theactofprovidingapersonor aplacewith newequipment, usually afterpreviousequipmenthas been used orlost:
There has been amassiveinvestmentin re-equipment for thefireservices.
Themoneywillpayfor thetechnicalreequipment of theoperatingenterprises.
- Schoolsacrossthecountryare in need ofrepairand of re-equipment withitemsasbasicaschairsandwhiteboards.
- Thebusinessneededre-equipment.
- She isheadof alargere-equipmentprojectin afactorywhich makesaxlesfortrucks.
Giving, providing and supplying
- accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- lay
- passing
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- resupply
- spare