happiness,luck, or aconditionthatproducespositiveresults:
幸福;幸运;令人幸福的事thedubiousfelicity ofmarriage婚姻的忧喜未卜
Pleasure and happiness
- abandon
- afterglow
- beatitude
- bed
- bed of rosesidiom
- delirium
- exaltation
- exultation
- feast
- for funphrase
- fulfilment
- fun
- goody
- joviality
- joy
- joyfulness
- joyousness
- jubilation
- savour
- stardust
felicitynoun(SUITABLE WORDS)
thefactthat words orremarksaresuitableandexpresswhat wasintended:
(文字或语言的)贴切,恰当,得体As asongwriter, hecombinedgreatlinguisticfelicity with anearfor atune.作为一名歌曲作者,他既深谙乐曲的曲调又有着不俗的文采。
[Cusually plural]
a word orremarkthat issuitableorrightandexpresseswell theintendedthoughtorfeeling:
恰当的语句;精妙的评论Herarticlecontainedone or twoverbalfelicities that willstayin mymindforyears.她的文章中有一两处精妙之语,会令我多年难以忘怀。
Suitable and acceptable
- able
- acceptability
- acceptable
- accepted
- accordingly
- decent
- decently
- eligibility
- eligible
- felicitous
- horse
- practical
- respectable
- respectably
- rightly
- satisfaction
- seasonable
- sit
- taste
- ticket
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Remarks & remarking