uk/rɪˈdʌn.dəɪˈdʌn.də[C or U](NOT EMPLOYED)
asituationin which someonelosestheirjobbecausetheiremployerdoes not need them:
失业,被解雇,被裁减Theeconomicdownturnhasmeant10,000 redundancies in the Northeast.由于经济衰退,东北地区有一万人失业。
She tookvoluntaryredundancy.她选择了自愿裁汰。
- Iliveindreadof redundancy.
- There's a lot of redundancy in thearea.
- He was sofedup atworkthat redundancy wasstartingtolookquiteappealing.
- Somepeoplewouldoptfor redundancyratherthanredeployment.
- They gotridof 80staffin thelatestround of redundancies.
Types of employment
- admin
- administrative
- administrative assistant
- administratively
- at the coalfaceidiom
- jobless
- joblessness
- jobseeker
- labour-intensive
- lackey
- professionality
- qualified
- recertify
- redundant
- retcon
- well qualified
- white-collar
- who's whoidiom
- wilderness yearsidiom
redundancynoun[C or U](NOT NEEDED)
asituationin which something isunnecessarybecause it is more than isneeded:
(尤指词、短语等的)多余,累赘,啰唆Theaircrafthas sevencomputersystemsrunninginparallel, so as toprovideenough redundancy tocopewithcomputerbreakdowns.
theunnecessaryuse of more than one word or phrasemeaningthe same thing:
Avoid redundancy orunnecessarywords.
"The phrase 'humourlessworkplace' is a redundancy," he says.
- He said thesymposiumhas beeninvaluableinreducingredundancy inresearch.
- All theprogramsare beingscrutinizedforeffectiveness, and there is anemphasisonseekingout andeliminatingredundancies.
- In thecaseofimages,considerableredundancy can befoundsimplybylocatingpartsof theimagethat are the same.
Too much and unnecessary
- avalanche
- be up toyourneck (insomething)idiom
- bellyful
- binge
- carry/take coals to Newcastleidiom
- de trop
- drown
- gush
- hyper
- immoderate
- immoderately
- inessential
- insatiable
- overdose
- plenty
- pleonasm
- pleonastic
- plethora
- proliferation
- weighsomeone/somethingdown
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Saying again