disapprovinguk/sekˈteə.ri.ən/us/sekˈter.i.ən/causedby orfeelingverystrongsupportfor thereligiousorpoliticalgroupthat you are amemberof, in a way that cancauseproblemswith othergroups:
a sectarianmurder教派谋杀
He called onterroristson bothsidesof the sectariandivideto end thecycleofviolence.他呼吁存在派系分歧的双方的恐怖分子结束冤冤相报的暴力行为。
- In Uganda andelsewhereinAfrica, thisangerhasspawnedsectarianviolence.
- He said hisplayershad beensubjectedto sectarianabuse.
- Thecountryisplaguedby sectarianmovementsandgroupsdefinedbyethnicitypittedagainst one another.
- Theattackwasthoughtto be sectarian.
- Americansdo notwanttheirtaxdollarsgoing toschoolswhichdiscriminateinadmissionsandhiringand arepervasivelysectarian.
Religious people: followers of religious groups
- Adventist
- Anglican
- animist
- anti-cult
- anti-papal
- evangelist
- fakir
- Franciscan
- fundamentalist
- fundie
- Moonie
- moral majority
- Mormon
- Moslem
- Muslim
- Shia
- Shiite
- Sikh
- sisterhood
- Sufi
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Political movements & groups
disapprovinguk/sekˈteə.ri.ən/us/sekˈter.i.ən/apersonwho verystronglysupportsthereligiousorpoliticalgroupthat they are amemberof, in a way that maycauseproblemswithpeoplefrom othergroups:
We have tostandup for themoderatesagainst theextremistsand the sectarians.
- Heremainsa sectarian who isfullofhatred.
- He called hisopponent"amadmanand a sectarian."
- He has beenwronglycharacterizedas atoolofRepublicansectarians.
- People on thefarleftandrightofpoliticsareenthusiasticsectarians.
Religious people: followers of religious groups
- Adventist
- Anglican
- animist
- anti-cult
- anti-papal
- evangelist
- fakir
- Franciscan
- fundamentalist
- fundie
- Moonie
- moral majority
- Mormon
- Moslem
- Muslim
- Shia
- Shiite
- Sikh
- sisterhood
- Sufi
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Political movements & groups