uk/ˈfɑː.fəl/us/ˈfɑːr.fəl/atypeofpastain theformof verysmallpieces, usually made fromeggnoodledough(= amixtureofflourandegg), used inJewishcooking:
Farfel is oftenboiledandservedwithsoup.
This farfelsidedishincludesa lot ofvegetablesand is alwayspopular.
- Add thenuts,seasoningand the farfel andstiruntil themixturethickens.
- Themushroomsandpeasaremixedwithfreshherbs, and matzo farfel.
- You can use the farfel as agarnishforsoup.
- Soak the farfel inwarmwaterbeforeaddingto the otheringredients.
- I like farfelstuffingas asidedishwithfishorvegetables.
- Anadama bread
- arepa
- bagel
- baguette
- bannock
- cottage loaf
- crouton
- crumb
- crumpet
- crust
- iced bun
- injera
- johnnycake
- kaiser roll
- lardy cake
- poppadom
- pretzel
- pumpernickel
- roti
- rye bread
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