inbaseball, aplacenear theplayingareawherereliefpitchers(=playersin ateamwhothrowtheballto thebatterif theplayerfirstchosento do this isremovedfrom thegame)canthrowtheballto getreadytoplayif they areneeded:
Mike waswarmingup in the bullpen.

Ezra Shaw / Staff/GettyImages
thereliefpitchersin abaseballteam:
In hisopinion, Seattleneedstoupgradeitsbullpen.
- Onecornerof thegrandstandisdirectlyover the bullpen, so aspectatorcanlookdown at thereliefpitchers.
- In the bullpen,playerschattedwithfans.
- We weresittingmore than 30rowsbehind the bullpen.
- He made his firstappearancesince beingdemotedto the bullpen.
- The team'sbiggestweaknessmay be the bullpen.
Baseball & rounders
- at batidiom
- ballgame
- ballplayer
- base hit
- bases
- beat
- chopper
- doctor
- fish
- flare
- foul
- frame
- peg
- second base
- shag
- shortstop
- slugger
- sock
- stickball
- strike
bullpennoun[C](OPEN AREA)
alargeopenareain aplacesuch as anoffice, where manypeoplestandorwork:
Enclosedindividualofficesareincreasinglybeingreplacedbyopenoffices, bullpens, orcubicles.
- Somemagazineeditorshaveofficeslargerthan theentireeditorialbullpen.
- I went down to hisofficeandwalkedthrough the wide-open bullpen ofdesksat thefirm.
- Thegovernorhas acabinetroom, afoyerforsecretaries, and a bullpen for hisclosestadvisers,includinghischiefofstaff.
- Theprisonerswere put in aholdingcellknownas a bullpen.
Parts of buildings: rooms
- antechamber
- anteroom
- atelier
- attic
- ballroom
- efficiency room
- en suite
- eyrie
- family room
- form room
- meat locker
- multi-chambered
- multi-room
- observation lounge
- panic room
- vestibule
- waiting room
- wet room
- workroom
- workshop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Work, working and the workplace
bullpennoun[C](FOR ANIMALS)
Rodeobullsareheldin a bullpen before beingreleasedinto thearena.
Animal dwellings - man-made
- animal shelter
- apiary
- aviary
- bird box
- birdcage
- crate
- doghouse
- dovecote
- fish tank
- fishbowl
- hive
- perch
- pigeon loft
- pigpen
- pigsty
- rabbit hutch
- rescue centre
- sanctuary
- stall
- sty