amistake,especiallysomething for which you are toblame:
过错,过失;责任It's not my fault she didn't come!她没来不是我的错!
Shebelievesit was the doctor's fault that Peterdied.她认为彼得的死是医生的责任。
The faultwas/laywiththeorganizers, whofailedto make thenecessaryarrangementsfordealingwith so manypeople.责任在组织者,他们没有做好必要的安排来接待这么多人。
Through nofaultof his own, hespentaweeklockedup injail.他自己并没犯什么过错,但在监狱里被关了一个星期。
be to blame for something
- be to blameNo one can decide who is to blame.
- be at faultBoth the fans and the players were at fault.
- be someone's faultThis is all my fault.
- be responsibleWe're still trying to determine who was responsible for the attacks.
- the blame lies withSome of the blame lies with investors.
- the blame rests withMuch of the blame rests with the government, which has confused people with conflicting health messages
aweaknessin a person'scharacter:
缺点;弱点He has many faults, butdishonestyisn't one of them.他有很多缺点,但人还算诚实。
abrokenpartorweaknessin amachineorsystem:
(机器或系统的)毛病,故障,缺陷Thecarhas aseriousdesignfault.这款车存在重大的设计缺陷。
For all the faults inoureducationsystem, it is stillbetterthan that in many othercountries.尽管存在种种缺陷,我们的教育系统仍然比其他许多国家的要好。
(intennisand some othergames) amistakemade by aplayerwho isbeginningagamebyhittingtheball
(网球等的)发球失误be at fault
to have done somethingwrong:
有过错;有责任Herdoctorwas at faultfor/innotsendingherstraightto aspecialist.她的医生没有把她直接送到专科医生那里去治疗,在这一点上是有责任的。
find fault withsomeone/something
tocriticizesomeone or something,especiallywithout goodreasons:
找…的茬,挑…的毛病He's alwaysfindingfault with mywork.他总是挑我工作上的毛病。
- "It wasn't my fault." "Don'tworry, I'm notaccusingyou."
- The faultsurelyliesin thedesignof theequipment.
- Theelectricianhasdiagnoseda fault in thewiring.
- Iadmitit wasentirelymy fault.
- With all her faults, she's still a really goodfriend.
Faults and mistakes
- (that's)yourhard luckidiom
- aberration
- Achilles heel
- adrift
- black mark
- blemish
- error
- failing
- false move
- faux pas
- flaw
- malaprop
- miscue
- misfunction
- misperception
- misprint
- that's/it'syourfuneral!idiom
- typo
- wardrobe malfunction
- weakness
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tennis & racket sports
acrackin the earth'ssurfacewhere therockhasdividedinto twopartsthatmoveagainst each other:
(地表的)断层Surveyors say the faultlineiscapableofgeneratingamajorearthquakeoncein a hundredyears.土地测量员称这种断层带能引发百年一遇的大地震。

Kevin Schafer/Photolibrary/GettyImages
Geography: caves, cracks & crevices
- bergschrund
- cavern
- chimney
- crack
- crater
- cratered
- crevice
- fissure
- furrow
- gouge
- gulf
- hole
- pit
- pothole
- relocation
- rut
- speleologist
- stalactite
- stalagmite
- the San Andreas Fault
be kind, generous, etc. to a fault
tofindareasontocriticizesomeone or something:
找…的缺点,挑剔;指责I can't fault the way theydealtwith thecomplaint.他们处理投诉的方式我无可挑剔。
I can't fault youonyourlogic.你的逻辑我挑不出毛病。
Disapproving & criticizing
- anathematize
- animadversion
- aspersion
- assail
- aw
- backbite
- boo
- criticism
- deprecate
- dim
- niggle
- nitpick
- opprobrious
- peanut gallery
- people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesidiom
- personalization
- personalize
- philippic
- sarky
- tear
tohita fault intennisand othersimilargames:
发球失误That's the fourthservehe's faultedontoday.那是他今天第4次发球失误了。
Tennis & racket sports
- advantage
- backhand
- ball boy
- ball girl
- baseline
- bird
- break
- break point
- code violation
- court
- double
- double fault
- groundstroke
- lob
- overhead
- squash
- sweet spot
- tramlines
- unseeded
- volley