relocation expenses
uk/ˌriː.ləʊˈkeɪ.ʃən ɪkˌspen.sɪz/us/ˌriː.loʊˈkeɪ.ʃən ɪkˌspen.sɪz/moneygiven to apersonbytheiremployertopayfor thecostsofmovingto a newhomeforwork:
安置费用,搬迁费用,指雇员因调动工作岗位而得到雇主颁发的异地搬迁费用He got more than $1 million inrelocationexpensesformovinghisfamilyfrom Minnesota to Illinois.因需从明尼苏达州调往伊利诺伊州,他拿到了一百多万美元的异地搬迁费。
If anemployeeleavesthejobwithin aspecifiedtimelimitaftermovingoverseas, all orpartof therelocationexpensesmust berepaid.派驻海外的雇员,如在规定服务时间以内离职,必须偿还全部或部分海外安家费。
- Assistance withrelocationexpensesup to £5000 may beavailable.
- Helefthisjobafter oneyearand oneday, and wasallowedtokeepall of hisrelocationexpenses.
- Thecompanyoffersacomprehensivebenefitspackageand willcovernormalrelocationexpenses.
Applying for a job
- acquihire
- advertisement
- anoint
- anointed
- applicant
- assign
- elect
- get in
- go intosomething
- golden hello
- goonda
- handpicked
- nomination
- prospect
- resume
- retain
- rope
- self-constituted
- serving
- testimonial