C](APARTMENT)They have ahousein thecountryand a flat in London. flatnoun[C](SOMETHING LEVEL)something flat,esp. atirethat haslostitsair, so that it does not give thesupportthat it should: Wepulledoff to thesideof theroadtochangea flat. The flat of thehandis the inside,levelpartof thehandwith thefingersstraight: Heswattedthetablewith the flat of hishand. flatnoun[C](MUSIC)musicamarkin writtenmusicshowingthat anoteshould beplayedahalfsteplower flatadverb(LEVEL)[-er/-est only]-tt-in alevelposition, often against anothersurface: Hehurthis back and could onlysleeplyingflat on his back. flatadverb(COMPLETELY)[not gradable]completely, or to thegreatestdegreepossible: When heaskedfor araise, thebossturnedhim down flat. I’m flatbroke(= I have nomoney). flatadverb(EXACTLY)[only after n,not gradable]exactly: Wemanagedto get to thestationin fiveminutesflat. (Definition offlatfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)COMMERCE,FINANCEifprofits,sales, etc. are flat, they are notgrowingorincreasing: Demand forourmachineryabroadisincreasing, whilegrowthis flat athome. STOCK MARKETif thestockmarketis flat, thepricesofsharesare notrisingorfalling: Themarketremainedat 9,000pointsafter a flatdayoftradingyesterday. fixedand without anyadditionalcosts: Hesubmittedaflatpriceforcompletingthework,includingalllabourandmaterials. HRused todescribethestructureof anorganizationin which there are not many differentlevelsofemployeesbetween thetopand thebottom: Companies with aflatorganizationalstructurecan usually makedecisionsmorequickly. PROPERTYUKa set ofroomsforlivingin which arepartof alargerbuildingand which are usually all on onefloor: afurnished/unfurnishedflat ablockof flats Heworksas apropertydeveloper,buying,renovatingandsellingon flats in thecapital. fall flat Thedealfellflat when the twosidescould notagreeon thetermsof thecontract. flat outinformal as hard or asfastaspossible: Towards the end of theprojectthewholedepartmentwasworkingflat out tomeetthedeadlines. (Definition offlatfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofflatflat If an observer could not see the surfaces as three-dimensional, and reported them as frontoparallelflat, performance would be at 0% correct.From theCambridge English Corpus These things would then not be a charge on the actual flats.From theCambridge English Corpus None of their developmental curves are pictured here, because there is nothing to see, except a virtually zero-rateflatline over the months.From theCambridge English Corpus Further,flataffect may represent a condition involving lowered dopamine turnover.From theCambridge English Corpus All the objects except one were oval and loaf-shaped; they had aflatbase and a rounded, convex body (figures 3 and 4).From theCambridge English Corpus Billiards are semi-focusing if their boundary components consist of pieces of cylinders and possibly someflatcomponents.From theCambridge English Corpus Here there were experiments in new residential arrangements such as communes or singleperson flats.From theCambridge English Corpus The timbre will also vary over time if the magnitude response is notflat, since the harmonics of the signal will attenuate at different rates.From theCambridge English Corpus Using observed past deforestation, we find that while risk-targeted payments are far more efficient, cappedflatpayments are more egalitarian.From theCambridge English Corpus Floodplains tend to beflat, elevated above mean river level, and relatively well-drained.From theCambridge English Corpus The oocytes increase in size and are arrested in diplotene when the granulosa cells becomeflatand form a continuous layer.From theCambridge English Corpus The vortex is shown in figure 4; the sawdust on theflatbed was lifted up by the backwash vortex, not by the breaker.From theCambridge English Corpus A similar suction force is exerted on aflatplate in aerodynamic theory.From theCambridge English Corpus Facial abnormalities such as cyclopia, ethmocephaly, cebocephaly,flatnose, cleft lip and palate are often associated with holoprosencephaly as are extracerebral abnormalities.From theCambridge English Corpus The meter was calibrated by temporarily affixing it to theflatfloor of the tunnel ahead of the wavy wall.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/flat## |