(alsoreexpose)uk/ˌriː.ɪkˈspəʊz/us/ˌriː.ɪkˈspoʊz/re-exposeverb[T](put at risk)
[often passive]
to put someone atriskfor a second, third, etc.timefrom somethingharmfulorunpleasant:
There arebetterwaysofovercomingapsychologicalinjurythan re-exposing thevictimtohistrauma.
Thedogwasplacedin a nonallergenicenvironmentfor 14days, then reexposed toitsnormalenvironment.
- When apatientissuspectedof having anallergicreactionduringanaesthesia, theanaesthetistshouldensurethat thepatientis not re-exposed to thesuspectedsubstance.
- Incasethepersonis reexposed torabiesafter 5years, theentirecourseshould becompletedaccordingtogradeofexposure.
- Thepatientmay have been re-exposed to thevirusduring thisperiod.
- The newstudysuggeststhat arepeatedstressfulsituationmayactuallyenhancetheanimals'abilitytofightdiseasewhen re-exposed to the samepathogen.
Taking risks
- adventurer
- all in
- be skating on thin iceidiom
- bet the farm/ranchidiom
- broke
- dare
- expose
- hazard
- high wire
- high-stakes
- imperil
- jeopardize
- lay
- neck
- risk
- run the risk of doingsomethingidiom
- sail close to the windidiom
- skate
- stick out
- stickyourneck outidiom
toremovewhat iscoveringsomething for a second, third, etc.timeso that it can beseen:
We mustcarefullyweightherisksofworseningthepollutionby re-exposing theburiedcoaltar.
She made aphotothat neverhappenedby re-exposing thefilmto take apictureof twopeopleatseparatetimes.
- I am going toexposeagroupof words for 10seconds, and after anintervalof 20secondsI will reexpose the samegroupwith somechanges.
- Depositsbuiltup ontopof theartifactswereeventuallywashedaway, re-exposing them.
- Shemountedthenegativeprinton theframeand re-exposed theprintfor 15seconds.
Showing and demonstrating
- act out
- attest
- bespeak
- betray
- breastbeating
- bring
- define
- demonstrative
- flaunt
- glimmer
- indicate
- masterclass
- point (something/someone) out
- point the wayidiom
- point to/towardssomething
- probatory
- produce
- speak
- wear
- whiff