adoctorwhospecializesin thetreatmentofbonesthat have notgrowncorrectlyor that have beendamaged:
矫形外科医生It may take sixmonthstoseean orthopaedist for ahipreplacement.看矫形外科医生做髋关节置换手术可能需要等六个月。
- Hevisitedan orthopaedist about hiskneepain.
- The X-rays from my orthopaedistshowedbonegrowthafter onemonth.
- He will beseenby the team's orthopaedistlatertoday.
- She is an orthopaedist who hastreatedmanyretiredfootballers.
Medical treatment: doctors & health workers generally
- acupuncturist
- auxiliary nurse
- brain surgeon
- candy striper
- care navigator
- casualty officer
- district nurse
- doctor's orders
- flying doctor
- houseman
- intern
- matron
- nursing aid
- occupational therapist
- odontologist
- otologist
- periodontist
- phlebotomist
- physician
- radiographer