theactivityofworkingon afarmororganizingtheworkthere
务农;畜牧;养殖;农场经营- In the last 50years, there has been a 33-foldincreasein theamountofpesticideused in farming.
- Excessive farming hadimpoverishedthesoil.
- Cattle farming is themainstayof the country'seconomy.
- Hugeswathesofrainforestare beingclearedfor farming andmining.
- In someareas,modernintensivefarming is giving way to the re-introduction oftraditionalmethods.
Farming - general words
- agroecology
- agroforestry
- arable
- biodynamic
- biodynamics
- grain
- harvest
- haystack
- hungry gap
- hydroponic
- landless
- landrace
- monoculture
- non-farm
- soil
- terrace
- the Agrarian Revolution
- thresh
- vertical farming
- yield