medicalspecializeduk/ˌek.strəˈɒk.jə.lər/us/ˌek.strəˈɑː.kjə.lɚ/relatingto thesmallmusclesaround theeyeballthatcontroleyemovements:
眼外肌Muscles of theeyeball– extraocularmuscles–rotatetheeye.眼球上的肌肉,即眼外肌,用于转动眼球。
Hervisualacuityand extraocularmovementsareintact.他的视觉锐度和眼外肌运动是完好的。
- The extraocular andeyelidmusclesareaffected.
- Tests forcontrolof extraocularmusclemovementsincludethefollowing:
- Signs of thediseaseincludelidretraction, extraocularmuscledysfunctionandreducedvisualacuity.
- Wheninjectedinto extraoculareyemuscle, themedicineinducesaperiodofparalysislastingfrom 2 to 20weeks.
- Most of thesechildrenhave noclinicalevidenceof extraoculardisease.
The eye & surrounding area
- beady
- beetling
- blink
- ciliary
- cone
- crow's feet
- epiretinal membrane
- eye socket
- fovea
- googly eyes
- iris
- retina
- retinal
- rheumy
- sclera
- simple eye
- squint
- staring
- supraorbital
- unibrow