medicalspecializeduk/ɔːˈθəʊ.sɪs/us/ɔːrˈθoʊ.sɪs/pluralorthosesuk/ɔːˈθəʊ.siːz/us/ɔːrˈθoʊ.siːz/(alsoorthotic,uk/ɔːˈθɒt.ɪk/us/ɔːrˈθɑː.t̬ɪk/)adevicemade tosupportaninjuredorbadlyformedpartof thebody, or tohelpsomeonemoveit moreeasily:
歪扭整直法,正畸,矫形I have to use anankleorthosisoutdoors.我必须在户外使用踝关节矫形器。
She wasfittedwith aspecialbackbrace, called an orthosis.她的背上安装了一个特殊的矫形背架。
- Sometimes an orthosis isrequiredtokeepthefootup and fromdraggingtheground.
- Astaticwrist-hand orthosis is oftenhelpfulinmaintainingthesejointsin afunctionalposition.
- You may beprescribedwithcustomizedshoeinsertscalled orthoses tohelpalleviatethepain.
Medical dressings, supports & devices
- anti-shock
- auditory brainstem implant
- bind
- binder
- biomaterial
- biventricular pacemaker
- brace
- cotton wool
- Elastoplast
- in a castphrase
- induction loop
- kinesiology tape
- liposome
- medicine ball
- obturator
- plaster of Paris
- poultice
- sling
- wheelchair
- Zimmer frame