A1[after verb]
good or good enough;healthyand well:
好的;足够好的;健康的,身体好的Ifeltterriblelastnightbut Ifeelfine thismorning.我昨晚感觉很不舒服,但今天早上就好了。
Theapartmentsare verysmall, which is fine for oneperson.这些公寓很小,一个人住正合适。
"Are you allright?" "Everything's just fine,thanks."“你没事吧?”“我没什么事,谢谢。”
"I'll come toyourplaceat eight." "Fine.Seeyou then."“我8点到你家来。”“好的,到时见。”
good enough but not excellent
- acceptableYour essay was acceptable, but I think you could have done better.
- reasonableThey have a reasonable chance of winning.
- adequateThe law provides adequate compensation for robbery victims.
- passableI speak passable Spanish.
- will doIt's not perfect, but it'll do.
- To alloutwardappearanceseverything was fine, but under thesurfacethemarriagewas veryshaky.
- "Don't youworryabout a thing. Everything's going to be just fine,"smiledRobinreassuringly.
- Mydietwould be fine if only I didn't have thisweaknessforsweetthings.
- I don'tunderstandhow he can say that everything's fine when it's soobviousthat it's not.
- Stopfiddlingabout withyourhair- itlooksfine.
Animal physiology: fit & healthy
- a clean bill of healthidiom
- acrobatic
- agility
- agree withsomething
- amazonian
- apple
- athletic
- brawn
- healthful
- muscled
- nail
- non-disabled
- outdoorsy
- regularity
- ripped
- stalwart
- strapping
- the able-bodied
- tone
- trim
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Quite good, or not very good
excellentor muchbetterthanaverage:
杰出的;优秀的;极好的purveyorsof finewinesandgourmetfood美酒佳肴的供应商
The world's finestcollectionofImpressionistpaintingsishousedin the Musée d'Orsay inParis.巴黎奥塞美术馆拥有世界上最棒的印象派画作馆藏。
Thisbuildingis the finestexampleofitstype.这栋建筑是同类建筑中最杰出的代表。
of high quality
- goodBuy a really good foundation and cultivate a healthy glow.
- good/high qualityWe have a real commitment to high-quality ingredients.
- qualityWe are working hard to produce a quality product.
- fineThey have a well-stocked cellar full of fine wines.
- superiorThe food and service here are superior to any other restaurant in the city.
- Thepaintingisregardedas anexceptionallyfineportrait.
- Themuseumhas a finecollectionofvaluableglass.
- Jones madesureof hisplacein thesidewith three finegoals.
- Some of the finestexamplesofwoodcarvinginEuropecan befoundinmedievalchurches.
- She has alikingfor finewines.
Extremely good
- admirable
- amazing
- amazingly
- ask forsomeone
- award-winning
- divine
- first-rate
- five-star
- gold-plated
- gourmet
- greatness
- high-class
- par excellence
- shining
- sock
- splendid
- splendidly
- stellar
- stupendously
- wonderfully
verythinor in verysmallpiecesordrops:
纤细的;颗粒细微的The baby'sheadwascoveredin fineblondhair.婴儿满头的金色细发。
Theeruptionhadcoveredthetownwith a finelayerofash.火山爆发给整个镇子覆盖了一层细细的火山灰。
Apply a finelineofhighlighteralong themiddleofyourtoplip.用唇线笔沿着上嘴唇的中线细细地画上一道。
She hasinheritedher mother's fine(=delicateandbeautiful)features.她继承了母亲清秀的面容。
Thin and fine
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuation
- delicate
- elongated
- lean
- narrow
- narrowness
- paper-thin
- papery
- sheer
- slender
- slimline
- super-thin
- superfine
- thin
- thinly
- ultra-thin
- ultrafine
- wafer-thin
C1[usually before noun]
veryexactanddelicate, orneedingto be done,treated, orconsideredverycarefully:
精确的;精密的Iunderstoodingeneralwhat she wastalkingabout, but some of the finerdetails/pointswere beyond me.我大致上理解她在说些什么,但是有一些具体的细节/问题没有弄明白。
Accurate and exact
- accuracy
- accurate
- accurately
- aright
- authoritative
- Goldilocks
- got it in one!idiom
- in so many wordsidiom
- infallible
- infallibly
- literally
- nose
- precisely
- sharp
- strictly speakingidiom
- superaccurate
- synchronization
- technically
- tightness
- truly
晴朗的Theforecastsaid it would be fine anddrytoday.天气预报说今天天气晴朗干燥。
Describing good weather
- anticyclone
- be set fairidiom
- bone dryidiom
- calm
- clear
- clemency
- clement
- cloudless
- fair
- glorious
- gloriously
- mild
- mildness
- non-hostile
- set
- settled
- summery
- sun-drenched
- sunny
- temperate
bador notconvenient:
糟糕的;不合时宜的That's a fine(= veryunpleasant)thing to say aboutyourfatherafter all he's done for you!你的父亲为你做了这一切之后,你居然说出这种混账话来!
Hepickeda finetimetoleaveus.在那个时候扔下我们走了,他可真是会挑时间。
Serious and unpleasant
- abominable
- abominably
- abysmal
- abysmally
- apocalyptic
- fiendish
- fraught
- frightful
- from hellidiom
- fun
- nasty
- nightmarish
- nightmarishly
- noisome
- not be all fun and gamesidiom
- unutterable
- vile
- woeful
- woefully
- wretchedly
a fine line
havesomethingdown to a fine art
not to put too fine a point on
anamountofmoneythat has to bepaidas apunishmentfor notobeyingaruleorlaw:
罚款,罚金Themaximumpenaltyfor theoffenceis a $1,000 fine.违者最高可罚1000美元。
Iffoundguilty, hefacessixmonthsinjailand aheavy(=severe)fine.如果被判有罪,等待他的将是6个月的监禁和巨额罚款。
ticket(PRICE CARD)
- I've just had topay£10 for aparkingfine.
- He did not have topayhisspeedingfine because hepleadeddiplomaticimmunity.
- They'reappealingto the HighCourttoreducetheprisonsentenceto a fine.
- Thejudgesaid that the fine wouldserveas awarningto othermotoristswhodrovewithoutduecare.
- Thelibrarianslappeda fine on him forreturningthebookslate.
Punishing & punishments
- ankle bracelet
- ankle tag
- attach
- attachment
- bar
- be brought/called to accountidiom
- bring
- discipline
- flay
- flaysomeonealiveidiom
- get what's coming toyouidiom
- grounded
- hair shirt
- sentence
- sortsomethingout
- spare
- spare the rod and spoil the childidiom
- spot fine
- stringsomeoneup
- swing for itidiom
tochargesomeone anamountofmoneyas apunishmentfor notobeyingaruleorlaw:
处…以罚款,处…以罚金Drivers whoexceedthespeedlimitcanexpectto be finedheavily.超速驾车的司机会被罚以重金。
[+ two objects]They fined him £100forusingthreateningbehaviour.他因为有威胁恐吓行为而被罚100英镑。
- He was fined fordefacinglibrarybooks.
- She was fined forspeedinglastmonth.
- Thecouncilhasbegunto finedriverswhoparkin thebuslanes.
- Thejudgedecidedto fine himratherthanimposeaprisonsentence.
- He was fined forimpersonatingapoliceofficer.
Punishing & punishments
- ankle bracelet
- ankle tag
- attach
- attachment
- bar
- be brought/called to accountidiom
- bring
- discipline
- flay
- flaysomeonealiveidiom
- get what's coming toyouidiom
- grounded
- hair shirt
- sentence
- sortsomethingout
- spare
- spare the rod and spoil the childidiom
- spot fine
- stringsomeoneup
- swing for itidiom
in asatisfactoryway:
令人满意地"Will aloanof $500 besufficient?" "That willsuitme fine."“借你500美元够吗?”“足够了。”
It wasworkingfineyesterday.它昨天还好好的。
- Work is going fine.
- The TVseemsto beworkingfine now.
- Part-timeworksuitsme fine.
- A three-bedroomhousewouldsuitus fine.
- A three-dayweekwouldsuitme fine.
Quite good, or not very good
- acceptable
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- agreeable
- fair
- iffy
- impure
- indifferent
- indifferently
- kind
- pass
- patchiness
- patchy
- raggedly
- raggedness
- reasonable
- rough
- scratch
- spotty