something that isknownto havehappenedor toexist,especiallysomething for whichproofexists, or about which there isinformation:
现实,实际情况;(尤指)事实,真相Nodecisionwill be made until weknowall the facts.了解全部事实前我们不会作任何决定。
I don'tknowall the factsaboutthecase.关于这件案子的情况我不完全了解。
I'm notangrythat you took mycar- it's just the factthatyou didn'taskme first.我生气并不是因为你用了我的车,而是你事先没征得我同意。
Heknewfor afact that Natalie waslying.他肯定纳塔莉在撒谎。
It's sometimes hard toseparatefact fromfiction.有时很难区分事实和虚构。
as a matter of factB1(alsoin (actual) fact)
used toaddemphasisto what you are saying, or to show that it is theoppositeof or different from what went before:
其实,实际上I don'twork. In fact, I've never had ajob.不,我不工作。事实上,我从来没工作过。
a fact of life
somethingunpleasantthat cannot beavoided:
无法避免的事情Goingbaldis just a fact oflife.谢顶是无法避免的事情。
facts and figures
翔实的资料;准确的资料We are getting some facts andfigurestogether and we will then have afullboardmeeting.我们将把一些详细资料汇总,然后开一个全体董事出席的董事大会。
the facts of life
detailsaboutsexualactivityand the way thatbabiesareborn:
性知识;生育常识Hedecidedto have atalkwith hissonabout the facts oflife.
- The fact that Debbie is always late hasbecomeajokeamong herfriends.
- Twoopposedinterpretationsof the facts have beenpresented.
- I'm notcallingyou aliar- I'm justsuggestingthat youmisunderstoodthe facts of thesituation.
- He said that he wasn'tcompletelysureof his facts.
- Ithinkthere is onekeyfact that you haveoverlooked.
Reality and truth
- actuality
- apothegm
- authenticity
- axiomatically
- genuine
- home truth
- immediacy
- impostor syndrome
- it is what it isidiom
- McCoy
- real life
- realia
- the real McCoy
- the real thing
- the real world
- truth is stranger than fictionidiom
- truth will outidiom
- veracity
- verisimilitude
- verity
In fact
In fact is a discourse marker.…