uk/ˈfeə.ri/us/ˈfer.i/fairynoun[C](IMAGINARY CREATURE)
animaginarycreaturewithmagicpowers, usuallyrepresentedas a verysmallpersonwithwings:
小仙子,小精灵Do youbelievein fairies?你相信有小仙子吗?
She used tothinkthere were fairies at thebottomof hergarden.她曾经以为她的花园深处有小精灵。

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be away with the fairiesUKhumorous
tobehavein a way that isslightlystrange:
行为举止有点奇怪It's no goodaskingher to takecareof thechildren- she's away with the fairies most of thetime.她这人有点儿怪,让她照顾孩子不好。
- It's thatbitin thestorywhere the fairygrantsthe littlegirlthreewishes.
- Most of the littlegirlsweredressedas fairies orprincesses.
Mythological & legendary characters
- Abominable Snowman
- Anancy
- Andromeda
- Ares
- basilisk
- changeling
- Cinderella
- faun
- giantess
- harpy
- imp
- makara
- mermaid
- merman
- Minerva
- Neptune
- Nessie
- sphinx
- the Loch Ness Monster
- the sandman
anextremelyoffensiveword for agayman