mainlyUKuk/ˈfɪlmˌɡəʊ.ɪŋ/us/ˈfɪlmˌɡoʊ.ɪŋ/(alsocinemagoing);(USusuallymoviegoing)theactof goingregularlytowatchfilmsat thecinema:
在影院观影The fewstudiesofcinemaaudiencesthat doexistcannotfullycapturetheindividual,subjectiveexperienceof filmgoing.仅有的少数一些对电影观众的研究不能概括所有的个人主观的观影体验。
- From the 1930s to the early 1950s, B-westerns were anindispensablepartof filmgoing in the US and the UK.
- Producers anddistributorstriedtoconsolethemselves with thethoughtthat filmgoing historically hasseemedrecession-proof.
- What weknowourselves of filmgoingtellsus something veryusefulabout how anaudienceeducatesitself in a newform.
- Mr Antonioni, like Mr Bergman,rosetoprominenceat atime, in midcentury, when filmgoing was anintellectualpursuit.
Cinema - general words
- 12A
- animation
- animator
- audio described
- audio description
- fade
- filming
- filmstrip
- flick
- footage
- franchise
- freeze-frame
- projection
- reel
- remake
- rerelease
- rescreen
- reshoot
- reshow
- sting
adjective[before noun]
mainlyUKuk/ˈfɪlmˌɡəʊ.ɪŋ/us/ˈfɪlmˌɡoʊ.ɪŋ/(USusuallymoviegoing)connectedwith theactivityofwatchingfilmsat thecinema, or withpeoplewhoregularlydo this :
在影院观影的the filmgoingpublic去电影院看电影的民众
Thisfilmis ahighlightof the filmgoingyearsofar.这部电影是到目前为止今年上映的电影中最精彩的一部。
- The new Batmanepicis thebiggestopenerin US filmgoinghistory.
- The filmgoingaudiencenever got toseewho she really was.
- Thecinematographyand theperfectperformancesalladdup to ararefilmgoingexperience.
Cinema - general words
- 12A
- animation
- animator
- audio described
- audio description
- fade
- filming
- filmstrip
- flick
- footage
- franchise
- freeze-frame
- projection
- reel
- remake
- rerelease
- rescreen
- reshoot
- reshow
- sting