secular humanist
religionuk/ˌsek.jə.lə ˈhjuː.mə.nɪst/us/ˌsek.jə.lɚ ˈhjuː.mə.nɪst/someone whobelievesin theimportanceofreasonand ofpeopleratherthanreligion:
世俗人文主义者,认为理性与人的价值高于宗教Hedescribeshimself as asecularhumanist.他形容自己是个世俗人文主义者。
secular humanism
- As asecularhumanist, I have a set offundamentalbeliefsandpracticesabout howpeopleshouldtreateach other.
- Suppose you are not areligiouspersonbut asecularhumanist,committedtolivinganethicalandself-awarelife.
- Infact,secularhumanists can be just asfundamentalistandbigotedas thereligionstheyattack.
Religious people: believers & non-believers
- anti-evolution
- anti-evolutionary
- anti-evolutionist
- anti-humanist
- antichrist
- deist
- evolutionist
- faithful
- faithless
- faithlessly
- libertine
- monotheist
- mystic
- non-believer
- non-Christian
- theistic
- unbelief
- unbeliever
- unbelieving
- unconverted
secular humanist
religionuk/ˌsek.jə.lə ˈhjuː.mə.nɪst/us/ˌsek.jə.lɚ ˈhjuː.mə.nɪst/believingin theimportanceofreasonand ofpeopleratherthanreligion:
secular humanism
- Her newsecularhumanistfaithwas at least asdemandingasChristiandiscipleship.
- Infact, I had the mostperfectsecularhumanistupbringingyou wouldwantto have.
- They are ofcourseinformedcompletelybysecularhumanistvalues.
- Republicans, withpopulistsupport,taggedtheliberalsas "latte-drinking, Volvo-driving, tree-hugging, gun-fearing,morallyrelativist andsecularhumanist."
Religious people: believers & non-believers
- anti-evolution
- anti-evolutionary
- anti-evolutionist
- anti-humanist
- antichrist
- deist
- evolutionist
- faithful
- faithless
- faithlessly
- libertine
- monotheist
- mystic
- non-believer
- non-Christian
- theistic
- unbelief
- unbeliever
- unbelieving
- unconverted