uk/ˈfeɪ.ljər/us/ˈfeɪ.ljɚ/failurenoun(NO SUCCESS)
thefactof someone or something notsucceeding:
失败;失败的人(或事)Themeetingwas acomplete/totalfailure.这次会议是彻头彻尾的失败。
I'm abitof a failureatmaking(= I cannot make)cakes.我做蛋糕做得比较失败。
Ifeelsuch afailure(= sounsuccessful).我觉得自己太失败了。
Thewholeprojectwasdoomedtofailurerightfrom thestart(= it could never havesucceeded).整个项目从一开始就注定了要失败。
the fact of not being successful
- failureFailure is not an option.
- breakdownThe complete breakdown of local infrastructure left residents without water or electricity.
- meltdownThe markets experienced a meltdown at the news of the sale.
- collapseThe car manufacturer's collapse left the region's economy in tatters.
- failHe tried to sing the anthem, but it was an epic fail.
someone or something that is not successful
- failureThe shuttle launch was a complete failure.
- successThe operation was a success.
- turkeyI really wanted to like it, but that show ended up being a real turkey.
- clunkerUSThat pitch was a real clunker.
- bombUSHis website was one of the biggest dotcom bombs in the history of the internet.
- dudMy charger doesn't work - I think I've got a dud.
- Anothercropfailure couldresultinwidespreadfamine.
- Thecomputerfailure wasdueto aglitchcausedbylightning.
- The failure of themonsoonwoulddestroyharvestson which 1000 millionpeoplerely.
- The words 'Harddiskfailure -programaborted'poppedup on thescreen.
- Theprobablecauseofdeathwasheartfailure.
- another/the final nail in the coffinidiom
- bloodbath
- brain freeze
- breakdown
- busted flush
- car crash
- flop
- foul(something)up
- freefall
- game overidiom
- hash
- lemon
- lost cause
- mess
- parody
- reversal
- slim pickings
- slush pile
- track record
- train wreck
failurenoun(NOT DO)
B2[U+ to infinitive]
thefactof not doing something that you must do or areexpectedto do:
未履行;没做到His failuretoreturnherphonecallmade herrealizethat something waswrong.他没给她回电话,这使她觉得有什么事情不对头。
Failuretokeepthechemicalat therighttemperaturecouldleadto anexplosion.化学品保存在不合适的温度下有可能会发生爆炸。
the fact of not doing something you should
- failureFailure to follow the employee guidelines can lead to your immediate termination.
- defaultThe bank seized his house because his mortgage was in default.
- malpracticeThe surgeon was sued for malpractice.
- derelictionHe was dishonourably discharged for dereliction of duty.
- neglectCorruption and neglect resulted in a government that was weakened enough to be overthrown.
- negligenceEducational standards deteriorated thanks to the negligence of the administration.
- There areseriouspenaltiesfor failure tocomplywith theregulations.
- Theteamblamedinjuriesandlackofpreparationfortheirfailure towin.
- He wasdisappointedby his failure tosecurethetopjobwith thebank.
- Iregardedher failure toacknowledgemygreetingas aslight.
- The Opposition is making a lot ofpoliticalcapitalout of the government's failure toinvestineducation.
- another/the final nail in the coffinidiom
- bloodbath
- brain freeze
- breakdown
- busted flush
- car crash
- flop
- foul(something)up
- freefall
- game overidiom
- hash
- lemon
- lost cause
- mess
- parody
- reversal
- slim pickings
- slush pile
- track record
- train wreck
thefactof something notworking, orstoppingworkingas well as it should:
Theaccidentwascausedby the failure of the reactor'scoolingsystem.事故是由反应堆冷却系统发生故障造成的。
After threecropfailures in arow, thepeoplefacestarvation.连续3年庄稼歉收,老百姓面临饥荒。
Machines - not functioning
- act
- break
- brokenness
- brownout
- burn out
- conk
- conk out
- cut
- cutsomethingout
- DDoS
- dead
- defective
- dysfunction
- fritz
- idle
- incapacitate
- shudder to a haltidiom
- shutdown
- stall
- temperamentally