fig leaf
noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˈfɪɡ ˌliːf/us/ˈfɪɡ ˌliːf/fig leafnoun[C usually singular](LEAF)
thetypeofleafsometimes used inpaintingstocoveranakedperson'ssexorgans
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Parts of plants
- bilobed
- blade
- bough
- bulb
- calyx
- caning
- cascara sagrada
- endodermis
- needle
- outgrowth
- rhizome
- simple leaf
- spine
- stoma
- tea leaf
- trunk
- variegation
- vascular
- veined
- vesicle
fig leafnoun[C usually singular](FALSE)
something thathidessomethingelse,especiallysomething that isdishonestorembarrassing:
掩人耳目的东西,遮羞布Thespokespersonsaid theinformationcampaignwas afigleaftohidethe mostregressivetaxinhistory.这位发言人说,宣传活动只是为了掩人耳目,以掩饰历史上最倒退的税种。
Hiding and disguising
- be holed upidiom
- booby trap
- camo
- camouflage
- camouflaged
- cloak
- drown
- hiding
- hit the deckidiom
- hole up (somewhere)
- illusion
- incognito
- obscure
- secrete
- shut
- shutsomeone/somethingout
- sidle
- skulk
- smokescreen
- tuck