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单词 fear
anunpleasantemotionorthoughtthat you have when you arefrightenedorworriedby somethingdangerous,painful, orbadthat ishappeningor mighthappen
Trembling with fear, shehandedover themoneyto thegunman.她吓得发抖,战战兢兢地把钱递给了持枪歹徒。
Even when thewavesgrewbig, theboyshowedno (signsof) fear.即使浪再大,这个男孩也毫无惧色。
I haveafearofheights.我有恐高症。
[+ that]There are fearsthatthediseasewillspreadto othercountries.有人担心这种疾病会传播到其他国家。
be in fear ofyourlife
to befrightenedthat you might bekilled
Lakishasatinside, in fear of herlife, until thepolicecame.拉基莎担心自己的安全,就坐在里面直到警察到来。
be no fear ofsthinformal
to be nopossibilitythat aparticularthing willhappen
Gretaknowsthecitywell, so there's no fear of us gettinglost(= we will not getlost).格蕾塔很熟悉这座城市,所以我们不可能迷路。
for fear that/ofsth
because you areworriedthat aparticularthing mighthappen
They wouldn'tlettheircatoutsidefor fear(that)it would getrunover.他们不让猫到室外去,生怕它被车撞到。
I didn'twanttomovefor fear of wakingher up.我当时不想动,生怕把她弄醒了。
More examples
  • Then heturnedtowards me and I wassuddenlygrippedby fear.
  • Ifinallymasteredmy fear offlying.
  • I wastremblingwith fear.
  • You couldtellshe wasn'tlyingfrom the fear in hervoice.
  • Tenyearslaterherworstfears wererealized.


have fears forsb/sth
no fear!
put the fear of God intoyou
without fear or favour
B2[T;not continuous]
to befrightenedof something or someoneunpleasant
What do you fear most?你最怕什么?
B2[T;not continuous]formal
to beworriedorfrightenedthat somethingbadmighthappenor might havehappened
[+ (that)]Police fear(that)thecouplemay havedrowned.警方担心这对夫妇可能已溺水身亡。
formalIt isfeared(that)as many as two hundredpassengersmay havediedin thecrash.人们担心可能有多达两百名乘客在这次空难中丧生。
Wehuddledtogether, fearing we might bekilled.我们挤作一团,担心会被杀掉。
[+ to infinitive]Fearingtogo herself, shesenthersontofindout thenews.她自己不敢去,就派了儿子去探查消息。
I fearformalmainlyUK
used to give someonenewsof somethingbadthat hashappenedor mighthappen
[+ (that)]I fear(that)she's alreadyleft.恐怕她已经离开了。
More examples
  • Hereassuredpeoplethatlaw-abidingcitizenswould have nothing to fear from theenquiries.
  • It was feared that thebreak-upof theoiltankerwouldresultinfurtherpollution.
  • Thepolicefeared that thecrowdwerebecomingdisorderlyand so theymovedin withhorses.
  • Thecommitteekepttheresultsof thesurveyto itself, fearing abadpublicreaction.
  • Thegovernmentfears thattalkingtoterroristsmightlegitimizetheirviolentactions.


never fear

Phrasal verb

fear forsb/sth


Many archaeologists regarded interest in theory with a certain suspicion, fearing that it might be a flight from the complex practical reality of archaeology.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Rather, the form of association as such is feared, because there is the possibility that it might be combined with a dangerous content.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The older generation of colonial visitors were thus free of the fears of their youthful counterparts at the prospect of vulgarity and isolation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Now, is the prospect of an endless interventionism something to be feared, because of the increasing power of the state that accompanies it?
From theCambridge English Corpus
The new research alleviated these fears to some extent, at least for certain problems.
From theCambridge English Corpus
She is powerful, an active presence, whose role is to give, care, and establish closeness, but who also evokes strong fears.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In order to persuade, a representation had also to respond to the expectations, fears, and desires of subjects.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Is the scheme meeting your expectations - hopes and fears?
From theCambridge English Corpus
Discussed women's fears and expectations about changes in their bodies and feelings of sexuality due to cancer and its treatment.
From theCambridge English Corpus
People who presumed that their names appeared in lists of suspects feared to petition the authorities for travel documents.
From theCambridge English Corpus
When the patients experience fears or terminal illness, emotional support becomes important.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As was feared, the magnitude of bad loans discovered at the bank upon its collapse was of a much larger magnitude than disclosed earlier.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He discovered he could extend his own influence by fanning the ecclesiastics' fears that the emperor was no longer the best guarantor of their autonomy.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Catholics claimed that they feared the seigneurs, who ' had always oppressed them ', presumably by denying them the freedom to worship publicly in their own church.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Railroads gave rise to new geo-strategic considerations, and aroused new fears and visions, both militarily and economically.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withfear.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

atmosphere of fear
Once again, there is anatmosphereoffearand repression in the country.
FromEuroparl Parallel Corpus - English
climate of fear
Unfortunately, the prevailingclimateoffearand evasion made it virtually impossible to obtain a representative sample of experiences.
From theCambridge English Corpus
constant fear
On the other hand, the intelligentsia were inconstantfearthat foreign economic penetration would result not in national prosperity, but foreign domination.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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