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oilnoun(FUEL)B1[U]petroleum(= theblackoilobtainedfrom under the earth'ssurfacefrom whichpetrolcomes): 石油,原油 drillingfor oil钻探石油 the oilindustry石油工业 B1[U]athickliquidthat comes frompetroleum, used as afueland for makingpartsofmachinesmoveeasily: 燃油;润滑油 diesel/lubricatingoil柴油/润滑油 - You should alwayscheckyouroil,waterandtyresbefore takingyourcaron alongtrip.
- Reports are just coming in of amajoroilspillagein theNorthSea.
- Serve thepastahotwith adrizzleofoliveoil.
- Thewallsarecoveredin oilpaintings.
- The oilcompanywasfoundguiltyon tencountsofpollution, and waspunishedwith a $250 millionfine.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPetroleum products especially when used as fuel - antiknock
- antiknocking
- derv
- diesel
- gas
- gasohol
- hexane
- high-octane
- juice
- leaded
- mineral oil
- non-leaded
- paraffin
- petrochemical
- petrol
- petroleum
- petroleum jelly
- petroleum-based
- propane
- unleaded
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: oilnoun(FOR COOKING)A2[CorU]asmooththickliquidproducedfromplantsoranimalsthat is used incooking: 食用油 olive/corn/vegetable/sunfloweroil橄榄/玉米/植物/葵花籽油 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFats & oils in food & cooking - argan oil
- bergamot
- beurre noisette
- brown butter
- butter
- cooking spray
- corn oil
- cottonseed oil
- creamed coconut
- deep fat
- hydrogenated
- hydrogenation
- lard
- leaf lard
- margarine
- milk fat
- monounsaturated
- unsaturated
- vegetable oil
- virgin
See more results » oilnoun(FOR BODY/HAIR)[CorU]asmooththickliquidthat is used toimprovetheappearanceorqualityof theskinorhair: 防护油;润肤油;护发油 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHair care - argan oil
- blow dryer
- blowout
- bobble
- bobby pin
- brush
- coconut oil
- curling tongs
- delouse
- hair gel
- hair slide
- hairdryer
- hairgrip
- lacquer
- permanent wave
- relaxer
- roller
- snood
- straighteners
- styling
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: oilnoun(PAINT)oils[plural] thickpaintswith an oilbase, used forpaintingpictures: 油画颜料Do youpaintin oils orwatercolours?你画油画还是水彩画?  joannawnuk/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPainting & drawing materials - acrylic
- airbrush
- blank canvas
- brush
- canvas
- drawing board
- easel
- glitter
- mannikin
- paint
- paintbrush
- palette
- palette knife
- pencil
- poster colour
- spray paint
- stencil
- template
- watercolour
- woodblock
See more results » to put oil on something,especiallyamachine, usually to make itworkmoreeasilywithoutsticking 给(尤指机器)上油,给…上润滑油SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEngineering - mechanical - -engined
- air-cooled
- artificer
- automative
- bionics
- dolly
- drive shaft
- engage
- fan belt
- gasman
- go on
- horsepower
- mechanize
- neutral
- oilcan
- override
- servomotor
- tick over
- unmechanized
- valve
See more results » (Definition ofoilfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)oilnoun(FAT)[C/U]thick,liquidfatobtainedfromplantswhich does notmixwithwaterand is usedesp. incooking: [U]vegetable/corn/oliveoil [U]I like oil andvinegaron mysalad. [C]Thesecookiesare made withsoybeanandpalmoils. oilnoun(FUEL)[U]athick,liquidsubstancethatburnsand is used asfuelor as alubricant(=substancethathelpsconnectingpartsmoveeasily), or thethickliquidtaken from under thegroundwhich oil,gasoline, and otherproductsare made from: motoroil fuel/heatingoil Changeyourcar’s oil every 12,000miles. oilnoun(LIQUID SUBSTANCE)[C]any of anumberofthickliquidsubstancesthat do notdissolveinwaterand are used inbeautyproducts,paints,medicines, etc. oilverb[T](FUEL)toaddoil to something so itworksbetter: Oil thedoorhingesso theystopsqueaking. oilverb[T](FAT)to put oil on apanor othersurfacethat youcookon tokeepthings fromstickingto it: (Definition ofoilfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)NATURAL RESOURCESathickliquidthat comes from under the Earth'ssurfaceand is used as afueland for makingplastics, etc.: More than 6,000rigsweredrillingfor oil andgas. Theoilpriceincreaseis agenuineconcern. Theoilexportingcountriesmight not beabletomeetrisingworldconsumption. to put oil on something,especiallyamachine, to make itworkmoreeasilywithoutsticking: You may need to oil thewheelsandjoints. oil the wheelsinformal(USgrease the wheels) to make iteasierfor something tohappen,especiallyinbusinessorpolitics: The newproposalwill oil thewheelsof deal-making byensuringthat thenegotiationsget off to aquickerstart. (Definition ofoilfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofoiloil These solutions provide qualitative insight for the process of secondaryoilrecovery if the polymer concentration of liquid injected into the reservoir varies with time.From theCambridge English Corpus In the situation whereoilpalm is an option, following logging, the returns per hectare of forest converted are much superior to subsidized eco-forestry.From theCambridge English Corpus The project also entails helping local people near the camps to plant perennials such as coffee trees andoilpalms.From theCambridge English Corpus Unlike oils, they did not "swim" in water or burn easily.From theCambridge English Corpus Oilcompanies have visited these localities but their collecting was more in the nature of spot-checks.From theCambridge English Corpus Alternative specifications, such as including exploration costs into our model or different assumptions about future worldoilprices, could alter our results.From theCambridge English Corpus Supertankers, plus offshoreoilrigs, inject more than 100 million barrels ofoilinto the sea each year.From theCambridge English Corpus In this case single cropping was the lowest, relay cropping intermediate and double cropping the highest in seedoilconcentration.From theCambridge English Corpus With steadily increasing demand for palmoil, the authors suggest that a major opportunity exists for environmentally and socially sustainable expansion of smallholder production.From theCambridge English Corpus Effect of intestinal parasite treatment on the efficacy of oral iodizedoilfor correcting iodine deficiency in schoolchildren.From theCambridge English Corpus While it urged the maximization of palmoilexports, the colonial government gave little encouragement to the production of by-products of palm oil for export.From theCambridge English Corpus For laser anemometry, a 'micro-fog lubricator' was used to atomizeoilparticles of approximately 2pm diameter.From theCambridge English Corpus It furthermore externalises social interventions to donors and their agencies, theoilcompanies and private consultants.From theCambridge English Corpus I have also made adjustments for tongoil, silk and matches.From theCambridge English Corpus This also happened in the late 1970s when construction of the natural gas network was delegated to the state-ownedoiland gas utility.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/oil## |