uk/aɪ/us/aɪ/eyenoun[C](BODY PART)
one of the twoorgansinyourfacethat are used forseeing:
眼睛He has nosightin hislefteye.他左眼失明。
She's gotbeautifulgreeneyes.她有一双漂亮的绿色眼睛。
Heclosedhis eyes and went tosleep.他合上眼睡着了。

- He had anastycutabove the eye.
- You'llpokesomeone in the eye with thatumbrellaif you're notcareful!
- She's gotfairhairandblueeyes.
- When shelookedat him, her eyes werefulloftears.
- Theofficerlookedat himnarrowlythrough half-closed eyes.
The eye & surrounding area
- beady
- beetling
- blink
- ciliary
- cone
- conjunctiva
- crow's feet
- epiretinal membrane
- extraocular
- fovea
- hazel
- peeper
- retina
- retinal
- rheumy
- sclera
- simple eye
- squint
- staring
- supraorbital
adarkspoton apotatoorsimilarplantpart, from which a newstemandleaveswillgrow
(马铃薯或者类似植物的)芽眼New growth in plants
- bud
- coccygeus
- collateral
- colli
- colliculus
- collum
- commissure
- communis
- compartment
- complement system
- established
- nutrient cycling
- resprout
- shoot
- sprout
- sucker
theholein aneedlethrough which you put thethread
Neil Overy/Photolibrary/GettyImages
Knitting & sewing
- appliqué
- appliquéd
- Aran
- Bargello
- baste
- haberdashery
- handknit
- handknitted
- hank
- hem
- overcast
- quilting
- reknit
- resew
- rib
- runsomethingup
- running stitch
- sampler
- seam
- sew
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Holes, hollows and dips
all eyes are onsomeone/something
an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)
as far as the eye can/could see
be all eyes
be more tosomethingthan meets the eye
be one in the eye forsomeone
be up toyoureyes insomething
beforeyourvery eyes
clap/lay/set eyes onsomeone/something
someone'seyes are bigger thantheirbelly/stomach
eye on the prize
have an eye forsomething
haveyoureye onsomething
have an eye to/for the main chance
have eyes in the back ofyourhead
keepyoureye in
keepyour/an eye onsomething/someone
keepyoureye on the ball
keepyour/aneye out forsomeone/something
keepyoureyes open forsomeone/something
keepyoureyes peeled/skinned
make eyes atsomeone
not takeyoureyes offsomeone/something
only have eyes forsomeone
roll your eyes
takeyoureye off the ball
to my eye
withyoureyes open
withyoureyes closed/shut
uk/aɪ/us/aɪ/present participleeyeingoreying|past tense and past participleeyedtolookat someone or something withinterest:
(饶有兴趣地)看,注视I couldseeher eyeing mylunch.我看到她饶有兴趣地看着我的午饭。
She eyed mewarily.她警惕地看着我。
Using the eyes
- accommodate
- accommodation
- all eyes are onsomeone/somethingidiom
- astigmatic
- beholder
- butcher
- corner
- fix
- gaze
- glare
- glass
- lookout
- perceive
- scope
- seesomethingwithyourown eyesidiom
- seeing is believingidiom
- shoot a glance atsomeoneidiom
- spot
- stand oversomeone
- tab
Phrasal verbs