mainlyUSuk/ˈfɪl.ɪ.bʌs.tər/us/ˈfɪl.ə.bʌs.tɚ/to make alongspeechinordertodelayorpreventa newlawbeing made:
(为拖延或阻止新法律的通过而)发表冗长的演说Conceivably,supportersof thelawcould filibuster topreventit from beingrevised.可以想到,该法律的支持者会用冗长的演说去阻止其被修订。
Lecturing & addressing
- ad lib
- co-present
- discourse
- eunoia
- extemporize
- floor
- harangue
- hold
- hold forth
- lead
- lead off
- lightning talk
- monologue
- PechaKucha
- presentation
- sermon
- sermonize
- speak
- speechify
- valediction
mainlyUSuk/ˈfɪl.ɪ.bʌs.tər//ˈfɪl.ə.bʌs.tɚ/alongspeechthat someone makes inordertodelayorpreventa newlawbeing made:
Hestarteda filibuster tostopthedraftingofyoungmen intomilitaryservice.
- They can do so because ofarcanerulesthatrequirea 60-votemajoritytostopa filibuster.
- Lastyearthe Nevada Senatorstageda one-day filibuster,standingon theSenatefloorandtalkingfor eighthoursand 35minutesstraight.
- During thecivilrightsbattlesof the 1950s and early 1960s, hedefeatedmany anti-discriminationbillsthrough filibusters and otherdelayingtactics.
- Hethreatenedalast-minutefilibuster against themeasure.
Lecturing & addressing
- ad lib
- co-present
- discourse
- eunoia
- extemporize
- floor
- harangue
- hold
- hold forth
- lead
- lead off
- lightning talk
- monologue
- PechaKucha
- presentation
- sermon
- sermonize
- speak
- speechify
- valediction