(alsoreeligible)uk/ˌriːˈel.ɪ.dʒə.bəl/us/ˌriːˈel.ə.dʒə.bəl/eligible(= having thenecessaryqualitiesorsatisfyingthenecessaryconditions)for something again, for a second, third, etc.time:
We havereceivedthefee, and she is now re-eligible tocompete.
He has beensuspendedandbecomesreeligible forrugbynextSeptember.
ableto beelectedagain to the sameposition, for a second, third, etc.time:
Allmembersholdofficefor threeyears, after which they are re-eligible, and arealmostinvariablyre-elected.
- Theinsurancecoversoccupationaltherapy, but when shereachesher 25-visitlimit,therapystopsfor ayearbefore she canbecomere-eligible forcoverage.
- Theexecutivepresidentisdirectlyelected(and re-eligible) for a five-yearterm.
- Members of Parliament who have beendismissedfromofficeshould not be reeligible.
Suitable and acceptable
- able
- acceptability
- acceptable
- accepted
- accordingly
- decent
- decently
- eligibility
- eligible
- felicitous
- horse
- practical
- respectably
- rightly
- satisfaction
- seasonable
- seemly
- sit
- taste
- ticket
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Voters & candidates in elections