thenestof aneagleor otherlargebirdthateatsmeat, usuallybuiltin a highplacethat cannot beeasilyreached
(通常指筑在高处和偏僻处的)猛禽巢,鹰巢![picture of eyrie picture of eyrie](https://dictionary.cambridge.org//images/thumb/eyrie_noun_004_1215.jpg?version=5.0.287)
imageBROKER/Franz Christoph Robiller/GettyImages
Animal dwellings - natural
- anthill
- arboreal
- biome
- burrow
- byre
- cobweb
- den
- earth
- guest
- habitat
- hole
- holt
- lair
- molehill
- niche
- roost
- sett
- spider's web
- warren
- wildlife corridor
aroomorapartmentthat is high up in abuilding:
极高处的房间;楼层极高的公寓房Iinterviewedthechairmanof thecompanyin his seventh-floor eyrie.我在这位公司董事长位于大楼8层的房间内采访了他。
Parts of buildings: rooms
- antechamber
- anteroom
- atelier
- attic
- ballroom
- efficiency room
- en suite
- family room
- form room
- front room
- multi-chambered
- multi-room
- observation lounge
- panic room
- pantry
- playroom
- waiting room
- wet room
- workroom
- workshop