face mask
uk/ˈfeɪs ˌmɑːsk/us/ˈfeɪs ˌmæsk/adevicewornover thenoseandmouthtopreventyou frombreathinginharmfulsubstances, such asbacteriaorpollution, or frombreathingbacteriaorvirusesonto anyoneelse:

Nora Carol Photography/Moment/GettyImages
afrontpartof ahelmet(= a hardhat)wornin somesports, forexampleAmericanfootball, thatprotectsthefaceandmouth:
(某些运动保护头盔的)面罩In thosedaystheyplayedwithoutfacemasks.那时候,他们在比赛中是不戴面罩的。

acoveringwornover all orpartof thefacetohideit:
acreamor apieceofthinmaterialthat islefton thefacefor sometimeand thenremoved, inorderto make theskinlookandfeelbetter:
面膜This Honey Biofacemaskcontainssevensecretherbstocleanseandhealtheskin.这款蜂蜜生物面膜含有七种秘方草药,可清洁和修复肌肤。

- Workerswearingwhiteprotectivesuitsandfacemasksunloadedthe lead-contaminatedclay.
- Dofacemasksofferanyprotectionagainst thevirus?
- Anopposingplayerrippedthefacemaskoff hishelmet.
- He wasfilmedwearingafacemasktoprotecthisidentity.
- Why notrelaxin thetubwith afacemask?
Protective clothing
- armourer
- base layer
- bike helmet
- boiler suit
- CBRN suit
- eyewear
- face shield
- gaiters
- gas mask
- gauntlet
- leggings
- life jacket
- life preserver
- mouth guard
- NBC suit
- stab vest
- sun hat
- tabard
- tactical vest
- tin hat
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Medical & surgical equipment
Sportswear & swimwear
Hiding and disguising
Make-up & skin care