to usephysicalforcetotrytodefeatanotherpersonorgroupofpeople:
搏斗;打斗;打架There werechildrenfighting in theplayground.当时操场上有些孩子在打架。
Thesoldiersfought fromhousetohouse.战士们逐屋拼杀。
They foughtwith(= on thesideof)theNorthagainsttheSouth.他们协同北方与南方作战。
Thebirdswere fightingover(=competingfor)ascrapoffood.鸟儿们在争抢食物碎屑。
They fightlikecatsanddogs(= fight orargueveryangrilyandviolently).他们吵得很凶。
They foughtto thebitterend/to thedeath(= until everyone on onesidewasdeadorcompletelydefeated).他们进行了殊死搏斗。
to fight
- fightAll this is really not worth fighting over.
- scrapTwo boys were scrapping in the playground.
- brawlThe football hooligans are out brawling again.
- clashStudents clashed with police during demonstrations at five universities.
- struggleSome of the customers struggled with the robbers, but to no avail.
- come to blowsSupporters nearly came to blows with each other before the match.
to use a lot ofefforttodefeatorachievesomething, or tostopsomethinghappening:
努力击败(或争取);(与…)作斗争He fought thediseasebravelyfor threeyears.他勇敢地同疾病斗争了3年。
We need the public'shelpin fightingcrime.与犯罪行为作斗争,我们需要公众的协助。
He foughtagainstracism.他与种族主义作斗争。
Vitamin C isthoughttohelpfightcoldsandflu.维生素C被认为可以帮助抵抗伤风和流感。
They had to fight hardforimprovementsto theroadsystem.他们必须下大力气改进公路系统。
One of thepassengerswasfighting for herlife(= soillorinjuredthat she mightdie)lastnightafterreceivingmultipleinjuriesin thecollision.一名女乘客在相撞意外中多处受伤,昨晚努力与死神搏斗。
Withdebtsof over $2 million, thecorporationisfighting foritslife(=peoplearetryinghard tostopit beingdestroyed)背负了两百多万的债务,公司努力求生。
I had to fight(back)(=triedhard not to show orproduce)thetearswhen he said he wasleaving.他说他要离开时,我不得不强忍住眼泪。
Thebankfoughtoff(=successfullyprevented)atakeoverby anotherbankrecently.这家银行最近成功抵住了另一家银行的兼并。
I was getting acoldat thestartof theweekbut Iseemto have fought itoff(= gotridof it).这周初我有些感冒的征兆,但是现在似乎已经扛过去了。
吵架;失和;争吵Iwishthey wouldn't fight infrontof thekids.我希望他们不要在孩子们面前争吵。
I couldhearthem fightingaboutmoneyagain.我能听见他们又在为钱的事情吵架了。
to argue with someone
- argueThe kids are always arguing about something.
- have an argumentI had an argument with my sister.
- fightThe two sides continue to fight over control of the assembly.
- quarrelStop quarrelling, you two!
- rowUKMy parents were always rowing about money.
- squabbleThey are still squabbling over who will get the big office.
- We didn'twinthistime, but weliveto fight anotherday.
- Severaloppositiongroupsare fighting toremovethepresidentfrompower.
- You canaccuseme ofcowardice, but I still wouldn'tvolunteerto fight in awar.
- Theseorganizationshave fought very hard for therightsandwelfareofimmigrants.
- They foughtdesperatelyfortheirlives.
- a fight to the finishidiom
- bellicosity
- blood diamond
- blow
- boots on the groundidiom
- call to arms
- combat
- come close to blowsidiom
- conflict diamond
- grapple
- rout
- scrimmage
- shootout
- skirmish
- stoush
- tangle
- tangle withsomeone
- tilt
- toe
- turf war
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Responding to an attack
Arguing & disagreeing
fight a losing battle
fight fire with fire
fight it out
fight shy of
he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day
Phrasal verb
fight back
anargumentor anoccasionwhen someone usesphysicalforcetotrytodefeatsomeone:
争吵;吵架;打架Jeff's alwaysgetting into/startingfights.杰夫总是卷入/挑起争斗。
Theolderboysbrokeup(=stopped)the fight.稍大些的男孩子们制止了打斗。
UKI had astand-upfightwithher(= wearguedstrongly)aboutthephonebill.我和她为了电话账单大吵了一架。
Do you haveticketsforthebigfight(=boxingcompetition)?你拿到拳击赛的票了吗?
Heput up afight when thepolicetriedtoarresthim.他在警察逮捕他时拒捕。
a fight
- fightHe got into a fight in school.
- fistfightHe was arrested for getting into a fistfight after the match.
- brawlHe was injured in a brawl outside the stadium.
- scuffleThere were a few scuffles between fans after the match.
- clashFive people were injured in clashes between strikers and owners.
- struggleHe managed to escape after a struggle.
asituationin which you use a lot ofefforttodefeatsomeone orachievesomething, or tostopsomethinghappening:
斗争We mustcontinuethefightagainsthomelessness.我们必须继续努力消除无家可归的现象。
Hediedlastweekafter alongfightwithcancer.在与癌症进行了长期的斗争后,他于上周去世了。
Theyput up a goodfight(=playedwell)againsta moreexperiencedteam.他们在与一支经验更为丰富的足球队对阵时表现很出色。
thewishorabilityto fight oractenergetically:
斗志;战斗力Theteamcame out on thefieldfullof fight.队员们斗志昂扬地进入了赛场。
- Theplaceemptiedprettyquicklywhen the fightstarted.
- Nelson Mandela isreveredfor hisbravefight againstapartheid.
- He had a fight atschooland camehomewith ablackeye.
- Policeurgedcontinuedvigilancein the fight againstcrime.
- Ileftthepubtoavoida fight .
- a fight to the finishidiom
- bellicosity
- blood diamond
- blow
- boots on the groundidiom
- call to arms
- combat
- come close to blowsidiom
- conflict diamond
- grapple
- rout
- scrimmage
- shootout
- skirmish
- stoush
- tangle
- tangle withsomeone
- tilt
- toe
- turf war
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Arguments & disagreements
Effort and expending energy
Strength of will and determination
Excitement, interest, energy and enthusiasm
a fight to the finish