someone whofightsin abattleor in aphysicalfightagainst anopponent:
He had areputationas afearlessfighter.
someone whocontinuestotryhard and will not give upeasilywhen things aredifficult:
Ourdaughterhas been in and out ofhospitalwith so many differentmedicalissues, but she is a fighter.
- Governmentforceswerepinneddown byresistancefighters 30milesnorthof thecapital.
- The fighters had to beseparatedby thereferee.
- Both fighters wereexhaustedby thefinalround.
- Theoddsare against theyoungSenator but he's a fighter andintendstostayin therace.
- She is atruefighter and she isresolvedtobeatthisdisease.
Soldiers & people who fight in wars
- anti-guerrilla
- Anzac
- berserker
- cavalryman
- combat engineer
- comrade
- ex-serviceman
- ex-servicewoman
- foot soldier
- headhunter
- irregular
- paramilitary
- raider
- recruit
- scout
- shogun
- skirmisher
- soldier of fortune
- squaddie
- vassal
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Stubborn and determined people
Heroes and cowards
asmall,fastmilitaryaircraftused forchasinganddestroyingenemyaircraft:
战斗机,歼击机a fighterplane/aircraft战斗机
a fighterpilot战斗机驾驶员

Matt Ottosen ~ Ottosen Photography/Moment/GettyImages
- Thecircuitryin this fighteraircrafthas beenprotectedagainststrongmagneticfields.
- A fighterplaneflewover.
- ThefilmstarsMarkBurgess-Ashton as thegung-hoyoungfighterpilot.
- Thesupersonicfighterplanewasshotdown by amissile.
- The fighters areequippedwith thelatestradartechnology.
The Air Force
- air force
- air power
- airbase
- dive-bomber
- dogfight
- flyover
- interceptor
- roundel
- slow roll
- stealth bomber
- the RAF
- the USAF