face shield
uk/ˈfeɪs ˌʃiːld/us/ˈfeɪs ˌʃiːld/aclearplasticcoverwornover thefacetoprotectthepersonwearingit fromviruses,chemicals,thrownobjects, etc.:
(透明)防护面罩Employees did notwearpersonalprotectiveequipment, such asgowns,aprons,gloves,masksorfaceshields, whilecaringforpatients.雇员在护理病人时没有穿戴个人防护用品,如长罩衣、围裙、手套、口罩或面罩。
Officerswearinghelmetswithfaceshieldslinedtheedgeof thesidewalk.戴着头盔和面罩的警察在人行道边上排起了长队。

krisanapong detraphiphat/Moment/GettyImages
- Gloves andfaceshieldsprovideadditionalprotection.
- A full-sizehelmet,gogglesorfaceshieldcanpreventinjuriesfromtwigs,stones,iceandflyingdebris.
- The use of afaceshieldwas onlyadvisedwhilemixingtheconcentrate.
Protective clothing
- armourer
- base layer
- bike helmet
- boiler suit
- CBRN suit
- eyewear
- face mask
- gaiters
- gas mask
- gauntlet
- leggings
- life jacket
- life preserver
- mouth guard
- NBC suit
- stab vest
- sun hat
- tabard
- tactical vest
- tin hat